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gwyddion: Update to 2.60

Module Name:	pkgsrc-wip
Committed By:	Atsushi Toyokura <>
Pushed By:	steleto
Date:		Sat Jan 15 21:31:25 2022 +0900
Changeset:	e13230ec4ed8fc6a036517b1e3438170e6354ad8

Modified Files:

Log Message:
gwyddion: Update to 2.60

Version 2.60

Released: 12 November 2021.


    Translations updated: Czech, Russian.
    Menus: Graph function menu was reorganised to hierarchical.
    Command line: Program exit status is now correctly 0/1 when --check finds no problems/some problems, instead of the opposite.
    Command line: New option --identify identifies and prints the detected type of SPM files.


    libgwyddion: gwy_container_transfer() handles empty prefixes correctly (instead of crashing).
    libgwyddion: SI unit decomposition producing wrong decomposed units was corrected; it also corrects comparisons with decomposable units like N.
    libgwyddion: GwySIUnit parses correctly units with numbers in denominators like ‘nm/100V’.
    libgwyddion: Helper function for UTF-16 to UTF-8 conversions.
    libgwyprocess: New GwyLawn data object representing regular map of irregular curve tuples.
    libgwyprocess: Holes fit shape derived quantity R calculation was corrected.
    libgwyprocess: Cross-correlation iteration ranges were corrected for odd-sized windows, in particular 1 pixel wide or high. It was also sped up.
    libgwyprocess: Snednon conical, DMT spherical and Hertz spherical with film models were added to FD curve fitting presets.
    libgwydgets: Convenience combo constructor for GwyLawn curve selection.
    libgwydgets: Fixed odd behaviour and possible crashes in graph window measure dialog when curves are deleted from the graph.
    libgwymodule: New functions for handling curve map modules and functions.
    libgwyapp: Missing data item sync function for XYZ data was added.
    libgwyapp: Support for GwyLawn curve map data was added to data browser, menus, toolbox, file previews, and other data management.
    libgwyapp: Fix of various GwyDialog and GwyParamTable labels showing always in English despite being translated.
    libgwyapp: Graph and lawn curve number parameters were added to GwyParams.
    libgwyapp: GwyParamTable supports plain text entries for numbers and strings.
    libgwyapp: Possible division by zero in gwy_synth_sanitise_params() was fixed.
    libgwyapp: New menu sensitivity flag indicating that a graph is non-empty.


    Curve Map Basic operations (new): Basic operations with curve map data.
    Curve Map Crop (new): Cropping of curve map data.
    Curve Map Extract Curves (new): Extract curves from curve map data.
    Curve Map Summarise Curves (new): Statistics on curves in curve map data.
    Curve Map Cut to Segments (new): Cuts curves in curve map data to approach/ contact/rectract segments.
    Curve Map Align (new): Aligns curves in curve map data to match key points (maximum, minimum or zero crossing).
    Curve Map Sine Background (new): Sine background removal from curve maps.
    Curve Map Polynomial Background (new): Polynomial background removal from curve maps.
    Curve Map FZ to FD (new): Force-Z to Force-distance curve recalculation for curve maps.
    Curve Map Nanomechanical Fit (new): Simple evaluation of Force-distance curves for curve maps.
    Curve Map Fit FD Curve (new): Force-distance curve fitting for curve maps. curve maps.
    Graph Sine Background (new): Sine background removal from curves.
    Graph Flip (new): Graph curve flipping.
    Graph Invert (new): Graph curve inversion.
    Graph FZ to FD (new): Force-Z to Force-distance curve recalculation.
    Quazar NPIC (new): Import Quarzar STM NPIC data files (experimental).
    WRUST (new): Imports AFM data files from Department of Nanometrology, WRUST.
    Wetting (new): Simple wetting front synthetic data generator.
    Dimensions and Units: Reworked to make clear the intent of the changes and reapply them without confusion. Also now provides a similar curve map function.
    Fix zero, Zero maximum value: Masking support was added.
    Keyence: Support for VK6 files was added (by reading the embedded VK4 file).
    DM3: Detection was made a bit less strict, helping with some files being misdetected as AIST.
    PS-PPT: Rewritten to import data as curve maps.
    Nanoscope: Volume data import was rewritten to import them as curve maps. Support for Deep Trench unevenly sampled profile data was added.
    Igor: Units of ‘NapSomething’ images should be correct now.
    Rawfile: Reading files to the very end works even with non-zero skips.
    Omicron MATRIX: Incorrect subgrid calculation, affecting some volume data, was fixed.
    Image export: Incorrect coordinates or even crash when drawing a cross selection was fixed.
    Particle synthesis: Simulation speed was greatly improved. A random number generation bug was fixed; the same random seed will not generate identical image as in previous versions.
    Straighten path: Output orientation can now be chosen.
    Graph modules: No longer executable for empty graphs with no curves, meaning they also do not crash in such case.
    Graph statistical functions: Windowing used for PSDF computation is now user-controllable.
    Graph export bitmap: Saves also to JPEG/TIFF/BMP according to image file extension. An error is shown if file saving fails.


    Compilation: Minizip header inclusion should work also with version 3.x.
    Compilation: Failure to compile with OpenEXR 3.x was fixed.

Version 2.59

Released: 28 June 2021.


    Translations updated: Czech, French, Russian.


    libgwyddion: gwy_check_regular_2d_grid() for more or less collinear points no longer fails with CRITICAL message.
    libgwyddion: Random generator set can fill an array with random numbers, generating blocks of them in parallel.
    libgwyddion: Possible buffer overflow in GwySIUnit unit parsing was fixed.
    libgwyprocess: Value-inverted output of local normalisation filter was fixed.
    libgwyprocess: Lateral scale of row-wise PSDF was fixed for area sizes smaller than the full data field.
    libgwyprocess: New brick function for in-place flipping.
    libgwyprocess: Elliptic area functions work with ellipses not fully contained in the data field.
    libgwyprocess: New Lunette and Exponential shape fit presets were added.
    libgwyprocess: Functions for general linear combination of two GwyDataFields was added.
    libgwyprocess: Lattice refinement gives more weight to larger peaks.
    libgwydgets: GwyAdjustBar is redrawn upon value reset to zero, which did not always work correctly.
    libgwyapp: GwyParamDef object for definition of module parameters.
    libgwyapp: GwyParams object holding sets of parameter values.
    libgwyapp: GwyParamTable module user interface helper handling most common types of settings more or less automatically.
    libgwyapp: GwyDialog dialog subclass with GwyParamTable integration and support for the typical data processing module main loop.
    libgwyapp: Several data processing module helper functions were added for preview or same-unit checking.
    libgwyapp: Merging files now ensures volume data previews exist. Empty volume data previews in file open dialogue were corrected.
    libgwyapp: Data browser no longer leaks preview image pixbufs.
    libgwyapp: Occasional spurious warning that target log must not exist was fixed.
    libgwyapp: GwyDataChooser tries to avoid refiltering tree models of live combo boxes since it seems to cause problems in some GTK+ versions.
    libgwyapp: Several new module helper functions, mainly to simplify synthetic data modules.


