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Fwd: [saag] potential new wg - curdle...


Here's how we're thinking of doing IETF processing of some of the
new work that's been discussed on here. Please say what you think.

I've not followed all the recent mails on here though about new
work, so I'm not sure if this captures everything that folks want
to get done. Figuring that out here would be good.

Comments on non-SSH aspects of this are probably better sent to
the saag list.


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [saag] potential new wg - curdle...
Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2015 11:23:56 +0000
From: Stephen Farrell <>
To: <>


Following on from the earlier discussion about adding curves
etc. a few folks (*) helped Kathleen and I craft an initial cut
at charter text. [1]

I think we have people (well, mostly Simon:-) to do the editing
work for this.

If you'd be willing to be a chair, please send an offlist mail
to Kathleen and I.

If you think this is useful and would review documents please
respond to this mail saying so. I'd like to see that we have
enough folks interested to make this work.

If you have changes to charter text to suggest please do so,
preferably in OLD/NEW form.

If you think this is a bad idea, I'm sure you'll not be shy in
saying so too:-)

If there's not enough interest or if there're sound objections then
we can abandon the idea and fall back to processing this stuff more
slowly and more ad-hoc as AD sponsored drafts. (The main point of
curdle is to be more organised and hopefully quicker at this.)



(*) Thanks to Simon Josefsson, Yoav Nir, Russ Housley and
Sean Turner for help with the text. The fault however is mine,
if it's bad text or a dumb idea:-)

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