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Re: Shouldn't devel/yosys be cad/yosys

    Date:        Tue, 3 Sep 2024 14:46:45 -0500
    From:        "Jonathan A. Kollasch" <>
    Message-ID:  <>

  | Too late now while pkgsrc is still in CVS.

CVS has little do do with it, there has been much renaming done
while using CVS.  It might be a bit ugly to do, but can be done.

However, renaming anything that anyone outside the tree might be
referring to (things in the tree can be updated as part of the rename)
is essentially always a bad idea, anyone might have devel/yosys in their
list of packages to install, and anyone who has it installed is likely
to want to (at least) check that their version is still up to date from
time to time.   Move it and all of that breaks, and we cannot reasonably
fix it (except perhaps to make a new devel/yosys package that just depends
upon the renamed cad/yosys and does nothing else - except I believe we
cannot (properly) have two packages with the same name, even in different

So, once a package is installed in some category, however wrong it might
seem with hindsight, it should remain there as long as it exists in pkgsrc.
(That is, except for the first few days after a new package is created,
in that period, deleting a bad choice and reinstalling elsewhere is OK.)


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