    PS-PPT (new): Import of Park Systems PS-PPT spectra files (experimental).
    JEOL TEM (new): Import JEOL TEM images (experimental).
    NanoScan: Crash for some multicurve data files was fixed.
    Perspective correction: Pixel dimensions of the output can be set manually.
    Pattern synthesis: Siemens star now has a slope parameter. Wrong displayed physical value of Siemens star edge shift was corrected.
    Lattice synthesis: Silicon 7x7 surface reconstruction lattice was corrected.
    Statistical quantities: Misplaced ‘Other’ label was corrected.
    Omicron MATRIX: Possible crash with mismatched data file names was fixed. Scanning directions should now be correct, with no more blank images created for non-existent scanning direction. Subgridding is recognised for volume data. Approach/retract is recognised. Most spectra files should load correctly now.
    RHK SM4: Images are vertically flipped according to the sign of y scale. More metadata were added.
    Unisoku: Files with missing log flags in the headers can be loaded now.
    Cross-correlation: Critical warning when running in the simple mode was fixed.
    Align rows: The Matching method no longer uses uninitialised memory when masking is applied.
    Unrotate: Has all the resizing, masking and grid options of Rotate.
    1D FFT Filter: Leaking curve models objects were fixed.
    Logistic regression: Was sped up using OpenMP.
    Fit terraces: Stopped writing forgotten debugging file ‘terraces.gwy’ to the current directory. Sensitivity of survey controls was corrected.
    Revolve arc, Revolve sphere: Option to invert height (revolve on the top side) was added and behaviour for non-square data fixed in arc revolution. Functions were separated to two modules.
    PSIA: Images with swapped slow and fast axes are no longer physically transposed upon import. Physical aspect ratio is enabled by default.
    Select Inscribed Discs, Select Circumscribed Circles: Work correctly for images with top-left corner different from (0,0).
    Facet measurement: Facets can be optionally marked instantly.
    Mutual crop: Faster FFT-based correlation search is used. Undo works correctly for images coming from two different files.
    Rank filter: Failed assertion when using 100% percentile was fixed.
    XY denoise: Option to average the two possible outputs was added.
    Coerce: The lowest level in uniform discrete levels actually consists of the corresponding height range now.
    DWT: Inverse transform option was added.
    Alicona: Recognition of invalid values was improved. RGB channels are read correcly instead of replicating Red three times. RGB pseudocolour maps are used for the RGB channels.
    Immerse: Drawing of the detail on the large image can be switched on and off.
    PID: Non-reproducible results due to uninitialised memory use were corrected. Computation was considerably sped up.
    Grain summary: Numerical density was added.
    Binning, Extend, Mask distance transform, Median level, PID, Revolve arc, Revolve sphere, Tilt: Have a preview now.
    Various modules: User interface was reworked and may parameters can now be entered both in pixels and real units.
    Area function: Area and uncertainty curves have different colours now. Target graph option was added.
    Indentor analyse: Possible crash due to failed levelling was fixed..
    Hertz: Temporary data fields are no longer leaking upon preview.
    Noise synthesis: A density parameter now allows perturbing only some of the values. Salt and pepper noise type was added.
    Line noise: Hum generator was added.
    Phases synthesis: Starting from the current image actually does something now – it uses the FFT phase of the source image for initialisation.
    Domain synthesis: Presets for a few interesting patterns were added.
    Diffusion synthesis: Schwoebel barrier option is controlled by a checkbox. The simulation runs a bit faster.
    Columnar synthesis: Simulation speed was improved, namely for large coverage values. Z-scaling of input surfaces is more logical. The same random seed will not generate identical image as in previous versions.
    Disc synthesis: Pattern changes more continuously with parameter changes. Generator speed was improved.
    Synthetic data modules: Setting keys for image dimensions have been moved to a subkey "/dims" and units are now full including any power of 10 prefix.


    Dependencies: New optional dependency JANSSON for PS-PPT import.

Version 2.58

Released: 9 February 2021.


    New translation: Japanese.
    Translations updated: Czech, Russian.


    libgwyprocess: Masked plane levelling works again.
    libgwyprocess: Root mean square slope function data field function was added.


    Perspective correction (new): Correction of perspective distortion.
    Projective layer (new): Vector layer for selection of perspective rectangles.
    Pattern synthesis: Substantially rewritten with more patterns and more controllable parameters. Pattern parameters are not backward-compatible with previous versions.
    Statistical quantities: Root mean square slope (Sdq) was added.
    Selection manager tool: Machine-readable number format is always used in exported selections. Support for projective selections was added.
    Renishaw: z-scans mapping is loaded now as separate graphs. Metadata loading from pset is slightly fixed.

Version 2.57

Released: 28 December 2020.


    Translations updated: Czech, French, Russian.


    libgwyddion: Fourth and fifth order polynomials NLFit presets were added.
    libgwyddion: Wrong heights fitted by Smooth slanted step model (by factor 2/π) were corrected.
    libgwyprocess: Artefacts in results of multithread min-max based filters (erosion, dilation, opening, closing, etc.) were corrected.
    libgwyprocess: Occasional completely empty borders produced by gwy_data_field_new_rotated() were corrected.
    libgwyprocess: Gaussian smoothed cone and pyramid shape fit preset models were added.
    libgwydgets: GwyDataView avoids trying to create zero-sized pixbufs, which could lead to rare crashes for large aspect ratio images.
    libgwydgets: gwy_graph_model_set_units_from_data_field() now emits notification that units have changed as it should.
    libgwyapp: Tool window properties no longer clutter the data processing log.


    Evovis XML (new): Import of Evovis XML profilometry data.
    Classify (new): Classification based on neural networks trained on examples.
    Mask shift (new): Shifts mask horizontally and/or vertically.
    Multiprofile (new): Displays simultaneously equivalent scan lines from several images.
    Good mean profile (new): Finds good representative profile from images of repeated scanning of the same feature.
    GSF: NaNs and Infs are filtered out upon import.
    Nanonis DAT spectra: Files with ‘Save Date’ instead of ‘Date’ in the header are recognised. The first column is always used as the abscissa.
    MicroProf: Support for v1.01 files was added. Metadata support was improved.
    Anasys XML: Rotated images are no longer created with insanely large pixel dimensions, possibly exhausting memory.
    Indentor analyze: Swapped A_d and A_p were corrected.
    Neural network training: Difference preview was corrected to actually show the difference between signal and neural network output.
    Mask morph: Preview was added.
    Domain synthesis: Animated preview of the continuous inhibitor field works again.
    HDR image: Enabled support for LZW and PackBits compressions, relevant for Win64 where the internal GwyTIFF reader is used for generic TIFF images.
    WSxM: Data type ‘short’ is now recognised. Import support for curve (.cur) files was added.
    Olympus OIR: The import no longer expects a specific order of file parts; images can be imported from files with any part order.
    Anfatec: Broken import of non-square images due to mixed up xPixels and yPixels was fixed.


    Clang: Detection of which warning options the compiler knows should now work with clang.

Version 2.56

Released: 30 June 2020.


    Translations updated: Czech, French, Russian.


    libgwyddion: Misparsing of long unit names starting with ‘Nan’ was fixed.
    libgwyddion: The broken and misguided geometric fit option of GwyNLFitter was made no-op.
    libgwyprocess: Power-exponential ACF fitting function was added.
    libgwyprocess: Function for conversion from 2D PSDF to angular spectrum was added.
    libgwyprocess: Unmasked gwy_data_field_area_dh() using data from the wrong place in the data field was corrected.
    libgwyprocess: ACF and HHCF functions with levelling argument now support value 2 (tilt removal).
    libgwyprocess: Functions for getting 1D minima and maxima positions with masking.
    libgwyprocess: Basic GwyDataLine arithmetic functions were added.
    libgwyprocess: Critical dimension circle functions work again.
    libgwyprocess: Half-sphere fitting shape was added.
    libgwyprocess: Local maxima refinement no longer needlessly fails when there are just a small total number of maxima.
    libgwyprocess: Vertical data field windowing using horizontal resolution as the size was fixed. Windowing was changed from periodic to symmetric.
    libgwydgets: GwyDataWindow function for settings the zoom to fit the window reasonably to the screen was added.
    libgwyapp: Random crashes when showing graph thumbnails/previews due to double-free were fixed.
    libgwyapp: Occasional wrong real rectangular selection coordinates due to X and Y mix-up were fixed.
    libgwyapp: Workaround was added for occasional creation of huge windows when physically square display is enabled.


    HDF5 (new): Imports HDF5-based SPM formats, currently Asylum Research Ergo.
    Correlation length tool (new): Simple quick correlation length estimation.
    3D formats (new): Exports data as 3D geometry definition files STL, PLY, OBJ and VTK; also imports point clouds. It replaced the VTK export module and raw XYZ data import module. XYZ can be rasterised directly upon import.
    VTK export, Raw XYZ import: Were removed and replaced by 3D formats.
    Nanoscope: 32bit files starting ‘EC File list’ are correctly read as 32bit. Trailing zero-filled segments are removed from single force curves. Force curves should finally be imported with correct physical scales.
    WSxM: Data type ‘integer’ is recognised.
    Olympus OIR: Calculation of physical dimensions was corrected.
    WSF file: The Units header field is recognised and used for Z units.
    DM3 and DM4: Metadata support was added.
    Graph terraces: Can scan over a range of polynomial degrees and/or edge broadenings and save the table with results for all combinations to a file.
    GDEF: Support for boolean value type was added.
    Affine correction: Refine button broken by an ACF vs. PSDF mix-up was fixed.
    Cross profile tool: Possible crash when switching to image which already has a selection was fixed.
    Align rows: Pure tilt correction method, similar to Facet level, was added.
    Line noise synthesis: New ‘Tilt’ noise type tilts scan lines randomly.
    Image export: Font name handling was changed, hopefully fixing inability to change the font on some systems. Outline drawing was improved.
    Statistical functions: Angular spectrum function type was added.
    Row/Column statistics tool: Minimum and maximum position were added.
    2D ACF: Reciprocal value of Str parameter was corrected.
    2D PSDF: Parameters Std and Stdi were added.
    Step line correction: Image mean value is preserved.


