Le 08/05/12 14:59, Chris Bannister a écrit :
Not relevant on this list, but I don't think its fair to let that comment pass. On Mon, May 07, 2012 at 01:05:24AM +0200, Jean-Yves Migeon wrote:All my Debian installations end up with "Install-Recommends false" nowadays. I mean, installing apache ends up suggesting a web browser and pulls in X.org and half gnome. Nice suggestion.Really?
Check yourself: http://packages.debian.org/squeeze/apache2.2-common
Not my experience. By the way, suggestions are just ... suggestions.
File bugs if it pulls in "Recommends" which aren't necessary.
See? You prove the point. Recommends are not necessary. Dependencies are. IMHO three levels of choice makes it messy, two ought to be enough.
That puts pressure on maintainers through reports on "why foobar is not part of recommends, because my personal experience makes it so."
And then you get a bug report "please move xyz from recommends to suggestions, because it's not a requirement per-see."
Consuming maintainer's time for opt-in/opt-out SAT solving is not a time well spent. Assuming there is a solution.
-- Jean-Yves Migeon jeanyves.migeon%free.fr@localhost