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Re: An additional-auth mechanism for SSH to protect against scanning/probing attacks

> After some off-list discussions I've given up on trying to use
> existing keying material for the pre-auth, [...] here's the updated
> form.

Is it just me, or do other people see what looks like missing text?
Here's what I'm seeing:

>    *  In order to encourage adoption by implementers of embedde
> re minimal effort to retrofit to existing SSH
>       implementations, both because embedded systems using SSH are
>       frequent targets and because these systems often only have minimal


>    of client and server ID strings and adds a simple challenge/response
>    to them, preventing the exchange of any SSH hand
> ords any actual SSH protocol messages, unless the pre-
>    authentication succeeds.  It does this by adding a random challenge
>    in the Comment field of the server's SSH ID, with the client


>    It is recommended that imp
> thentication attempts, throttling back responses if too many pre-
>    authentication failures occur in a given time interval.  To further
>    confound attackers, servers may in addition opt to continue with an


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