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Re: AEAD in ssh

On Feb 23, 2016 10:41 AM, "Niels Möller" <> wrote:
> Bryan Ford <> writes:
> > I can understand that position. However, one potentially
> > counter-balancing consideration is that the introduction of new
> > AEAD-based ciphersuites inherently introduces a new,
> > wire-protocol-incompatible “record format” anyway that needs to be
> > negotiated.
> I agree, but at least it's only a different per-packet transformation.
> Having to guess future packet sizes or emit extra packets is much more
> than a new record format. I don't think it's a good tradeoff, too much
> new complexity for little benefit.
> My understanding is that cleartext length fields are believed to be
> secure, in that the only thing leaked are message boundaries. And hiding
> them using a separate stream cipher is a simple way to stop that leak
> (and the benefit of doing that is under debate). In particular, the even
> simpler alternative, to apply the AEAD to the 4-byte length field,
> including authentication, seems like overkill.
> I think simplicity is essential for making progress here, if we go for a
> design of ssh version 3, discussion will never end.
> > Deferring useful record format changes until the next major protocol
> > version,
> I don't expect any need for a new major version of the ssh protocol for
> the next one or two decades. It's not too painful to add aead support
> (and all other additions of new algorithms have been smooth, as far as I
> can tell).

There already is a widely used SSH implementation with AEAD support. Copy what they do.
> Regards,
> /Niels
> --
> Niels Möller. PGP-encrypted email is preferred. Keyid C0B98E26.
> Internet email is subject to wholesale government surveillance.

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