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Re: An additional-auth mechanism for SSH to protect against scanning/probing attacks

After some off-list discussions I've given up on trying to use existing keying
material for the pre-auth, it's just not possible to do without enabling a
dictionary attack at some point.  This changes the rest of the proposal quite
a bit, here's the updated form.  Main changes are in 'Description' and
'Security Considerations'.


1.  Introduction

   Devices running SSH are frequently exposed on the Internet, either
   because of operational considerations or through misconfiguration,
   making them vulnerable to the constant 3-degree background radiation
   of scanning and probing attacks that pervade the Internet.  This
   document describes a simple pre-authentication mechanism that limits
   these attacks with minimal changes to SSH implementations and no
   changes to the SSH protocol itself.

2.  Background

   This section covers the background and threat model for the SSH pre-
   authentication process and mechanism.

2.1.  Requirements

   The mechanism to limit scanning and probing attacks needs to meet the
   following requirements:

   *  It should stop attackers at the gate, preventing probing past the
      first message exchanged.  This both limits information leakage and
      mitigates against exploitation of pre-auth vulnerabilities in

   *  It should require no changes to the SSH protocol, for example the
      addition of new handshake messages or changes to existing
      handshake messages.

   In addition to these requirements there are also additional desirable

   *  Ideally it would require no user-visible changes to the operation
      of an SSH client or server, in other words no need to supply
      additional or auxiliary keying material or perform other
      configuration changes.  Unfortunately this goal can't easily be
      met, see the comments in Section 7, with one configuration change
      on the client and server being required to enable pre-

   *  In order to encourage adoption by implementers of embedded SSH, it
      should require minimal effort to retrofit to existing SSH
      implementations, both because embedded systems using SSH are
      frequent targets and because these systems often only have minimal
      effort applied to keep current with new mechanisms.

   Note that although this mechanism can be applied to any SSH
   implementation, its primary intended target is embedded SSH where few
   if any mitigations such as privilege separation or frequent patches
   to address vulnerabilities are possible.

2.2.  Threat Model

   This document considers two different attacker types:

   1.  The generic three-degree background radiation of non-targeted
       Internet scanning and probing from off-path attackers.  Any pre-
       authentication measure, for example including a static non-public
       value at the start of the handshake, will stop this type of

   2.  More targeted attacks from on-path attackers, which require
       something like a challenge/response mechanism to stop.

   The pre-authentication mechanism described here targets both off-path
   and on-path attackers.

2.3.  Usage Scenarios

   This document considers three different SSH usage scenarios:

   1.  A conventional server, possibly behind a firewall.  Firewall
       rules and security/access-control proxies, if available, would
       typically be used to handle any required SSH access control.

   2.  An embedded device that, for operational reasons or possibly just
       through misconfiguration, is exposed to the Internet.

   3.  As above, but on a private network that's been penetrated by
       attackers who are probing it for targets.  In other words the
       call is coming from inside the building.

   The pre-authentication mechanism described in this document is
   primarily targeted at the latter two scenarios.

3.  Description

   The pre-authentication mechanism for SSH takes the existing exchange
   of client and server ID strings and adds a simple challenge/response
   to them, preventing the exchange of any SSH handshake messages, in
   other words any actual SSH protocol messages, unless the pre-
   authentication succeeds.  It does this by adding a random challenge
   in the Comment field of the server's SSH ID, with the client
   responding with the response in the comment field of its SSH ID.  The
   server challenge in the comment field is denoted with 'C=<challenge>'
   and the client response with 'R=<response>'.  These MUST be the first
   values in the Comment field, with any further entries that follow
   separated by either a comma or a space.

   The challenge is a 64-bit server-generated nonce which is then
   base64-encoded to create a text string suitable for use in the
   Comment field.  This encoded form, and the base64-encoded response
   from the client, are sent without any base64 padding characters '='
   at the end.

   The response to the challenge is an HMAC-SHA256 of the challenge,
   with the MAC value truncated to 64 bits and base64-encoded in the
   same manner as the server's challenge.  The server challenge is MAC'd
   in base64 form as sent, without decoding back to binary form.

   Computing the response to the challenge requires a shared secret
   'preAuthSecret' between the client and server.  This SHOULD NOT be
   the same as any user password or other authentication value that
   might be used for authentication but should be created or generated
   independently and only used for pre-authentication.  In the situation
   where more than a single user or account exists on the device, the
   preAuthSecret functions in a manner similar to a WiFi password, with
   the preAuthSecret granting access to the SSH server and subsequent
   user authentication granting access to whatever sits behind the

   The HMAC key is calculated as:

       key = SHA256( string    challenge
                     string    preAuthSecret )

   The response is then computed as a truncated HMAC:

       rawResponse = HMAC-SHA256( key, challenge )
       response = base64( rawRespone[ 0...7 ]

   In other words the response is the base64 encoding (without adding
   base64 padding) of the first 64 bits of the HMAC value.

7.  Security Considerations

   As the introduction points out, using this pre-authentication
   mechanism for SSH is not intended to be all things to all people but
   to address a specific problem, stopping scanning and probing attacks
   of SSH-enabled devices at the gates.  Conceptually it works like a
   WiFi password, granting initial access to the SSH server while
   subsequent user authentication grants access to whatever sits behind
   the server.  Its primary usage scenario is embedded devices with few
   user, most commonly only one.  Use with public SSH systems with large
   numbers of users is optionally possible, although unlike embedded
   devices these are expected to have up-to-date software and proper
   mitigations in place.

   The use of a separate preAuthSecret is the lesser of two evils, the
   other option being to reuse existing authentication information like
   a password, after due cryptographic processing, for the pre-
   authentication.  This makes the pre-authentication process
   transparent without requiring the management of additional keying
   material, since more than two decades of SSH compromise history have
   taught us that many users are not good at managing such keying
   material.  However with a simple gatekeeper pre-authentication
   mechanism of the kind described here it appears to be impossible to
   implement it in a manner that doesn't open it up to an offline
   dictionary attack by an on-path attacker who, even in the presence of
   countermeasures like a severely truncated MAC that leads to false
   positives, can intercept many challenge/ response pairs over time and
   use those to get to true positives.

   An additional benefit of using a distinct preAuthSecret is that it
   makes enabling and use of pre-authentication explicit.  A downside of
   using a distinct preAuthSecret is that it requires explicit
   configuration actions to enable and use pre-authentication.

   It is recommended that implementations perform rate-limiting on pre-
   authentication attempts, throttling back responses if too many pre-
   authentication failures occur in a given time interval.  To further
   confound attackers, servers may in addition opt to continue with an
   emulated handshake if the pre-authentication fails, eventually
   failing anyway or dropping the attacker into a tarpit.

   Following Grigg's Law, "There is only one mode and that is secure",
   the pre-authentication mechanism hardcodes use of SHA256, the de
   facto universal standard hash in SSH implementations.  Since the
   security property required of the hash function is preimage resistance 
   rather than collision resistance, and even beyond that the ability to 
   find one specific preimage rather than any valid preimage, almost any 
   hash function would suffice; SHA256 is chosen because of its universal 
   acceptance and use.

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