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Re: [Curdle] sntrup761x25519-sha512


> On May 15, 2023, at 6:52 AM, Salz, Rich <> wrote:
>> (Work on how to use those curves can start earlier, but publication
> should wait until algorithms are official.
> Can't do interop experiments without putting entries in the IANA registries which often require some kind of documentation (depending on what the registry says).

I believe that interoperability testing is already possible using (as of OpenSSH 9.3 released 2023-03-15).

As this identifier is a proper "PRIVATE USE" extension, it is not suitable for Key Exchange Method Names in the IANA (URL: ) table.

An RFC, such as draft-josefsson-ntruprime-ssh-00, would be needed to define the table entry for sntrup761x25519-sha512 for IANA to update the Key Exchange Method Names table.

I personally believe that using the extension is sufficient until final NIST candidate parameters are published.

        Be safe, stay healthy
        -- Mark

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