pkgsrc-WIP-changes by thread
Thread index
Last updated: Thu Mar 06 15:03:58 2025
Timezone is UTC
- wip/pan2-git: adjust master site and git repo. ...,
Olaf Seibert
- Remove love07, love08, love09, love010, libaom, mr,
- update deviceatlas to 2.1.4,
David Carlier
- wtfpl -> public-domain,
- mari0: relicensed as MIT on github,
- mrrescue: also cc-by-sa v3.0,
- sienna: add another license for the artwork,
- add sienna 1.0c,
- mrrescue: remove accidentally committed file.,
- Remove non specific version of love.,
- Makefile, add all the love versions instead of the,
- Add mrrescue 1.02e,
- Add not pacman 1.4,
- Add mari0 version 1.6,
- Add version 0.9.0 of love.,
- Add not tetris 2.0,
- Add version 0.7.2 of love.,
- Add small wrapper for LOVE2D games.,
- Add version 0.8.0 of love.,
- love010: unbreak with BUILDLINK_PASSTHRU. thanks t,
- Add TODO for clockspeed.,
Amitai Schleier
- Add a versioned love package.,
- update barony to 3.2.2,
David Carlier
- webkit-gtk: Remove commented out USE_LIBTOOL line,
Leonardo Taccari
- webkit-gtk: gettext-tools is a tool dependency,
Leonardo Taccari
- webkit-gtk: Also FreeBSD ports do not seem to limi,
Leonardo Taccari
- webkit-gtk: Add a note about patch-Source_JavaScri,
Leonardo Taccari
- webkit-gtk: Bump GCC_REQD according checks in CMak,
Leonardo Taccari
- webkit-gtk: Fix a copypasto in patch-CMakeLists.tx,
Leonardo Taccari
- frobtads: fix build,
Yorick Hardy
- trinity: Add ncbi-blast+ dep,
Jason Bacon
- webkit-gtk: Add a note about backtrace(3),
Leonardo Taccari
- zathura-ps: Add a COMMIT_MSG,
Leonardo Taccari
- zathura-pdf-poppler: Add a COMMIT_MSG,
Leonardo Taccari
- zathura-pdf-mupdf: Add a COMMIT_MSG,
Leonardo Taccari
- zathura-djvu: Add a COMMIT_MSG,
Leonardo Taccari
- zathura-cb: Add a COMMIT_MSG,
Leonardo Taccari
- zathura: Add a COMMIT_MSG,
Leonardo Taccari
- girara: Add a COMMIT_MSG,
Leonardo Taccari
- zathura-pdf-mupdf-git: Import zathura-pdf-mupdf-gi,
Leonardo Taccari
- nuvie: build fixes from upstream,
Yorick Hardy
- gambas3-runtime: Introduce more options,
- zathura-pdf-{mupdf,poppler}: Remove CONFLICTS,
Leonardo Taccari
- zathura-pdf-mupdf: Avoid to introduce cookie-s (NF,
Leonardo Taccari
- zathura-pdf-mupdf: Fix the rendering issue,
Leonardo Taccari
- zathura-pdf-mupdf: Add some debugging notes,
Leonardo Taccari
- 389-ds-base: Add a reference to CVE-2018-14648,
Leonardo Taccari
- gambas3: Update to the latest version,
- Add libaom version 1.0.0,
- Makefile: +libaom,
- opentyrian: fix buld error (unused variable),
Yorick Hardy
- cataclysm-dda: work around compile error on newer ,
Yorick Hardy
- Update redeclipse to 1.6.0.,
Charlotte Koch
- smake: Fixed manual page handling,
Michael Baeuerle
- star: Installation updated and configfile handling,
Michael Baeuerle
- qt5-qtwebengine: Add nss dependency,
- gambas3: Set meta-package,
- qt5-qtwebengine: Update distinfo to 5.11.1,
- minio: Fix my email address,
Charlotte Koch
- Super rough first stab at importing qfusion.,
Charlotte Koch
- librocket: fix typo in buildlink3,
Charlotte Koch
- py-minecraft: Import version,
Min Sik Kim
- brogue: update to 1.7.5,
Yorick Hardy
- luakit: USE_TOOLS+=pkg-config,
Yorick Hardy
- luakit-git: USE_TOOLS+=pkg-config,
Yorick Hardy
- luakit-git: Handle more gracefully DESTDIR,
Leonardo Taccari
- smake: Makefile.common: Updated package list comme,
Michael Baeuerle
- star: Installation and PLIST,
Michael Baeuerle
- bosh: Test target fixed,
Michael Baeuerle
- star: Imported version 1.5.4 (based on schilytools,
Michael Baeuerle
- zathura-pdf-mupdf: Add a reference to upstream com,
Leonardo Taccari
- pbosh: Import wip/pbosh based on schilytools-2018-,
Michael Baeuerle
- bosh: Build with smake,
Michael Baeuerle
- posh: Deleted TODO file,
