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Re: proposal: stop using the xen_system_time timecounter in dom0

>>>>> On Fri, 21 Jun 2024 12:38:13 -0700, "Greg A. Woods" <woods%planix.ca@localhost> said:

> At Fri, 21 Jun 2024 08:59:01 +0200, Manuel Bouyer <bouyer%antioche.eu.org@localhost> wrote:
> Subject: Re: proposal:  stop using the xen_system_time timecounter in dom0
>> it is perfectly reliable for me. In my case I'm not sure (really)
>> that other sources would be better.

> I've shown clearly that it is not always reliable without (what would
> otherwise be unnecessary) workarounds (dom0_vcpus_pin=true in my case,
> and perhaps even with that workaround it is still not 100% reliable).

A bit of argument from authority here (I did the initial Xen MP port) -
it might be a useful policy decision to just pin all vCPUs on dom0 to
their corresponding underlying physical cpus - the probe mechanism (from
my memory of more than a decade ago when this was done) is that the
number of vCPUs == the number of pCPUs - so I doubt there is any benefit
in shuffling around vCPUS across pCPUs - perhaps quite the opposite.

It shouldn't have very much performance implications and potentially
performance benefits since:

1) All interrupts are still processed from BSP (unless things have changed
   and our apic routing code has got cleverer) - so we'd not need to
   xcall/IPI as much as we do now.

2) The described symptom seems to be from a hypervisor assumption that
   dom0 access to "local" CPU resources would be somehow sticky.

3) The dom0/platform interface (eg: apic MSR based logic) was poorly
   abstracted (not our fault - blame Xen) - and perhaps this has changed
   in more recent versions of the hypervisor with new privileged domain
   abstractions such as "driver domains" - but I don't think we use any
   of that stuff yet.

Should be a quick one-liner patch in the bootstrap MP code.

The cat has jumped out of my bag though - so I'll leave it to someone
else to bell the cat this time around - or not.


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