    Build from svn: Test for Inkscape version was added and the correct command line options are used accordingly.

Version 2.55

Released: 4 November 2019.


    Dependencies: GLib 2.32 and GTK+ 2.18 are now required.
    Keyboard shortcuts: F3 shows/hides current tool window.
    Translations updated: Czech, Russian.


    libgwyprocess: Functions to add data field to all brick xy-planes and data line to all z-lines were added.
    libgwyprocess: Function for binning into an existing data field was added.
    libgwyapp: Common initialisation function for batch-style programs utilising Gwyddion libraries was added: gwy_app_init_nongui().
    libgwyapp: Critical warning in gwy_app_wait_finish() when waiting is disabled was fixed.
    libgwyapp: It is no longer necessary to create GwyBrick preview images manually; an average value image is added on the fly if necessary.


    Resample (new): Resamples image to specified pixel size or to match pixel size of another image.
    Volume rephase (new): Cyclically shifts data blocks to correct erroneous volume data files.
    Volume equiplane (new): Creates images from isosurfaces in volume data.
    Volume z-pos level (new): Shifts values in z curves to be zero at defined position.
    Pixmap: Hue mapping type was added.
    Rotate: Mask handling was made more consistent.
    FFT synthesis: Generalised Gaussian multiplier (arbitrary power) was added.
    Pattern synthesis: New Siemens star shape generator was added.
    Tescan: Can load images split into -png.hdr and .png files.
    SPIP ASC: Import support for profile (1D) data was implemented.
    Surfstand SDF: Can read binary ISO-1.0 version files, with bad value handling and tries to recognise Olympus binary files with longer headers.
    Olympus OIR: Physical dimensions and metadata were implemented. File structure is recognised a bit better. An attempt was made to unmix mixed up LSM channels.
    Leica: Can read 12bit images. Volume data z range was fixed to always positive.
    MicroProf: All images in a file should be imported now. More files can be imported thanks to improved file parsing. Outside pixels are masked.
    LEXT: Calibration parameters are read and applied. Metadata support was added.
    Nanoscope: Force curve pairs are merged to have ZSensor data on the abscissa, as for force volume data.
    Dimensions & Units: Reset button no longer resets to inconsistent state when units that will be actually set differ from displayed units.
    Grain remove and Spot remove tools: Option to fill data with zero was added.
    Laplace: Function for simply filling masked data with zero was added.
    XYZ Rasterize: Can create mask over empty regions for Average interpolation.
    Fit terraces, Graph terraces: Fit results can be exported.
    Correlation Search: Mask can be used in object mark mode.


    MS Windows: Packages were built with ZIP support again.
    Compilation: Detection of ZIP libraries works again (version 2.54 always reported them as available, but did not actually use them).
    Plug-in proxy: Plug-in examples are now only installed as documentation in source code form, not executable into libexec.

Version 2.54

Released: 27 August 2019.


    Remote control: When Gwyddion is given files to open and is not run from terminal, it behaves as if --remote-new was the default to make setting up file associations easier.
    Menus: New submenu Measure Features was added to Data Process and several functions moved there.
    Toolbox: A critical warning upon keypress when Gwyddion starts with the Tools part of the toolbox collapsed was fixed.
    Toolbox: About dialogue shows correct build date in non-English locales for builds directly from svn.
    Command line: Option --version prints build/release date in parentheses and adds +SVN for builds directly from svn, similar as in the About dialogue.
    Dependencies: Support for minizip 2.x as ZIP file handling library was added and we no longer try to use minizip 2.x in 1.x compatibility mode (broken). The ZIP library to use can be controlled by --with-zip= configure option.
    Translations updated: Czech, French, German, Russian.


    libgwyddion: Use of uninitialised memory on Mac when constructing data paths, causing Gwyddion not to find its data, was fixed.
    libgwyddion: Deadlock when more than two GwyNLFitter objects exist simultaneously was fixed (introduced in 2.53).
    libgwyddion: GwyNLFitter initial residuum calculation in approximately geometric fits was corrected, fixing their occasional instability. Possible inconsistency in returned best rss and best parameters was fixed.
    libgwyddion: Memory leak in gwy_fprintf() in MS Windows was fixed.
    libgwyddion: GwyResults function for formatting table rows with mixed value types was added. Formatted error no longer persists after a value with error is set to N.A.
    libgwyprocess: 2D FFT functions ignoring windowing and levelling arguments (by using original GwyDataFields for FFT) were fixed.
    libgwyprocess: Slighty wrong row-wise PSDF output GwyDataLine real size (usually by factor 1+2/N) was corrected.
    libgwyprocess: Sign convention of raw C2R GwyDataField transform was fixed.
    libgwyprocess: An assertion possibly failing in gwy_spline_sample_uniformly() was corrected.
    libgwyprocess: A plain FFT-based data field convolution function was added.
    libgwyprocess: New Gaussian step filter function was added.
    libgwyprocess: GwyDataLine ACF and HHCF functions set output units correctly and were sped up using FFT.
    libgwyprocess: Mirror extension for GwyDataField, broken in 2.53, was fixed.
    libgwyprocess: MFM perpendicular stray field calculation function with cantilever tilt correction was added.
    libgwyprocess: Extra factor √π in GwyShapeFitPreset step fitting functions parameter h was correcred.
    libgwyprocess: Fixed gwy_fft_simple() possibly overwriting input arrays.
    libgwyprocess: Possible crash in multithreaded tip blind estimation was fixed.
    libgwydgets: Gwy3DView supports export of pixbufs with sort of transparency.
    libgwydgets: GwyDataView can take keyboard focus.
    libgwyapp: Rectangular selection width and height displayed by GwyPlainTool were corrected; 2.52 and 2.53 showed the opposite corner coordinates instead.
    libgwyapp: Support for transparent PNG export of 3D view was added.
    libgwyapp: Support for extra widget in wait dialogues was added.
    libgwyapp: Workaround was added for GwyDataChooser updates sometimes producing a Critical warning ‘assertion 'left_attach < right_attach' failed’.


    Wrap value (new): Rewraps values periodic in z to a different split point.
    Fit terraces (new): Fits step height from terrace structure measurement.
    Graph terraces (new): Fits step height from terrace structure measurement.
    Graph statistical functions (new): One-dimensional statistics from curves.
    Olympus OIR (new): Imports of OIR and POIR files (experimental).
    Gaussian step (new): Step detection by convolution with a Gaussian step.
    Zero crossing (new): Split from Edge to a separate module.
    Corning CSV (new): Imports Corning Tropel UltraSort exported CSV data.
    Annealing synthesis (new): Generates images by simulated annealing of a two- or three-component lattice gas model.
    Coupled PDE synthesis (new): Generates images using coupled non-linear partial differential equations.
    Radial smoothing (new): Radially averages image around its centre by smoothing in polar coordinates.
    Displacement field (new): Distorts scan lines or images in plane using either a generated random displacement field or another image.
    Nanonis: Import of incomplete scans was corrected.
    Omicron Matrix: Support for volume spectroscopy data was added. Data with two ‘--’ in the file name are imported correctly.
    Grain correlations: Each grain quantity can be calculated from a different image.
    Transfer function (PSF) guess: Zoom was removed; instead the transfer function can be cut to arbitrary size.
    Anasys XML: Support for compressed files (AXZ) was added, also no longer creates empty spectra sets and imports all spectra channels.
    Area function: A specific range can be now selected.
    NMM file: Alignment of profiles to X axis is optional. Rotation of everything by 180 degrees was corrected.
    Volume summarize planes: Output graph units are set correctly. Selected target graph is actually remembered to next invocation.
    Nanoscope: Operating mode detection (image/force/force volume) was improved.
    Row/Column statistics tool: Useless interpolation option was removed.
    Convolve: Kernel size can be up to image size when output size is not ‘Cut to interior’.
    Deconvolve: Added L-curve based search for optimum regularization parameter.
    Domain synthesis: Was sped up using OpenMP, but the same random seed now produces a different image than in previous versions.
    Domain, Diffusion, Ballistic deposition and Columnar synthesis: Wait dialogues show progressive preview (if enabled).
    Cross profile tool: Curve doubling in vertical mode was corrected. Wrong vertical selection in images with non-square pixels was corrected.
    2D ACF, 2D PSDF: Profile graph always has at least some minimum height.
    Mark by Segmentation: Curvature contribution broken for non-square images was fixed.
    Radial profile tool: Automatic profile centre refinement method was improved.
    Layers: Selections can be modified using keyboard if the data view has keyboard focus.
    MFM Perpendicular Field: Cantilever angle correction was added.
    Pattern synthesis: Amphitheatre pattern was added, generating systems of concentric terraces.
    Relate: Wrong displayed units of some parameters were corrected.
    Particle synthesis: Revise parameter is no longer ignored.
    Alicona: Import of depth images broken with GCC's fast-maths was corrected.
    Pixmap: WebP support was added. Selected mapping type is mostly preserved in next invocation, unless the channel is unavailable.
    Image export: White and Black buttons also display white and black swatches.


