Thank you.
It's completely unclear to me, though, why we'd want to use the 'mini UART' vs the Main uart, because when we use the mini uart, *we have no access to the regular uart via the rpi pins*. see how the 40 pins on the connector are mapped, with alternates.
The effect seems to be to give us a downgraded functionality uart, and not providing a way to use the regular uart. I'm not sure this is progress? In defense of this change, the Broadcom manual says the intention of mini uart is specifically for console uart use.
The baudrate register to achieve 115.2K baud on mini uart is set to 650 @ 600 MHz sysclock; it has to change to 1518 when going to 1400 MHz. (baudrate = sysclk / (8 * (BRreg+1)) )
The only potential upside I see from this change is having the main uart available on the Compute Module via J1-46, J1-48 or J1-58, J1-60.
What am I missing? Thanks again.