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Re: removal proposal: emacs26 and emacs27 (and -nox11 variants)

For proposal of removing emacs26, honestly speaking:
 - I'm still using emacs26 with some PC
 - but it is kind of coming from my laziness
 - and I have to setup either emacs28 with emacs29 anyway

So, I'm incliend to accept this situation. But
noticing devel/apel is failing due to missing emacs26/27.

above emotion has become changed.

I'm using
  mail/wanderlust as for MUA, with
The versions of these may not be of pkgsrc proper,
say, with some local-mod, (which said local, but may be found somewhere
at my repository on github (makoto-fujiwara) etc).

In short, please keep emacs26 by the time when apel/semi/wanderlust
lines are all packaged fine ?

Thank you,
Makoto Fujiwara

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