    OpenMP: Workaround for GCC 9 compilation failure caused by incompatible changes in OpenMP specs was added.
    OpenMP: Gwyddion links with OpenMP-enabled FFTW if it is found.
    Appdata: Appdata file was added.

Version 2.53

Released: 28 February 2019.


    Command line: Option --debug-objects is accepted but has no effect any more.
    Command line: New option --new-instance runs a new instance unconditionally (currently only useful for overriding preceding options).
    Translations updated: Czech, French, Russian.


    libgwyddion: Interface for controlling the use of OpenMP in data processing functions were added.
    libgwyddion: Broken GwyResults parenthesisation of values with errors in Colon style was corrected.
    libgwyddion: Setting values to N.A. in GwyResults invalidates formatted results the same way as setting them to a valid number.
    libgwyddion: Integer power function gwy_powi() was added.
    libgwyddion, libgwyprocess: Various local static data were removed or guarded by locks to improve thread safety.
    libgwyprocess: Possibly incorrect output of gwy_data_field_area_grains_tgnd_range() when min and/or max was inside the value range was fixed.
    libgwyprocess: Function for finding maximum-area inscribed rectangles into grains was added.
    libgwyprocess: Odd area and width values for small peaks calculated with zero background were corrected in GwyPeaks.
    libgwyprocess: gwy_data_field_area_filter_kth_rank() not invalidating cached quantities of the field was corrected.
    libgwyprocess: Trimmed mean filter function was added.
    libgwyprocess: Plane, One and double-sided step, Cone and Pyramid (3-sided) fitting shapes were added.
    libgwyprocess: gwy_data_field_get_autorange() possible crash on data fields with strange data was fixed.
    libgwydgets: GwyAdjustBars scroll at least by one step upon scroll events when snapping.
    libgwyapp: Helpers for filling graphs and curves in GwyResults were added.


    Relate (new): Finds a linear relation between two images.
    Frequency split (new): Splits image into high and low frequency components.
    Radial profile tool (new): Separate tool for angularly averaged profiles.
    Cross profile tool (new): Reading of scan lines or columns.
    Cross layer (new): Simple vector layer for selection of horizontal, vertical or both lines.
    Facet measurement (new): Alternative facet measurement tool, focused more on providing a defined output than playing with the facets.
    K-th rank filter (new): General k-th rank image filter.
    Trimmed mean (new): Trimmed mean filter and/or background removal.
    XYZ operations (new): Simple operations with XYZ data, currently merging.
    Profile tool: Radial profiles were moved to a new separate tool.
    Correlation search: Inverted meaning of threshold value was corrected.
    Rawfile: Reading of user-defined data of sizes not multiples of 8 bits was corrected. User-defined data item size can be up to 56 bits now.
    Dektak VCA: Import of files with matrix data type 69 was implemented. Images are shown with physically aspect ratio by default.
    HDF4 file: PSI files with binary header lengths shorter than 202 bytes should be also importable now.
    MetroPro: Crash upon reading the header but failing to read data was fixed.
    Read value tool: A zoomed view of neighbourhood of selected point is shown. Units are correctly updated when image units change. Curvature values are cleared when no image is active.
    Spot remove tool: The marked area can also be elliptic.
    Spot remove and Read value tools: Maximum area size was slightly increased.
    Spot remove and Grain remove tools: More efficient Laplace interpolation function is used. A fractal-Laplace blend interpolation method was added.
    Find graph peaks: Option to invert data and find valleys instead was added.
    Grain Statistics: Functions Select Inscribed Rectangles and Select Bounding Boxes were added.
    Facet Analysis: Reset Rotation button was added to rotation controls.
    Graph Statistics: Wrong units of variation were corrected. Parameter table has standard export controls now.
    Arithmetic: No longer produces NaNs and infinities; they are masked and replaced with a fixed filler value or Laplace interpolation.
    Calibration, Volume calibration: No longer gets stuck in an infinite loop if negative value range calibration factor was used. Zero data value range remains zero instead of producing NaNs.
    Stitch: Only image with compatible units are offered and units of the result are set correctly.


    OpenMP: Gwyddion can be built with OpenMP parallelisation support and does so if OpenMP at least 3.1 is available. Libraries use single-thread processing by default; OpenMP must be switched on explicitly. Gwyddion, the program, does so.
    OSX build: Failure due to the wrong #include in mac_integration.c was fixed.

Version 2.52

Released: 14 November 2018.


    Translations updated: Czech, French, Russian.


    libgwyddion: System exp10() is used as backend for our pow10() function when the latter (obsolete one) is not provided by the system.
    libgwyddion: gwy_math_find_minimum_1d() termination condition was improved.
    libgwyddion: Function for measuring string width in a fixed font was added.
    libgwyprocess: GwyDataField function for mean square value was added.
    libgwyprocess: Broken Laplace exterior in gwy_data_field_ext_convolve() was fixed. Laplace interpolation producing constant values for data of very small absolute magnitude was corrected.
    libgwyprocess: gwy_data_field_find_regularization_sigma_for_psf() was improved.
    libgwyprocess: gwy_data_field_deconvolve_regularized() is a bit faster now.
    libgwyprocess: PSF reconstruction using least squares problem solution was added, with the corresponding sigma optimisation function.
    libgwyprocess: Rare crash inside gwy_data_field_fill_grain() was fixed.
    libgwyprocess: Row corrections (most of Align Rows) are available as library functions.
    libgwyprocess: Functions for measuring dispersion when data field is taken as a distribution.
    libgwyprocess: Pixel/voxel size functions for all regular data objects were added.
    libgwyprocess: Brick z-axis calibration copying function was added.
    libgwyprocess: gwy_someting_assign() convenience macros were added for all basic data objects.
    libgwyprocess: Simpler brick functions working with entire XY planes and Z profiles. Arguments keep_offsets are actually implemented now. Summary functions working in the XZ plane were fixed.
    libgwyprocess: Function for taking data field absolute value was added.
    libgwyprocess: Histogram-like functions possibly trying to create DataLines with negative real size in edge cases were fixed.
    libgwydgets: GwyDataWindow shows value under mouse pointer also in base (unprefixed) units.
    libgwydgets, libgwyapp: Off-screen graph rendering uses screen's default visual instead of best which might not work.
    libgwyapp: Items in data browser can be renamed by plain double-click.
    libgwyapp: gwy_rect_selection_labels_fill() shows consistent real dimensions and gives consistently the same isel for entire field and no selection present.
    libgwyapp: Inverted assertion in gwy_app_wait_set_enabled() causing a Critical warning was corrected.


