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Re: agent draft updated

On Wed, 16 Aug 2023, Simon Tatham wrote:

> Damien Miller <> wrote:
> > Sorry for missing that. I've uploaded a new draft with Ed25519 generalised
> > to EDDSA:
> Looks good, thanks.
> Another thing I don't see in this document is how it ties in to the SSH
> protocol itself, via agent forwarding. As currently written, this spec
> is only useful to people communicating locally with an agent.
> I suppose that the current agent-forwarding messages aren't quite
> suitable for standardising as they are, because they have
> identifiers in the forwarding request and the channel type. But we could
> define new synonyms without them, in the usual way when implementation-
> specific features get promoted to standards.
> (Although we probably shouldn't use the obvious names "auth-agent-req"
> and "auth-agent", because those were the names used in the 2002
> draft-ietf-secsh-agent which specified a totally different protocol. We
> should probably also clarify that that protocol and this one are
> unrelated.)

Good idea, I added a section on forwarding that captures the currently-
used names and includes an ext-info mechanism to advertise
new names.


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