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Re: Unbeatable directory leftover from python313 'make test'

On Tue, Jan 07, 2025 at 02:21:11PM +0000, ci4ic4 wrote:
> The aarch64 system is perhaps three years old, it runs on OCI and
> was installed by dd-ing the then-current NetBSD aarch64 over a Ubuntu
> system disk, as it has been suggested else where. As such, it has its
> single / partition formatted as FFSv1. 

The current images from still seem
to use FFSv1 (and also the amd64 images at least), which I think is a
bit of a shame as the average user using those images might not be
aware of that. It certainly surprised me when I first tried to get
NetBSD running on an Oracle VM.

The only good thing about FFSv1 is that you can actually shrink it, so
as long as there is enough space available, you can relatively easily
shrink that partition, create a new FFSv2 partition and copy over the
system - repeat to move that to the front of the disk and grow that to
the full disk size. But having better defaults for those images would
provide a vastly better user experience for the average user.


--                             sip:cmeerw at
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