Current-Users by thread
Thread index
Last updated: Mon Mar 10 03:09:56 2025
Timezone is UTC
- python3.7 rebuild stuck in kernel in "entropy" dur,
Greg A. Woods
- nothing contributing entropy in Xen domUs? (causi,
Greg A. Woods
- Re: nothing contributing entropy in Xen domUs? (c,
Manuel Bouyer
- Re: nothing contributing entropy in Xen domUs? (c,
Taylor R Campbell
- Re: nothing contributing entropy in Xen domUs? (c,
Manuel Bouyer
- Re: nothing contributing entropy in Xen domUs? (c,
Thor Lancelot Simon
- Re: nothing contributing entropy in Xen domUs? or,
Greg A. Woods
- Re: nothing contributing entropy in Xen domUs? or,
- Re: nothing contributing entropy in Xen domUs? or,
Greg A. Woods
- Re: nothing contributing entropy in Xen domUs? or,
- Re: nothing contributing entropy in Xen domUs? or,
Manuel Bouyer
- re: nothing contributing entropy in Xen domUs? or ,
matthew green
- Re: nothing contributing entropy in Xen domUs? (c,
Manuel Bouyer
- Re: nothing contributing entropy in Xen domUs? (c,
Greg A. Woods
- Re: nothing contributing entropy in Xen domUs? (c,
Taylor R Campbell
- Re: nothing contributing entropy in Xen domUs? (c,
Greg A. Woods
- Re: nothing contributing entropy in Xen domUs? (c,
Martin Husemann
- Re: nothing contributing entropy in Xen domUs? (ca,
Havard Eidnes
- Re: python3.7 rebuild stuck in kernel in "entropy",
Chris Pinnock
- pkgsrc-2021Q1 branch announcement,
Thomas Klausner
- atomic_load_relaxed panic,
Patrick Welche
- NVMM failure,
Chavdar Ivanov
- Wireguard,
Chavdar Ivanov
- zero bytes in files written to NFS,
Thomas Klausner
- firefox in VNC: firefox.core,
Thomas Klausner
- -current tar(1) breakage,
Hauke Fath
- Re: -current tar(1) breakage,
Robert Swindells
- Re: -current tar(1) breakage,
Thomas Klausner
- Re: -current tar(1) breakage,
Christos Zoulas
- Re: -current tar(1) breakage,
Hauke Fath
- Re: -current tar(1) breakage,
Martin Husemann
- Re: -current tar(1) breakage,
Hauke Fath
- Re: -current tar(1) breakage,
Hauke Fath
- Re: -current tar(1) breakage,
Christos Zoulas
- Re: -current tar(1) breakage,
Hauke Fath
- Re: -current tar(1) breakage,
Hauke Fath
- Re: -current tar(1) breakage,
Christos Zoulas
- Re: -current tar(1) breakage,
Hauke Fath
- Re: -current tar(1) breakage,
Christos Zoulas
- Re: -current tar(1) breakage,
Hauke Fath
- Re: -current tar(1) breakage,
Anders Magnusson
- Re: -current tar(1) breakage,
Christos Zoulas
- Re: -current tar(1) breakage,
Hauke Fath
- Re: -current tar(1) breakage,
Christos Zoulas
- Re: -current tar(1) breakage,
Hauke Fath
- Re: -current tar(1) breakage,
Havard Eidnes
- Re: -current tar(1) breakage,
Hauke Fath
- re: -current tar(1) breakage,
matthew green
- Re: -current tar(1) breakage,
- Re: -current tar(1) breakage,
Hauke Fath
- Re: -current tar(1) breakage,
- Re: -current tar(1) breakage,
Joerg Sonnenberger
- Re: -current tar(1) breakage,
- Re: -current tar(1) breakage,
- Re: -current tar(1) breakage,
Christos Zoulas
- Re: -current tar(1) breakage,
Joerg Sonnenberger
- Re: -current tar(1) breakage,
- Re: -current tar(1) breakage,
Christos Zoulas
- Re: -current tar(1) breakage,
- Re: -current tar(1) breakage,
Christos Zoulas
- Re: -current tar(1) breakage,
- Re: -current tar(1) breakage,
Christos Zoulas
- Re: -current tar(1) breakage,
- Re: -current tar(1) breakage,
Christos Zoulas
- Re: -current tar(1) breakage,
Joerg Sonnenberger
- Re: -current tar(1) breakage,
Christos Zoulas
- Re: -current tar(1) breakage,
Joerg Sonnenberger
- Re: -current tar(1) breakage,
Christos Zoulas
- Re: -current tar(1) breakage,
- Re: -current tar(1) breakage,
- Re: -current tar(1) breakage,
- Re: -current tar(1) breakage,
Hauke Fath
- Re: -current tar(1) breakage,
Hauke Fath
- Re: -current tar(1) breakage,
Hauke Fath
- Re: kern/54969 (Disk cache is no longer flushed on,
Greg A. Woods
- a reminder: upgrade Xen in single-user mode, or wi,
Greg A. Woods
- panic: kernel diagnostic assertion "c->c_cpu->cc_l,
Thomas Klausner
- broken for single-suffix rules since 1.144 ,
Greg A. Woods
- Re: still a problem with gpt(8) reading from LVM v,
John Nemeth
- llmv build failure,
- usb panic 9.99.81 attaching/detaching Garmin watch,
David Brownlee
- How to determine if graphics is supported by radeo,
- bluetooth ubt0,
Patrick Welche
- ramdisk-zfsroot bild fails in route(8) code,
Hauke Fath
- net/net-snmp configure failure under -current,
Chavdar Ivanov
- problems with GPT (and maybe dkctl wedges) on LVM ,
Greg A. Woods
- odd ATF failure for sh: ulimit_redirection_interac,
Greg A. Woods
- NetBSD Security Advisory 2021-001: Predictable ID ,
NetBSD Security-Officer
- ACPI display brightness on Lenovo Thinkpad T430s,
Fekete Zoltán
- ip_randomid() change vs. pfsync,
John D. Baker
- sed and xentools413,
Patrick Welche
- Re: sed and xentools413,
Thomas Klausner
- Re: sed and xentools413,
Christos Zoulas
- Re: sed and xentools413,
Martin Husemann
- Re: sed and xentools413,
Christos Zoulas
- Re: sed and xentools413,
Thomas Klausner
- Re: sed and xentools413,
- Re: sed and xentools413,
Michael van Elst
- Re: sed and xentools413,
Michael van Elst
- Re: sed and xentools413,
Martin Neitzel
- Re: sed and xentools413,
- Re: sed and xentools413,
- Re: sed and xentools413,
Martin Neitzel
- lintpkgsrc reports unknown packages,
Riccardo Mottola
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