    Anasys XML (new): Imports Analysis studio XML (.axd) files.
    AFM Workshop spectra (new): Imports AFM workshop single point spectra.
    Nanosystemz (new): Imports Nanosystemz profilometry data files.
    Volume plane level (new): Simple levelling of volume data planes.
    Volume outliers (new): Removal of outliers in volume data planes.
    Deconvolve (new): Simple regularised deconvolution.
    Transfer function guess: Windowing option was added. Zoomed central part of TF can be displayed and extracted. A second guess method was added, least squares problem solution. Sigma fitting was improved. Various GUI improvements.
    Volume transfer function: Improvements from the image module were integrated. Regularisation parameter can be estimated per plane.
    Extend: New extended image dimensions are displayed. Masks and presentations are extended correctly.
    Dimensions and Units (image and volume): New units are remembered and unit change is applied when function is re-run non-interactively.
    VTK export: Z-scaling can be specified manually.
    Crop: Selection dimensions are always editable when a data window is active.
    Grain statistics: The grain statistics table can be exported.
    Pygwy: Missing reference in gwy_app_file_load() was corrected.
    Line correct: Marking of rows with inverted sign (Mark Inverted Rows) added.
    Volume and image MFM recalculation: Warnings upon pressing Reset were fixed. They can modify an existing image/volume data.
    Surffile: Micron symbols written using old MS DOS code pages are recognised.
    Volume Cut'n'Slice: Multiple-plane selection actually extracts several different planes now.
    ACF 2D, PSDF 2D: Lines selected in the dialogue for profiles are also selected in the output image.
    Nanoscope: Reading of text files, broken in 2.51, was fixed.
    Volumize layers: Preview image has actually the same dimensions as brick XY plane now.
    Statistical quantities: Entropy was removed as too slow (use the separate Entropy function), scan line discrepancy was added.
    Nanonis: Vertical flipping can be controlled via a settings value.
    Cross-correlation: The OK button is insensitive when no image to correlate with is selected, fixing a crash when it was run with no second image.
    Measure lattice: Vector a₁ being printed second time as a₂ in exported reports was corrected.


    Compilation: False positives in tests for supported gcc warning options were hopefully fixed.
    Python: Python scripts were changed to explicitly say python2 in the shbang lines instead of python. Standalone gwy module disables progress bars by default.
    GConf: The obsolete GConf-based thumbnailer support was removed and its schemas are no longer installed.
    Source code: Source files for gwyddion, the program, were moved from app to separate directory gwyddion.

Version 2.51

Released: 26 June 2018.


    Translations updated: Brazilian Portuguese, Czech, French, Russian.
    Toolbox editor: Possible crash when adding a new group was fixed.


    libgwyddion: New functions available in GwyExpr: step, spow (signed pow), exp2, log2, sinc. If the system maths library provides them, the following are also available: erf, erfc, lGamma, Gamma, J0, J1, Y0, Y1.
    libgwyddion: gwy_sinc function was added for the cardinal sine function.
    libgwyddion: New GwyResource methods for resource deleting and renaming, including corresponding on-disk operations.
    libgwyddion: Function for decomposing GwySIUnit to base units was added. More degree variants and a few other odd units are recognised.
    libgwyddion: One-dimensional minimum search function was added.
    libgwyprocess: Functions for magnetic force microscopy data modelling and handling were added.
    libgwyprocess: New tip model, ball at the end of cylinder, was added.
    libgwyprocess: New GwyBrick functions: copy, transposition, compatibility checking, setting a plane.
    libgwyprocess: Speed of various GwyBrick summary operations such as gwy_brick_mean_plane() was considerably improved.
    libgwyprocess: Function for bounding boxes of periodic grains was added.
    libgwyprocess: RMS grain quantity was added.
    libgwyprocess: Simple regularised deconvolution function was added.
    libgwyprocess: New k-th rank filter with arbitrarily shaped kernel function.
    libgwyprocess: New function for calculation of 2D PSDF from masked data.
    libgwydgets: Helper functions for managing a group of check boxes which correspond to a set of bit flags (gwycheckboxes) were added.
    libgwydgets: GwyGraphModel has new functions for deriving units from a GwyDataField and replacing a curve model at given index.
    libgwyapp: Helper functions for managing module data in the user directory.
    libgwyapp: Failed assertion message when restoring file open dialogue file name filter from settings was corrected.
    libgwyapp: Critical warning when deleting XYZ data channel was fixed.


    Ambios profile (new): Imports 1D profilometry data (both XML and DAT).
    Volume ASCII export (new): Export of volume data to various text formats.
    Volume Arithmetic (new): Arithmetic operations with volume data.
    Volume summarize planes (new): Plots graphs of dependencies of volume data plane statistics over z.
    Volume stray field (new): Checks consistency of volume MFM data.
    Volume and image MFM recalculation (new): Converts MFM data to force gradient.
    Volume transfer function (new): Plane-by-plane estimation of point spread functions in volume data planes corresponding to different levels.
    Area function (new): Calculates the tip area function.
    Hertz (new): Calculates the apparent Young's modulus of a rough surface according to Hertzian contact theory.
    Phoenix (new): Imports AFM data files from NASA Phoenix Mars mission.
    Disc synthesis (new): Generates surface randomly covered by discs or tiles.
    XYZ Channels (new): Create XYZ data from three images (values and precise X and Y coordinates).
    DM3: Raw data are no longer scaled by inverse maximum representable value.
    Coerce: Skew-normal distribution was added.
    Volume Show and Extract: Cleanup; functions superseded by Cut'n'Slice were removed, visualisation and stability improved.
    MFM modules: Cleanup; a few wrong numerical factors were corrected.
    Volume Z calibration: Calibration can be also taken from another volume data.
    Volume Swap Axes: Preview image units correspond to the transformed data.
    NMM file: Sometimes incorrect import when a only subset of channels is selected was fixed.
    NRRD file: Import from text-encoded files was corrected. Endian is no longer required for text data.
    PNI file: Support for v2.0 files was added, at least for a subset of data types.
    Volume slice: Mislabelled axes on output graphs were corrected.
    Transfer function (PSF) guess and fit: The set of output images can be controlled
    Transfer function fit: Frequency-space exponential model was added.
    Transfer function guess: The sigma estimation algorithm was improved.
    Nanoscope: Force volume file reading was standardised to follow format specification.
    WSxM: File headers with ‘UAM’ copyright are recognised.
    Nanonis DAT spectra: All files matching the same fooNNN.dat pattern are merged, not just with names starting from 1. When files do not seem numbered at all, the single selected file is loaded instead of failing.
    Basic operations: Function for flipping around the diagonal was added.
    Pattern synthesis: Holes are placed with respect to image centre instead of some defined but unhelpful origin of coordinates. This means generated images also changed and match previous versions only statistically.
    Graph logscale: Logarithm base mishandling was fixed. Base-2 logarithm and negative abscissa handling options were added.
    Statistical quantities: Volume was added as a new quantity.
    FFT profile: Renamed to 2D PSDF. It can now both extract profiles and create the entire 2D PSDF image.
    Image export: Font selection having sometimes no effect on the exported image was, hopefully, fixed. It no longer crashes when there is no image to export.
    Filters tool: The median filter now uses circular kernel.
    2D ACF: Creation of the output image is optional. The image can be limited to the zoomed part.
    Volume summarize profiles: The value for the currently selected profile is displayed in the dialogue.
    Dimensions and Units: Crash when reinvoked after selecting Match pixel size was fixed.
    Pygwy: Function gwy_app_data_browser_get_containers() no longer leaks references to all the returned Containers. GraphModel supports the sequence protocol.


    Compilation: pygobject2 codegen is no longer required to build pygwy; an embedded implementation is used when it is not available.
    Compilation: no longer gets stuck without gettextize; it prints an error message.

Version 2.50

Released: 2 February 2018.


    Translations updated: Czech, French, Russian.
    Toolbox editor: Action names are shown translated.


    libgwyddion: GwyResults, a new helper for formatting sets of scalar values.
    libgwyddion: New GwySIUnit format styles (Unicode, VF TeX).
    libgwyddion: GwySIUnit tries harder to find value formats with prefixed units like µm² instead of 10⁻⁹ m².
    libgwyddion: GwyContainer methods for getting lists of keys under given prefix.
    libgwyddion: Sorting function for doubles that also returns the permutation and sorting function for integers were added.
    libgwyddion: Functions for finding k-th ranked values and percentiles of an array were added.
    libgwyddion: A trimmed mean function was added.
    libgwyddion: A function for angle (direction) canonicalization was added.
    libgwyprocess: New FFT-based correlation search function with local levelling, score calculation and masking support.
    libgwyprocess: Broken ‘Ring’ shape parameter estimation was fixed.
    libgwyprocess: Functions for calculating various standard peak-based quantities from GwyDataLines were added.
    libgwyprocess: 2D autocorrelation function supporting masking was added.
    libgwyprocess: Harris corner filter works correctly for non-square images.
    libgwyprocess: Function for DataField size reduction using binning.
    libgwyprocess: gwy_data_field_new_rotated() actually works correctly for data fields with non-square pixels.
    libgwyprocess: New exterior type, Laplace, was added for field extension.
    libgwyprocess: New grain quantities: Minimum and maximum Martin's diameter and the corresponding directions.
    libgwyprocess: Triangulation was improved. It should be much less prone to crashing and also able to triangulate more point sets.
    libgwydgets: Mixed up clockwise and anticlockwise rotation icons were fixed.
    libgwyapp: GwyResultsExport GUI helper for result set saving/copying.
    libgwyapp: Window positions are only restored when the monitor configuration remains the same.


