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[pkgsrc/trunk]: pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkglint/files Rewrote the part of detecting d...
branches: trunk
changeset: 494491:8619e902cb74
user: rillig <>
date: Tue May 24 23:49:03 2005 +0000
Rewrote the part of detecting direct use of tools in variables and shell
commands. The warnings are precise (file, line, varname, shellcmd) and
can be easily translated into Perl code. They might even be placed in
external files someday.
pkgtools/pkglint/files/ | 137 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
1 files changed, 80 insertions(+), 57 deletions(-)
diffs (184 lines):
diff -r f79006b586b0 -r 8619e902cb74 pkgtools/pkglint/files/
--- a/pkgtools/pkglint/files/ Tue May 24 23:35:49 2005 +0000
+++ b/pkgtools/pkglint/files/ Tue May 24 23:49:03 2005 +0000
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
# Freely redistributable. Absolutely no warranty.
# From Id:,v 1.64 1998/02/28 02:34:05 itojun Exp
-# $NetBSD:,v 1.177 2005/05/24 20:17:31 rillig Exp $
+# $NetBSD:,v 1.178 2005/05/24 23:49:03 rillig Exp $
# This version contains lots of changes necessary for NetBSD packages
# done by:
@@ -350,7 +350,6 @@
my $patchdir;
my $distinfo;
my $scriptdir;
-my %cmdnames;
my $seen_PLIST_SRC;
my $seen_NO_CHECKSUM;
@@ -387,7 +386,6 @@
$patchdir = "patches";
$distinfo = "distinfo";
$scriptdir = "scripts";
- %cmdnames = ();
$seen_PLIST_SRC = false;
$seen_NO_PKG_REGISTER = false;
$seen_NO_CHECKSUM = false;
@@ -1228,6 +1226,83 @@
return true;
+sub checklines_direct_tools($) {
+ my ($lines) = @_;
+ if (!$opt_warn_directcmd) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ log_info(NO_FILE, NO_LINE_NUMBER, "Checking direct use of tool names.");
+ my @tools = qw(
+ awk basename cat chmod chown chgrp cmp cp cut digest
+ dirname echo egrep false file find gmake grep gtar gzcat
+ id ident install ldconfig ln md5 mkdir mtree mv patch
+ pax pkg_add pkg_create pkg_delete pkg_info rm rmdir sed
+ setenv sh sort su tail test touch tr true type wc
+ xmkmf);
+ my @cmd_tools = qw(
+ file gunzip gzip);
+ my @ok_vars = qw(
+ my @ok_shellcmds = qw(
+ .*\\./Build.*
+ );
+ my %toolvar = ();
+ foreach my $tool (@tools) {
+ $toolvar{$tool} = uc($tool);
+ }
+ foreach my $tool (@cmd_tools) {
+ $toolvar{$tool} = uc($tool)."_CMD";
+ }
+ my $tools = join("|", @tools, @cmd_tools);
+ my $regex_tools = qr"(?:^|\s|/)(${tools})(?:\s|$)";
+ my $ok_vars = join("|", @ok_vars);
+ my $regex_ok_vars = qr"^(${ok_vars})$";
+ my $ok_shellcmds = join("|", @ok_shellcmds);
+ my $regex_ok_shellcmds = qr"^(${ok_shellcmds})$";
+ foreach my $line (@{$lines}) {
+ my $text = $line->text;
+ next unless ($text =~ $regex_tools);
+ my ($tool) = ($1);
+ if ($text =~ qr"^#") {
+ # skip comments
+ } elsif ($text =~ qr"^([\w.]+?)\s*[?+:!]?=\s*(.*)") {
+ my ($varname, $value) = ($1, $2);
+ # process variable assignments
+ if ($varname !~ $regex_ok_vars) {
+ $line->log_warning("Possible direct use of \"${tool}\" found in variable ${varname}. Please use \$\{$toolvar{$tool}\} instead.");
+ }
+ } elsif ($text =~ qr"^\t(.*)") {
+ my ($shellcmd) = ($1);
+ # process shell commands
