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Re: wifi loses its mind (Will Senn) writes:

>> I have an athn0 device set up on my inspiron n4110 with netbsd10 
>> stable. It's connected to my wifi access point. If I'm working on the 
>> device console or in a terminal, it's able to access the internet and 
>> local network, no issues. However, if I remote into it over ssh and 
>> leave the connection open, it will eventually lose it's mind, meaning 
>> that the ssh session stops responding, I can't ping it from the remote 
>> host on another terminal, and if I log into the device locally, it 
>> can't ping my remote host... until I do ifconfig, after that ping 
>> starts working again.

I guess, it will also lock up under other circumstances, when you have
multiple network connections open that generate traffic.

>Also, just noticed that the above contained:
>ssid Phoenix nwkey 65536:"",0x299ab4bb1d4a60ce4a701469277efb16,"",""

>wtf? is that really a usable key to access the network or is it some 
>kinda hash? If so, is it reversible? I dug through docs, but couldn't 
>figure it out.

Yes, that's one of your four wifi keys and that allows others to
associate with your network. It's usually hashed from a passphrase. You
cannot reverse it back to the passphrase, but that's not required.
The ifconfig command will only present it to the root user.

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