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Re: [FLTK] Transition to branch 1.4

Greg Troxel wrote:
> Your approach looks reasonable to me.


> I find FLTK 1.4 being the latest/maintained confusing.  Is it fair to
> understand this as FLTK 2 was published, but has been abandonded by
> upstream, while fltk 1 has had maintenance?

Yes. FLTK 2 used more C++ features and was not compatible with FLTK 1.
At that time most developers wanted to stay with the old API, maybe
because it was too much work to rewrite existing applications.

FLTK 3 was an attempt to support both APIs, but was abandonded too.

With the next release the developers again want to use more C++ features,
but with an API similar to FLTK 1.4.
Maybe this release will be named FLTK 4, so that the maintained branch
has the highest number again.

> The only program that both uses fltk and that I am aware of caring about
> is fldigi.  (The fldigi package is behind.)
> I replaced fltk with the wip version, and pointed fldigi at the wip bl3
> instead, intending to simulate your planed update for testing.
> This may be easy to address or fixed upstream, but:
> [error]
> It's somewhere on my semi-infinite todo list to update fldigi.

Thanks for looking at fldigi.

I have pushed some more FLTK-using test packages to wip. Most of them
seem to build on top of FLTK 1.4 with minor changes.
The users should test whether they still work as expected.

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