    Binning (new): Reduces image size using binning.
    Rod deposition synthesis (new): Generates (modifies) surfaces by elongated particle deposition using a simple dynamic model.
    Pile up synthesis (new): Generates (modify) surfaces by piling up geometrical shapes.
    Convolve (new): Convolves two images.
    SPC file (new): Imports Thermo Fisher SPC files.
    Nanonis DAT spectra (new): Imports bias spectroscopy data.
    Dimensions and Units (image): Spurious value changes should not longer occur. Current dimensions are also displayed.
    Dimensions and Units (image and volume): Broken Z factor adjustment was fixed. Current dimensions are also displayed.
    Grain statistics: Renamed to Summary in the menu; a new function displaying means and variations of grain quantities was added as Statistics.
    Pygwy: A number of optional mask (and other arguments) are really optional in Python, allowing None to be passed.
    Nanoscope: Force files in 32bit raw data format used since 9.2 should actually be loaded correctly now.
    Mask by Correlation: Renamed to Correlation Search, added support for masking, method list was updated.
    FFT profile: Line thickness (averaging) and windowing type can be controlled.
    ACF 2D: Has a GUI now, supports masking, can pre-level the data, extract radial ACF profiles and calculate some statistical parameters.
    Filters tool: Mean value filter uses circular kernel instead of square.
    Statistical quantities, Statistical functions and Row/Column statistics tools: Apply button is insensitive when there is no curve, some repeated recalculations were fixed.
    Statistical quantities: Quantities Sp, Sv and Sz were added.
    Object synthesis: Hexagonal pyramid, full sphere and nuggets shapes were added. Feature up/down direction is now an arbitrary fraction. There are new is now options to avoid stacking and for vertical placement character.
    Roughness tool: Sm and Ry were added. Rz taking into account peaks twice (instead of peaks plus valleys) was fixed.
    Curvature: Result export now includes file name and channel information.
    Fractal dimension: Result table can be saved/copied to clipboard.
    ASCII export: Optionally, all channels can be exported to one text file, concatenated.
    Tip operations: Tip selector intersecting with the label was fixed.
    NMM file: Profiles are rotated to lie along the X-axis.
    Sensofar: Updated for newer versions of the PLu file format (up to 2013).
    Align rows: Trimmed mean and trimmed mean difference levelling methods were added. Images are no longer rotated by 180 degrees in vertical mode.
    XYZ Rasterize: Possible crash when the region was longer along X than along Y was fixed.
    Limit Range: It is possible to give percentages of data values to remove instead of height values.
    JPK: Critical warning when computed data are present in force files was fixed. Pause segments are ignored more thoroughly so they should no longer cause file load failure due to non-uniform channel lists.


    Compilation: Module bundling and configure file format summary were fixed to work with BSD sed.
    Compilation: PYTHON_INCLUDES and PYTHON_LDFLAGS can be overriden on all systems, not just MS Windows.

Version 2.49

Released: 15 August 2017.


    Dependencies: FFTW ≥ 3.1 is now required on all platforms.
    Translations updated: Czech, French, Russian.
    Toolbox: Built-in functions such as 3D view can have keyboard shortcuts and a few more can be added as toolbox buttons.
    Modules: The program warns on startup if a larger number of modules fail to register.


    libgwyddion: New functions for 1D maximum refinement and histogram calculation were added.
    libgwyddion: gwy_isinf() and gwy_isnan() work regardless of GCC's fast maths. So Gwyddion can be compiled with -Ofast and removal of invalid values from imported files still works.
    libgwyprocess: New fitting preset: Boltzmann bent step.
    libgwyprocess: gwy_fft_simple() is now just a thin FFTW wrapper; all FFT related code was cleaned up and generally uses FFTW directly.
    libgwyprocess: Functions for calculation of row-wise ACF, HHCF and PSDF from masked data were added.
    libgwyprocess: Functions for calculation of distribution of angles and cumulative distribution angles from masked data were added.
    libgwyprocess: More efficient functions for data field flipping about the diagonal were added.
    libgwyprocess: gwy_data_line_correct_laplace() bug adding value offsets to interpolated segments was fixed.
    libgwyprocess: Efficient functions for row-wise and 2D convolution were added, with image exterior control.
    libgwyprocess: Function for profile extraction with masking was added.
    libgwyprocess: Function area scale graph was added.
    libgwyprocess: Function for preparation of data field affine transform given base vectors was added.
    libgwyprocess: Functions for copying units to another data object of the same type were added.
    libgwyprocess: Function for location of local maximum within an elliptic area with subpixel refinement was added.
    libgwyprocess: Functions for automated estimation and/or refinement of periodic lattice parameters from ACF and PSDF were added.
    libgwydraw: New functions for conversion between GwyRGBA and pixbuf pixels.
    libgwydgets: Stock icons were revised, replaced and redrawn in SVG, resulting in a cleaner icon set.
    libgwydgets: New widget GwyAdjustBar, replacing GtkHScale, was added.
    libgwydgets: Convenience constructors for adjustment bars were added, mostly allowing drop-in replacement of hscales.
    libgwydgets: The font size of 3D view labels can be set for all labels at once. The size and vertical alignment of false colour scale are adjustable.
    libgwydgets: Table hscale SQRT style works with negative values.
    libgwydgets: Gwy3DView responds to mouse scroll events by zooming or scaling the value (when Shift is pressed).
    libgwyapp: Empty borders in 3D view export can be automatically removed.
    libgwyapp: Cancellation of progress dialogues can be explicitly queried.
    libgwyapp: Data processing menu items have icons (if enabled in GTK+).


    Graph statistics (new): Calculates simple statistics for graph curves.
    Volume operations (new): Simple volume data operations, currently extraction of the preview to an image.
    Volume swap axes (new): Reorganises data to change X, Y, Z axis roles.
    Fibre synthesis (new): Generates images from randomly placed fibres.
    Mask noisify (new): Adds salt and/or pepper noise to the mask.
    Statistical functions: Masked one-dimensional ACF, HHCF, PSDF, DA and CDA are available now. Area scale graph was added.
    JPK: Crash when QI/force map loading was cancelled during ‘Scanning files’ was fixed.
    Dimensions and Units: A rarely occurring freeze was fixed.
    Mask editor tool: A CRITICAL error when attempting to use bucket-erase on data with no mask was fixed.
    PSF estimate, fit: PSF normalisation was corrected to represent sampling of the continuous PSF, with image formed by usual continuous convolution.
    Outliers: Undo works properly also when it just removes an existing mask.
    Mark disconnected: Settings are remembered also upon cancellation.
    Mark scars: The mask can be combined with mask already present on the image using union or intersection.
    Igor file: Export was implemented.
    Roughness tool: Displays the cut-off wavelength in real-space units.
    Sphere revolution: True 2D sphere revolution was finally implemented.
    NanoScan: Import of unfinished images was implemented. Invalid values (NaN) in the files are handled correctly.
    Align graph: Random behaviour (and usually no alignment at all) for curves with moderate number of points was fixed.
    Wave synthesis: Decay parameter was added. It has a progress bar and is cancellable now.
    Curvature: Reported position of centre correctly includes origin offset now.
    Profile tool: Profile directions can be automatically improved to be orthogonal to features.
    OPD: ASC files in both wavelength and real units are imported correctly.
    K-means, K-medians: Create curves with normalised abscissa order now.
    Measure lattice, Affine correction: Horizontal ACF can be replaced with interpolation if individual scan lines contain too much noise.
    Affine correction: The correction can be applied to all compatible images in the file. Automated estimation was added.
    Volume summarize profiles: Minimum and maximum position were fixed for data with z-calibration and their units corrected.


    Compilation: New configure options --enable/disable-module-bundling controls the linking of modules of one type to one shared object for smaller packages and faster startup. Bundling is enabled by default.
    Compilation: A summary of missing maintainer mode tools is printed when maintainer mode is enabled.
    Python: Configure tries harder to find a Python 2 (not 3) interpreter.
    Python: On Unix, the gwy module is no longer linked with libpython.
    Resources: Three new false colour gradients were added, Gray-inverted, Viridis and Spectral-white.