+ if ($shellcmd !~ $regex_ok_shellcmds) {
+ $line->log_warning("Possible direct use of \"${tool}\" in shell command ${shellcmd}. Please use \$\{$toolvar{$tool}\} instead.");
+ }
+ } elsif ($text =~ qr"^\.") {
+ # skip processing directives
+ } elsif ($text =~ qr"^([-\w.]+):") {
+ # skip dependency specifications
+ } else {
+ $line->log_error("[internal:checklines_direct_tools] unknown line format");
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
sub checkfile_Makefile($) {
my ($file) = @_;
my ($fname) = ("$opt_packagedir/$file");
@@ -1370,61 +1445,9 @@
log_warning(NO_FILE, NO_LINE_NUMBER, "$1: no need to use '-' before command.");
- #
- # whole file: direct use of command names
- #
- log_info(NO_FILE, NO_LINE_NUMBER, "Checking direct use of command names.");
- my @command_names = qw(
- awk basename cat chmod chown chgrp cmp cp cut digest
- dirname echo egrep false file find gmake grep gtar gzcat
- id ident install ldconfig ln md5 mkdir mtree mv patch
- pax pkg_add pkg_create pkg_delete pkg_info rm rmdir sed
- setenv sh sort su tail test touch tr true type wc
- xmkmf);
- foreach my $i (@command_names) {
- $cmdnames{$i} = "\$\{\U$i\E\}";
- }
- $cmdnames{'file'} = '${FILE_CMD}';
- $cmdnames{'gunzip'} = '${GUNZIP_CMD}';
- $cmdnames{'gzip'} = '${GZIP_CMD}';
- #
- # ignore parameter string to echo command.
- # note that we leave the command as is, since we need to check the
- # use of echo itself.
- my $j = $whole;
- $j =~ s/([ \t][\@-]?)(echo|\$[\{\(]ECHO[\}\)]|\$[\{\(]ECHO_MSG[\}\)])[ \t]+("(\\'|\\"|[^"])*"|'(\\'|\\"|[^'])*')[ \t]*[;\n]/$1$2;/;
- # no need to check comments...
- $j =~ s/\n#[\n]*/\n#/;
- # ...nor COMMENTs
- $j =~ s/\nCOMMENT[\t ]*=[\t ]*[^\n]*\n/\nCOMMENT=#replaced\n/;
- # ...nor settings of TEST_TARGET & BUILD_TARGET
- $j =~ s/\nTEST_TARGET[\t ]*.*=[\t ]*[^\n]*\n/\nTEST_TARGET=#replaced\n/;
- $j =~ s/\nBUILD_TARGET[\t ]*.*=[\t ]*[^\n]*\n/\nBUILD_TARGET=#replaced\n/;
- $j =~ s/\n(?:PKGSRC_)?USE_TOOLS[ \t]*\+?=[ \t]*[^\n]*\n/\nUSE_TOOLS=#replaced\n/g;
- if ($opt_warn_directcmd) {
- foreach my $i (keys %cmdnames) {
- if ($j =~ /[ \t\/@]$i[ \t\n;]/) {
- log_warning(NO_FILE, NO_LINE_NUMBER, "Possible direct use of command \"$i\" ".
- "found. Use $cmdnames{$i} instead.");
- }
- }
- }
+ checklines_direct_tools($lines);
- # whole file: ldconfig must come with "true" command
- #
- if ($j =~ /(ldconfig|\$[{(]LDCONFIG[)}])/
- && $j !~ /(\/usr\/bin\/true|\$[{(]TRUE[)}])/) {
- log_error(NO_FILE, NO_LINE_NUMBER, "ldconfig must be used with \"||\${TRUE}\".");
- }
- #
- # whole file: ${MKDIR} -p
- #
- if ($j =~ /\${MKDIR}\s+-p/) {
- log_warning(NO_FILE, NO_LINE_NUMBER, "Possible use of \"\${MKDIR} -p\" found. \${MKDIR} includes \"-p\" by default.");
- }
- #
# whole file: continuation line in DEPENDS
if ($whole =~ /\n(BUILD_|)DEPENDS[^\n]*\\\n/) {
@@ -1969,7 +1992,7 @@
sub abspathname($$) {
my ($str, $file) = @_;
- my ($s, $i, $pre, %cmdnames);
+ my ($s, $i, $pre);
# ignore parameter string to echo command
$str =~ s/[ \t][\@-]?(echo|\$[\{\(]ECHO[\}\)]|\$[\{\(]ECHO_MSG[\}\)])[ \t]+("(\\'|\\"|[^"])*"|'(\\'|\\"|[^"])*')[ \t]*[;\n]//;
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