Still have the same problem as here: with 6.1.5, after install from CD, on boot get: “open netbsd: no such file or directory” The disk had FreeBSD on it and zeroing out the first part of
the disk did not help on multiple reinstall attempts. ONLY AFTER ZEROING ENTIRE DISK USING COMMAND FROM INSTALL CD
BEFORE INSTALL HELPED: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/rwd0d bs=10m WHY IS THIS ???? Even when I zeroed out the first part
of the disk (presumably the partition table info) and rebooting (to remove any
inkernel memory of old partition table info) the install failed. Had to zero ENTIRE disk. Also, the first attempt to install NetBSD after FreeBSD
resulted in newfs failing since “device was busy”… I wonder
if dk (disk wedge controller) was controlling part of the disk and interfering
with newfs and partitioning. The install program should be able to start with fresh info
and create fresh bootable partition and turn off drivers that interfere with
that. John Refling |