Michael Baeuerle
- smake: Make pkglint happy,
Michael Baeuerle
- zathura-pdf-mupdf: Always pass the cookie instead ,
Leonardo Taccari
- zathura-pdf-mupdf: Readjust patch after re-reading,
Leonardo Taccari
- bosh: Patch for NetBSD od removed (workaround merg,
Michael Baeuerle
- smake: Updated to schilytools-2018-09-26,
Michael Baeuerle
- zathura-pdf-mupdf: Workaround missing symbols by c,
Leonardo Taccari
- zathura-pdf-mupdf: Remove unused environment injec,
Leonardo Taccari
- mosquitto: Update to 1.5.3,
Greg Troxel
- zathura-cb: Import zathura-cb-0.1.8 as wip/zathura,
Leonardo Taccari
- zathura-djvu: Import zathura-djvu-0.2.8 as wip/zat,
Leonardo Taccari
- zathura-ps: Import zathura-ps-0.2.6 as wip/zathura,
Leonardo Taccari
- zathura-pdf-mupdf: Remove commented out (and not n,
Leonardo Taccari
- zathura-pdf-poppler: Import zathura-pdf-poppler-0.,
Leonardo Taccari
- zathura-pdf-mupdf: Import zathura-pdf-mupdf-0.3.3 ,
Leonardo Taccari
- zathura: Import zathura-0.4.1 as wip/zathura,
Leonardo Taccari
- girara: Import girara-0.3.1 as wip/girara,
Leonardo Taccari
- smake: Imported Version 1.3,
Michael Baeuerle
- bosh: Share Makefile.common with smake,
Michael Baeuerle
- rust-bin: Update to 1.29.1,
Min Sik Kim
- mupdf: Add COMMIT_MSG,
Leonardo Taccari
- mupdf: Install mjsgen, mujstest and muraster (AKA ,
Leonardo Taccari
- mupdf: Add some notes regarding `curl' option,
Leonardo Taccari
- mupdf: Readd comment to patches/patch-source_fitz_,
Leonardo Taccari
- mupdf: Adjust patches/patch-ac in order to correct,
Leonardo Taccari
- rust-bin: Fix relative rpath on Linux,
Min Sik Kim
- mupdf: Import mupdf-1.14.0rc1 as wip/mupdf,
Leonardo Taccari
- compiler-rt-netbsd: Rebase to SVN r. 343084,
Kamil Rytarowski
- clang-netbsd: Update to SVN r. 343084,
Kamil Rytarowski
- swi-prolog-jpl: Do not include readline bl3 (no lo,
Leonardo Taccari
- swi-prolog-jpl: Import swi-prolog-jpl-7.6.4 as wip,
Leonardo Taccari
- swi-prolog-lite: Pass -fPIC so swi-prolog-jpl will,
Leonardo Taccari
- llvm-netbsd: Update to version 8.0.0 and SVN r. 34,
Kamil Rytarowski
- swi-prolog-lite: Adjust BUILDLINK_PKGSRCDIR to wip,
Leonardo Taccari
- vimb3-git: Bump DISTNAME to latest (stable) versio,
Leonardo Taccari
- vimb3-git: Remove unused distinfo,
Leonardo Taccari
- webkit-gtk: Add a possible note about ucontext(2) ,
Leonardo Taccari
- webkit-gtk: Add a TODO,
Leonardo Taccari
- webkit-gtk: Adjust BUILDLINK_PKGSRCDIR for wip,
Leonardo Taccari
- webkit-gtk: Add initial support for NetBSD JIT,
Leonardo Taccari
- webkit-gtk: Update wip/webkit-gtk to 2.22.2,
Leonardo Taccari
- webkit-gtk: Import webkitgtk-2.20.5nb1 as wip/webk,
Leonardo Taccari
- posh: Updated TODO file,
Michael Baeuerle
- posh: Added getopt-gnu module of gnulib,
Michael Baeuerle
- R-readxl: fix build,
- R-readxl: Add cellranger dep,
Jason Bacon
- R-cellranger: Add rematch dep,
Jason Bacon
- R-readxl: Read MS Excel files,
Jason Bacon
- singularity: Patch around configure bug for prefix,
Jason Bacon
- gambas3: Update distinfo,
- gambas3: New version,
- json-glib: update to 1.4.4, still doesn't build,
Thomas Klausner
- rust-bin: Remove files for install/uninstall,
Min Sik Kim
- alure: Remove because it is in pkgsrc now,
- posh: Use Debian code for getopt() only on GNU-bas,
Michael Baeuerle
- Import minio-RELEASE.2018-09-12T18-49-56Z.,
Charlotte Koch
- Experimental attempt to standardize where fonts ar,
Charlotte Koch
- swi-prolog-lite: readline is no longer used,
Leonardo Taccari
- swi-prolog-packages: Add a kludge to force just re,
Leonardo Taccari
- swi-prolog-packages: Add more entries to PLIST and,
Leonardo Taccari
- swi-prolog-lite: Avoid overlapping `src' and `dst',
Leonardo Taccari
- swi-prolog-lite: Honor CFLAGS,
