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Firefox (pkgsrc binary): no sound


Since compiling Firefox is not really a piece of cake, I have opted to
simply using pkg_add and pointing to the NetBSD repositories.

Having updated Firefox to 107.0.1, and being on NetBSD 9.3/amd64, there
is now no sound when trying to watch/listen a video.

Before, I had these options when compiling:

PKG_DEFAULT_OPTIONS= -alsa -arts -dbus -esound -gssapi -lame -nas oss -perl -pulseaudio

With what option, for sound, is Firefox compiled with? Has anyone a clue
about how to find what Firefox is using or trying to use?

The only thing that seems relevant, when capturing error messages, is

OpenCubeb() failed to init cubeb: file

What is "cubeb"?


        Thierry Laronde <tlaronde +AT+ polynum +dot+ com>
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