pkgsrc-Users by thread
Thread index
Last updated: Fri Feb 21 11:02:16 2025
Timezone is UTC
- wip/py-grip errors and update request,
- openjdk11 plist problem,
Mike Pumford
- gnupg2 2.4.0 with hardware key on macOS,
- PostgreSQL 10 EOL,
- thunderbird fails to build netbsd-9 amd64,
Greg Troxel
- ERROR: object format ``Mach-O'' which differs from,
p . padilla9
- neovim on macos Ventura dependency error,
p . padilla9
- WMD,
Todd Gruhn
- Change the DOOMWADDIR,
Todd Gruhn
- looking for boost…,
Tim Larson
- polyml,
- zabbix-server60 build problem on NetBSD/9-stable,
Mike Pumford
- doxygen fails to build,
Greg Troxel
- databases/lmdb needs distinfo update,
Mike Pumford
- Clean up .emacs,
Todd Gruhn
- net/net-snmp in pkgsrc-2022Q4 fails to build on Ne,
Matthias Petermann
- pkgsrc repositories not resolvable from single-sta,
- libspatialite fails to build on netbsd-9,
Greg Troxel
- textproc/rapidjson,
Robert Swindells
- net/yt-dlp needs an upgrade,
- libusb for QNX6.5,
John Aldwinckle
- - is back online,
Thomas Merkel
- making libdvdcss,
Todd Gruhn
- new pbulk feature: package build priorities,
Thomas Klausner
- lighttpd 1.4.69 released,
Glenn Strauss
- removal proposal for mbone/mdp,
Greg Troxel
- How to avoid compiler wrapper rewrites for "gcc --,
- python scons / psutil Undefined PLT symbol breakin,
David Brownlee
- osabi missing from the binary package ser for the ,
Chavdar Ivanov
- making PKG*,
Todd Gruhn
- pkgconf fails,
Marc Baudoin
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