Leonardo Taccari
- OpenTESArena: import OpenTESArena-0.8.0 as wip/Ope,
Yorick Hardy
- swi-prolog-packages: Import swi-prolog-packages-7.,
Leonardo Taccari
- swi-prolog-lite: Import swi-prolog-lite-7.6.4 as w,
Leonardo Taccari
- posh: Imported version 0.13.1,
Michael Baeuerle
- bosh: Added PKG_SHELL to Makefile,
Michael Baeuerle
- rust-bin: Fix @rpath on Darwin,
Min Sik Kim
- R-cellranger: Helper functions to work with spread,
Jason Bacon
- R-rematch: Wrapper on regexpr to extract matches a,
Jason Bacon
- commandergenious:: update to Commander-Genius-2.2.,
Yorick Hardy
- bosh: Updated comments for libraries,
Michael Baeuerle
- frobtads: update to frobtads-1.2.4,
Yorick Hardy
- omnispeak: MAKE_JOBS_SAFE=NO,
Yorick Hardy
- Add wip/warsow. Does not build yet.,
Charlotte Koch
- angelscript: Lint. Add a buildlink3.,
Charlotte Koch
- angelscript: Update to 2.32.0.,
Charlotte Koch
- xoreos-tools: Update to 0.0.5 "Dawn Star",
Charlotte Koch
- xonotic: Add another patch, get this thing working,
Charlotte Koch
- Use correct versioned Go dependency, subst path fo,
Benny Siegert
- vimb3: Update wip/vimb3 to 3.2.0,
Leonardo Taccari
- newsboat: update to newsboat-2.13,
Yorick Hardy
- Import divecmd 0.1.2.,
Charlotte Koch
- libdivecomputer: Typo.,
Charlotte Koch
- Import libdivecomputer 0.6.0.,
Charlotte Koch
- lugaru: Get this thing working on NetBSD again,
Charlotte Koch
- trinity-devel: Rename to trinity, now mainstream,
Jason Bacon
- trinity: Remove following successful test of trini,
Jason Bacon
- ganglia-monitor-core: Remove following commit to p,
Jason Bacon
- cwm: Remove, updated wm/cwm.,
Sunil Nimmagadda
- R-mpfr: Add R-gmp dep,
Jason Bacon
- R-mpfr: Multiple Precision Floating Point for R,
Jason Bacon
- miniircd: Fix the rc.d script,
Leonardo Taccari
- miniircd: Remove accidental copypasted lines in di,
Leonardo Taccari
- bosh: Removed unnecessary dependencies,
Michael Baeuerle
- openmw: osg was updated in pkgsrc so the wip versi,
- R-gmp: Upgrade to latest release.,
Jason Bacon
- flnews-devel: Added to Makefile,
Michael Baeuerle
- slrn: remove, used for updating news/slrn,
Thomas Klausner
- flnews: Import development snapshot 0.16pre13,
Michael Baeuerle
- bosh: Import bosh (Schily Bourne Shell),
Michael Baeuerle
- din: Updated to din-37a.,
- lugaru: Update to 1.2; still doesn't install corre,
Charlotte Koch
- timewarrior: update to version 1.1.1.,
Charlotte Koch
- ganglia*: Add warning about careless upgrades,
Jason Bacon
- ganglia-monitor-core: Bring up to date with commit,
Jason Bacon
- ganglia-webfrontend: Fix Makefile patch,
Jason Bacon
- ganglia-webfrontend: Use patched ganglia-monitor-c,
Jason Bacon
- ganglia-monitor-core: Testing patches to parallel/,
Jason Bacon
- ganglia-webfrontend: Upgrade to 3.7.4, fixes clust,
Jason Bacon
- kibana: Add a reference to CVE-2018-3830,
Leonardo Taccari
- singularity: Add squashfs dep,
Jason Bacon
- cpuminer-multi: update distinfo to include patch-a,
- trinity-devel: Update dep versions,
Jason Bacon
- samtools: Testing upgrade to 1.9,
Jason Bacon
- htslib: Update bl3 to match pkg version,
Jason Bacon
- htslib: Upgrade to 1.9, add libcurl dep,
Jason Bacon
- qt5-qtwebengine: correct buildlink,
- py-matrix-synapse: Add a reference to CVE-2018-165,
Leonardo Taccari
- py-marshmallow: Add a reference to CVE-2018-17175,
Leonardo Taccari
- crawl-stone-soup: update to dungeon-crawl-stone-so,
Yorick Hardy
- (cad/gdsreader) Updated to 0.4.2. 0.4.1 missing th,
Makoto Fujiwara
- MesaLib: remove obsolete SUBST fragment,
Tobias Nygren
- trinity-devel: Fix jellyfish2 dep,
Jason Bacon
- gambas3: Add the last packages,
- trinity-devel: Clean up and test,
Jason Bacon
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