Version 2.48

Released: 29 April 2017.


    New translation: Brazilian Portugese.
    Translations updated: Czech, French, Russian.
    Toolbox: Default width was increased to 5 columns (to work around broken MS Windows 10 window management).
    Command line: New options --disable-modules prevents loading of specified modules.


    libgwyddion: K-correlated PSDF fitting function was added.
    libgwyprocess: Positions of minimum and maximum are now available as data field row/column statistics quantities.
    libgwyprocess: GwyShapeFitPreset has a quick-fit function for rough fitting with reduced number of data points.
    libgwyprocess: Function for reduction of the number of points in GwySurface was added.
    libgwyprocess: Mask thinning function was added.
    libgwydgets: A large number of new stock icons were added.
    libgwydgets: gwy_data_view_coords_xy_cut_line() cuts also vertical and horizontal lines to nothing when they do not intersect the area at all.
    libgwymodule: Specific modules can be prevented from registration by gwy_module_register_modules().
    libgwyapp: Ascending abscissae point order is enforced in graph curves upon file import, with a warning emitted.
    libgwyapp: Progress dialogues shown by the wait functions can be disabled.
    libgwyapp: Misbehaving data window size restoration was corrected.
    libgwyapp: File name filter in the file chooser is now correctly applied only to the actual file name instead of the whole path.
    libgwyapp: Helper functions for bad data masking and interpolation now use fast Laplace interpolation instead of simple average.
    libgwyapp: GwyAppFileChooser avoids attempting full preview of huge files.


    Zeiss LSM (new): Imports Carl Zeiss CLSM data.
    Dektak VCA (new): Import Dektak OPDx (VCA DATA) files.
    MFM perpendicular (new): Calculates stray field above sample with perpendicular domains.
    MFM parallel (new): Calculates stray field above sample with parallel domains.
    MFM shift (new): Transfers the field from one lift height to another.
    MFM current (new): Calculate stray field above sample with current line.
    MFM estimate shift (new): Estimates lift height difference between two MFM images of the same structure.
    PSF estimate (new): Estimates point spread function based on ideal data and measured data using deconvolution with regularisation.
    PSF fit (new): Estimates point spread function based on ideal data and measured data by fitting an explicit PSF functional form.
    Phases synthesis (new): Simple generator of data resembling two-state (two-phase) systems studied for instance in MFM.
    Stitch (new): Merges multiple images based on origin offsets.
    Pygwy: Standard output from modules and the console is captured (so in the console print works again as expected). Python modules have new optional registration variables. Pygwy console remembers recent scripts. Several more function were added to the Python API.
    Renishaw, volume slice: Create graphs with ascending abscissae point order now.
    MicroProf: Files with comment at the beginning are imported correctly now.
    Summarize Profiles: Now supports minimum and maximum positions.
    ISO28600: Import of multichannel files was corrected (field separator is specified as comma). Irregular (XYZ) data import was implemented.
    WITec Project: Now supports different x axis units for spectra and spectral images.
    NanoObserver: Support for v1.33 files was added (including spectroscopy).
    Spectro tool: CRITICAL error when averaged curves differed in the number of points was fixed. Subsequent spectra are interpolated onto the range of the first selected now when averaging.
    Seiko: At least the first image should be imported from XQ?X files now.
    JPK: Initial support for volume force data (QI) was added. Single point spectra import was fixed to ascending abscissae.
    SPMLab: All image layers are now loaded (not just the first one).
    Slice volume: Working with Z-axis calibrations was fixed. Initial choice of possible target graphs was fixed.
    Profile tool: Averaging of thick profiles was fixed (lines close 45 degrees were mostly affected).
    AMB: Physical dimensions and scales of the data should be correct now.
    Image export: False colour bar ticks were corrected for inverted mappings. Rendering of rulers for images with offsets was fixed.
    Nanoscope: Electrochemistry files are recognised.
    Distance tool: The exported table is tab-separated now.
    Mask editor tool: Spurious extra pixels in occurring free-hand drawing were corrected.
    OPD: Import of ASC files written as XYZ was implemented (assuming regular grid). Workaround for import error with ‘ImageModificat~0’ was added.
    Graph function fit, FD curve fit and Shape fit: Fit results can be copied to the clipboard.


    OSX/BSD pygwy build: Build failure due to pygwy-fix-defs.sed containing non-standard regexps was fixed (by replacing it with a Python script). Several other problems related to compiler and linker flags and library naming were corrected.
    Development snapshots: Now display a prominent label ‘Development snapshot’ in the splash screen so you know you are running a snapshot.

Version 2.47

Released: 18 November 2016.


    Translations updated: Czech, French, Russian.
    Dependencies: Configure now warns if FFTW is unavailable or disabled. The library will become a required dependency in a future version.


    libgwyddion, libgwydraw, libgwyapp: Simple structs such as GwyXY and GwyRGBA now have on-heap constructors (mostly helping language bindings).
    libgwyprocess: New single-step tip modelling functions, either for fixed model size or optimised for a certain height range, with more general model parameter handling.
    libgwyprocess: Elliptical parabolic tip model was added.
    libgwyprocess: Fast Laplace interpolation function gwy_data_field_laplace_solve() was added.
    libgwyprocess: GwyShapeFitPreset 3D geometrical shape fitting preset class was added, making available the functionality of Fit Shape in the library.
    libgwyprocess: Parabolic bump function was added.
    libgwyprocess: Helper function for grain pixel size calculation was added.
    libgwyddion: GwyNLFitter has an option to reduce ordinate value differences using the local function derivative, approximating a geometric fit.
    libgwyddion: GwyNLFitter has accessor functions for all the useful data so it is no longer necessary to poke inside the struct.
    libgwydraw: gwy_selection_set_data() broken in 2.46 (and affecting selections in several modules) was fixed.
    libgwyapp: Data browser data lists scroll to show the selected item.


    Graph logscale (new): Physically transforms graph to logarithmic scale.
    Pygwy: Large number of functions were added and fixed, some of the fixes involved API changes: redundant list length parameters disappeared, structs such as RGBA are now Python classes, silly function names (a_something...) were sanitised. Syntax highlighting in the console should work again in MS Windows.
    Image export: Inset scale bar label can be placed either below or above the bar.
    Statistical functions: Cumulative height distribution supports masking.
    JPK: Compilation failure when minizip is not available was fixed.
    Fit shape: Module was rebased on the GwyShapeFitPreset library functions.
    Object synthesis: Parabolic bump shape was added.
    Lattice synthesis: Several new lattice types were added: Penrose, Cairo, snub square, Si 7x7 reconstruction.
    Nano Measuring Machine: Can handle data larger than 4 GB points total on 64bit systems (but not more than 2 GB per channel).

Version 2.46

Released: 14 October 2016.


    Translations updated: Czech, French, Italian, Russian.
    Toolbox: Is now editable in the program using Edit → Toolbox. It is possible to specify whether a button runs the function interactively or not.


    libgwyddion: GwySIUnit can parse prefixed spelled out unit names such as ‘Millimetre’ or ‘nanoampere’.
    libgwyddion: Gaussian fitting function estimator was improved.
    libgwyddion: GwyRandGenSet function for random shuffled subsets was added.
    libgwyddion: GwyNLFitter can report progress and scales much better. It has new interface for fitting of fully opaque indexed data.
    libgwyddion: Function for inversion of symmetric positive definite matrix was added.
    libgwyddion: Macros gwy_assign, GWY_FREE, GWY_SI_VALUE_FORMAT_FREE were added, as well as capitalised versions of gwy_object_unref and gwy_signal_handler_disconnect.
    libgwyddion: Functions for direct construction and cloning of GwySIValueFormats were added.
    libgwyprocess: GwyPeaks, graph curve peak finder with functionality similar to the Graph Peaks module, was added.
    libgwyprocess: Functions for field rotation by multiples of 90 and rotation in real space with several sizing options were added.
    libgwyprocess: An obscure case of GwyTriangulation failure now fails gracefully instead of on a failed assertion.
    libgwyprocess: gwy_data_line_get_psdf() should finally actually work.
    libgwyprocess: GwyDataField line-stats function with proper masking support was added.
    libgwyprocess: Convenience functions for copying units between GwySurface and GwyDataField were added.
    libgwyprocess: Construction of GwySurface from a GwyDataField with masking support was added.
    libgwyprocess: gwy_data_field_mark_scars() was added as a public function.
    libdraw: Memory handling bugs in GwyGradient updates were fixed.
    libgwydgets: Graph ASCII export can create multi-column files with a single merged abscissa. Exported values are always in base units (not power of 10 multiplies).
    libgwydgets: A large number of new stock icons were added.
    libgwyapp: Critical _gwy_app_log_start_message_capture() error when opening files from stand-alone Python scripts was fixed.
    libgwyapp: gwy_app_wait_set_fraction() automatically limits how often the Gtk+ main loop is let to run.
    libgwyapp: Data visibility restoration for files containing volume and XYZ data was fixed.
    libgwyapp: XYZ data preview is automatically updated when the data change.
    libgwyapp: Helper for previewing GwySurface into a GwyDataField was added.


