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Re: secsh wg status


On 22/03/17 09:58, Loganaden Velvindron wrote:
> Hello,
> The secsh wg has been declared as "concluded":
> However, there is still work to do
> as various implementations move forward such as OpenSSH & dropbear.

If there're enough folks who want to do enough good work to
justify the IETF WG being reformed, then I'd be happy to help
with the administrivia and I doubt there'd be much of a problem
with that. We did just that a while back for openpgp, though to
be honest, that's going more slowly than hoped. There's also
some ssh related work being handled in the curdle WG [1], but
I'm not sure if it's charter would or would not cover what you
have in mind.



PS: Note that from next Wednesday I'll no longer be an IETF
security area director, but I'll still be happy to advise and
to put folks in touch with Kathleen or Eric who'll then be
the relevant powers-that-be:-)

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