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Re: pkgsrc vs. binary packages

> Why can I not install a basic 5.1 NetBSD system and install 5.1
> packages from the main mirror?

Try to use pkgtools/nih. It is a package manager for pkgsrc
that works with binary packages.
When time allows I'll add build capabilities to it.

If you want to build everything in a safe way and then install binaries,
you can try pkgtools/distbb and the following script.
It runs partial bulk build with installed packages.
You can also run distbb -I /var/pkg/db for the same purpose.

Usually I run like
   make_pkg www/firefox www/midori


set -e

tmpfn=`mktemp /tmp/make_pkgs.XXXXXX`
if test -z "$tmpfn"; then
    exit 1

if test $# -eq 0; then
    pkg_info -u -QPKGPATH > "$tmpfn"
    ~/pkg_distbb/bin/distbb -D -f "$tmpfn" -X summary -X checksum "$@"
    ~/pkg_distbb/bin/distbb -p "$*"

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