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Re: [Curdle] Time to Review IANA SSH Registries Policies?

Salz, Rich <> writes:

>     > identifiers without going through the registry (specifically,
>     > identifiers of the form name@domain are permitted, as assigned
>     > by the owner of that domain).
> It is possible to mark user%dom.ain@localhost as private/experimental and not
> require review. The only issue would be if such identifiers are needed
> for interop and the table has to be in IANA. Is that the case?

Names with @dom.ain are explicitly NOT to be in IANA per
RFC 4250 section 4.6.1

| 4.6.1.  Conventions for Names
|    All names registered by the IANA in the following sections MUST be
|    printable US-ASCII strings, and MUST NOT contain the characters at-
|    sign ("@"), comma (","), whitespace, control characters (ASCII codes
|    32 or less), or the ASCII code 127 (DEL).  Names are case-sensitive,
|    and MUST NOT be longer than 64 characters.
|    A provision is made here for locally extensible names.  The IANA will
|    not register, and will not control, names with the at-sign in them.
|    Names with the at-sign in them will have the format of
|    "name@domainname" (without the double quotes) where the part
|    preceding the at-sign is the name.  The format of the part preceding
|    the at-sign is not specified; however, these names MUST be printable
|    US-ASCII strings, and MUST NOT contain the comma character (","),
|    whitespace, control characters (ASCII codes 32 or less), or the ASCII
|    code 127 (DEL).  They MUST have only a single at-sign in them.  The
|    part following the at-sign MUST be a valid, fully qualified internet
|    domain name [RFC1034] controlled by the person or organization
|    defining the name.  Names are case-sensitive, and MUST NOT be longer
|    than 64 characters.  It is up to each domain how it manages its local
|    namespace.  It has been noted that these names resemble STD 11
|    [RFC0822] email addresses.  This is purely coincidental and has
|    nothing to do with STD 11 [RFC0822].  An example of a locally defined
|    name is "" (without the double quotes).

Please note that is a different extension than
foo%Example.COM@localhost due to the case-sensitive nature of the name.
(Yes, it is confusing.)

	Be safe, stay healthy,
	-- Mark

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