Current-Users by thread
Thread index
Last updated: Mon Mar 10 03:09:56 2025
Timezone is UTC
- Recent web page changes,
Robert Nestor
- usb handling broken with -current,
- Missing "something" in nvme config messages,
Paul Goyette
- compiling amd64-kernel fails (w/o cgd),
Kurt Schreiner
- Désinfectants,
Cecylia Lazar
- [PATCH] net/samba4: relocate Sysvol to persist bet,
Matthias Petermann
- Re: [PATCH] net/samba4: relocate Sysvol to persist,
Christos Zoulas
- Re: [PATCH] net/samba4: relocate Sysvol to persist,
Chavdar Ivanov
- Re: [PATCH] net/samba4: relocate Sysvol to persist,
Matthias Petermann
- Re: [PATCH] net/samba4: relocate Sysvol to persist,
Chavdar Ivanov
- Re: [PATCH] net/samba4: relocate Sysvol to persist,
Chuck Silvers
- Re: [PATCH] net/samba4: relocate Sysvol to persist,
Chavdar Ivanov
- Re: [PATCH] net/samba4: relocate Sysvol to persist,
Chuck Silvers
- Re: [PATCH] net/samba4: relocate Sysvol to persist,
Matthias Petermann
- Re: [PATCH] net/samba4: relocate Sysvol to persist,
Chuck Silvers
- Re: [PATCH] net/samba4: relocate Sysvol to persist,
Chavdar Ivanov
- Re: [PATCH] net/samba4: relocate Sysvol to persist,
Matthias Petermann
- Re: [PATCH] net/samba4: relocate Sysvol to persist,
Chavdar Ivanov
- Request for a quick fix in man page gpt(8) (fbsd-z,
Matthias Petermann
- ZFS vs. wedges,
Jeff Rizzo
- Recent addition of chacha breaks custom config bui,
Paul Goyette
- Failure durin nbmake build,
Chavdar Ivanov
- Daily packages for NetBSD/amd64 current,
Jonathan Perkin
- anoncvs access,
Chavdar Ivanov
- timecounter changes break netbsd-9/i386 for NET450,
John D. Baker
- panic: trap (9.99.69/amd64),
Thomas Klausner
- strange hang on wscons,
Chavdar Ivanov
- xentools413 build failure,
Chavdar Ivanov
- Samba DC provisioning fails with ACL-enabled NetBS,
Matthias Petermann
- Re: Samba DC provisioning fails with ACL-enabled N,
Patrick Welche
- Re: Samba DC provisioning fails with ACL-enabled N,
Christos Zoulas
- Re: Samba DC provisioning fails with ACL-enabled N,
Matthias Petermann
- nss_winbind Segmentation fault - (was: Re: Samba D,
Matthias Petermann
- Re: nss_winbind Segmentation fault - (was: Re: Sam,
Christos Zoulas
- Re: nss_winbind Segmentation fault -,
Matthias Petermann
- Re: nss_winbind Segmentation fault -,
Christos Zoulas
- Re: nss_winbind Segmentation fault -,
Matthias Petermann
- Re: nss_winbind Segmentation fault -,
Christos Zoulas
- Re: nss_winbind Segmentation fault -,
Matthias Petermann
- Re: nss_winbind Segmentation fault -,
Matthias Petermann
- Re: nss_winbind Segmentation fault -,
Christos Zoulas
- Re: Samba DC provisioning fails with ACL-enabled N,
Chavdar Ivanov
- Re: Samba DC provisioning fails with ACL-enabled N,
Christos Zoulas
- Re: Samba DC provisioning fails with ACL-enabled N,
Chavdar Ivanov
- Re: Samba DC provisioning fails with ACL-enabled N,
Chavdar Ivanov
- Re: Samba DC provisioning fails with ACL-enabled N,
Christos Zoulas
- Re: Samba DC provisioning fails with ACL-enabled N,
Chavdar Ivanov
- Re: Samba DC provisioning fails with ACL-enabled N,
Chavdar Ivanov
- Re: Samba DC provisioning fails with ACL-enabled N,
Chuck Silvers
- Re: Samba DC provisioning fails with ACL-enabled N,
Matthias Petermann
- floating point exceptions,
Patrick Welche
- Build failure on HEAD for amd64 in sys/modules/nvm,
Paul Goyette
- early tools -current build failure,
Chavdar Ivanov
- nvmm under -current not functional since at least ,
Chavdar Ivanov
- -current and RPI 2/3,
Frank Kardel
- Unfinished unichrome driver,
Andrius V
- Failure to build current amd64,
Arthur Barlow
- yet another uvm_amap panic,
Jared McNeill
- rump bridge fun,
Patrick Welche
- recent changes to pthread_fork.c:fork() cause stat,
Greg A. Woods
- Re: recent changes to pthread_fork.c:fork() cause ,
Joerg Sonnenberger
- Re: recent changes to pthread_fork.c:fork() cause ,
Greg A. Woods
- Re: recent changes to pthread_fork.c:fork() cause ,
Joerg Sonnenberger
- Re: recent changes to pthread_fork.c:fork() cause ,
Martin Husemann
- Re: recent changes to pthread_fork.c:fork() cause ,
Kamil Rytarowski
- Re: recent changes to pthread_fork.c:fork() cause ,
Simon Burge
- re: recent changes to pthread_fork.c:fork() cause ,
matthew green
- Re: recent changes to pthread_fork.c:fork() cause ,
Christos Zoulas
- Re: recent changes to pthread_fork.c:fork() cause ,
David Brownlee
- Re: recent changes to pthread_fork.c:fork() cause ,
Joerg Sonnenberger
- Re: recent changes to pthread_fork.c:fork() cause ,
Christos Zoulas
- Re: recent changes to pthread_fork.c:fork() cause ,
Greg A. Woods
- Re: recent changes to pthread_fork.c:fork() cause ,
Christos Zoulas
- RAIDframe (mirror) crash reconstruction higher pri,
Paul Ripke
- is this crash while coredumping to NFS known?,
Greg A. Woods
- RPI3 serlial clock confusion?,
Frank Kardel
- sys_info verbose for httpd and calendar (diff),
Jeremy C. Reed
- USB storage transfers halt when usbdevs is run: h,
Greg A. Woods
- 9.99.69 panic - libcrypto changes?,
Chavdar Ivanov
- Build error for HEAD on amd64,
Paul Goyette
- weird occasional "Resource exhaustion" errors when,
Greg A. Woods
- build failure for amd64,
Paul Goyette
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