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Re: jobs -l no longer shows process IDs in /bin/csh under NetBSD-10.99.12

	hello.  Thanks for the patch.  Unfortunately, after I applied it, there is no change in the
shell behavior.  
Just to make sure I applied it right, here's the diff against V1.42 of proc.c.  
The patch compiles, runs, but doesn't change the behavior of the shell.  Another side effect of
this problem, which applies to both the patched and unpatched versions of the shell is typing
jobs -h or jobs - -anything doesn't give me a usage message as it does with csh versions which
do not implement jobs -Z.
Also, I have a report that under NetBSD-10.1, which uses the same versions of proc.c as
-current does, i.e. 1.42, jobs-l correctly reports the process IDs for each job number.

So, I think the problem is different than this.   Based on the timing, I suspect it has to do
with the changes in alloc.c.
Perhaps I'll try backing that out to see if that fixes it.

Index: proc.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/src/bin/csh/proc.c,v
retrieving revision 1.42
diff -u -r1.42 proc.c
--- proc.c	16 Sep 2021 19:34:21 -0000	1.42
+++ proc.c	18 Mar 2025 22:27:33 -0000
@@ -843,17 +843,17 @@
 	chkstop = 2;
     if (*++v) {
 	if (v[1]) {
-	    if (eq(*v, STRml)) {
-		flag |= FANCY | JOBDIR;
+	    if (eq(*v, STRml) && !v[1]) {
+	     flag |= FANCY | JOBDIR;
 	    } else if (eq(*v, STRmZ)) {
-		if (v[1] && v[1][0]) {
-		    setproctitle("%s", short2str(v[1]));
-		} else {
-		    setproctitle(NULL);
-		}
-		return;
+	     if (v[1] && v[1][0]) {
+		 setproctitle("%s", short2str(v[1]));
+  	     } else {
+		 setproctitle(NULL);
+  	     }
+	     	return;
 	    } else {
-		stderror(ERR_JOBS);
+	     stderror(ERR_JOBS);

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