    Dektak XML (new): Imports Dektak XML profilometry data.
    Dimension (new): Imports old Dimension 3100D files (experimental).
    XYZ Level (new): Simple XYZ data levelling: fix zero, zero mean value (unweighted), plane levelling by subtraction and true rotation.
    Fit shape (new): Fits various geometrical shapes on entire data. Available both as image and XYZ data processing function.
    Logistic regression (new): Image segmentation based on logistic regression.
    Fit sphere: Was removed, use new Fit shape module instead.
    Row/column statistics tool: Masking support was added. The misguided fixed resolution option was removed.
    Statistical quantities: Automatic selection of units and precision for the displayed quantities was improved.
    XYZize: XYZ log is created for the new XYZ data, not volume data log.
    Pygwy: Containers can be directly indexed both by strings and integers (quarks). Overrides for Container methods get_value() and set_value() were added.
    Limit Range: Units with exponents are displayed correctly now.
    SPIP ASC: Can also export data to .asc now.
    Image export: Can export to WebP (lossless) now if libwebp is available. Units of false colour map scale are somewhat controllable. The colour of lines and text drawn outside the image area is controllable; likewise the background colour – and for vector formats and PNG and WebP the background can be transparent (for vector formats that used to be the only possibility).
    Diffusion synthesis: Incorrect behaviour for non-square images was fixed.
    Selection manager tool: Can copy selection coordinates to the clipboard or export them to a file.
    Find graph peaks: A peak filtering bug resulting in sometimes the module not finding any useful peaks was fixed.
    Rotate: Cartesian grid can be optionally displayed over the data. There are more result sizing options. Rotation is performed in real space, not pixel space.
    Grain statistics: The values are displayed with more significant digits.
    Raw XYZ import: No longer loses the first data point in the file.
    Graph cut: The ‘cut all’ setting is remembered, some GUI improvements.
    Cross-correlation: Introduced weighting function, result smoothing and extension and back-correction according to the results.
    Nanonis: Mask of invalid values is correctly flipped with the data now.
    JPK: Support for single point spectroscopy was added.
    TIFF-based file modules: Tiled TIFF images are supported now.
    K-means: Outliers threshold for calculation of cluster centres is added.
    Leica: Some kinds of high dimension data (tiles from tilescan) can also be imported as volume data.


    Development: API documentation not being installed with gtk-doc 1.25+ was fixed.
    Python: Stand-alone Python module gwy should no longer complain about libraries modules are linked with not being found.

Version 2.45

Released: 26 April 2016.


    New translation: British English (accompanied with unification of the default language to US English).
    Translations updated: Czech, French, Russian.
    Program messages: Are written to the log file by default on all platforms, on Unix in addition to the console.
    Command line: New options --log-to-console and --no-log-to-console permit controlling independently where the messages go (and where they do not).
    Program messages: Can be displayed in the GUI using Info → Program Messages.
    Files: The current file can be closed using Ctrl-W (or File → Close in the menu).
    Tips of the day: Were updated and can be displayed on startup if enabled.


    libgwyddion: GwyNLFitter fit returns -1 and NULLs the covariance matrix when it gets infinities or NaNs anywhere in the matrix or parameters.
    libgwyddion: New macro gwy_info() emits an INFO-level log message.
    libgwyddion, libgwyprocess: New standard boxed structs GwyXY and GwyXYZ were added to gwymath. GwyTriangulationPointXY and GwyTriangulationPointXYZ are now their aliases.
    libgwyprocess: New DataField distortion function that takes explicit list of coordinates in the original data field.
    libgwyprocess: GwySurface is a new data object representing XYZ data, currently providing just a few basic methods.
    libgwyprocess: GwySpline is a new helper data structure for sampling along curves.
    libgwyprocess: Wrong estimated sizes for tip models were corrected.
    libgwyprocess: Two new tip models were added: Parabola and Cone.
    libgwyprocess: Function for filling missing values in GwyDataLine using Laplace data correction was added.
    libgwyprocess: GwyDataField line statistics calculates rms using local line means, not the global mean.
    libgwyprocess: Raw 2D FFT transform using the SimpleFFT backend (i.e. with FFTW unavailable) overwriting the input data field was fixed.
    libgwyprocess: New function gwy_data_field_area_renormalize() transforms values in just a part of data field.
    libgwyprocess: Crash in gwy_data_field_area_get_entropy_at_scales() for data fields filled with a constant value was fixed.
    libgwyprocess: gwy_data_field_clear() no longer sets cached area to zero.
    libgwyprocess: Resampling of constant valued data fields always produces constant valued data fields. This fixes odd rounding error patterns in thumbnails for constant valued fields.
    libgwyprocess: Tip dilation and erosion functions were optimised.
    libgwydgets: A large number of new stock icons were added.
    libgwydgets: The gradient can be unset using data window colour axis menu. The colour gradient and GL material can be unset in the 3D window as well.
    libgwydgets: Positions of graph labels are remembered and restored.
    libgwydgets: GwyGraphCurveModel has a method for ensuring data points are ordered by abscissa.
    libgwydgets: Convenience combo box constructor for graph curves was added.
    libgwydgets: Editability of graph area selections can be controlled.
    libgwydgets: Function for setting graph curve data from a single interleaved array was added.
    libgwydgets: Graph and 3D windows can be resized using keyboard, similarly to other data windows.
    libgwydgets: GwyDataView with physical aspect ratio resizes itself now when the physical dimensions change but pixel dimensions do not.
    libgwymodule: XYZ data processing module management functions were added.
    libgwyapp: All program messages are gathered by the default logger and displayed in a text view.
    libgwyapp: Data browser can show warnings and other messages occurring during the opening or merging of specific files.
    libgwyapp: Data browser displays thumbnails for graphs. A new function for graph thumbnail creation was added.
    libgwyapp: Thumbnails are generated from any kind of data found in the image, preferring volume, XYZ, channels and then graphs.
    libgwyapp: File open dialogue previews almost all visual data types: channels, graphs, volume and xyz.
    libgwyapp: XYZ data support was added to validation, logging, metadata browsing, data choosers, enumeration and other places.
    libgwyapp: gwy_app_sync_data_items() only replicates non-empty selections now.
    libgwyapp: Functions for enumerating ids of data in a container now work also for containers not managed by the data browser.
    libgwyapp: GwyAppFileChooser open dialogue can filter files by name.
    libgwyapp: It is possible to query the current data browser page using gwy_app_data_browser_get_current().
    libgwyapp: Data can be duplicated with Ctrl-D, deleted with Ctrl-Delete and extracted to a new file with Ctrl-Insert.
    libgwyapp: Zooms and sizes of all kinds data windows are saved and restored when the data are displayed again (if they seem sane for the current screen).


    Straighten path (new): Extracts image sampled along a spline curve and the direction perpendicular to the curve.
    Path layer (new): A single spline curve with arbitrary number of points.
    Extract path selection (new): Extracts positions and tangents of sampled path selections as graph curves.
    Find graph peaks (new): Simple location of peaks on graph curves.
    Rasterize XYZ (new): Renders XYZ data to an image.
    XYZ Correct Drift (new): Corrects drift in timestamped XYZ data.
    Coerce (new): Transforms surfaces to have prescribed statistical properties.
    XYZize (new): Creates XYZ data (with regular point grid) from an image.
    Data processing modules with preview: Data with non-square aspect ratio should look like in 2.43 again.
    IntelliWave (new): Imports IntelliWave ESD data files (experimental).
    Nano Measuring Machine: Parameters from the main DSC file are imported as metadata.
    Align rows: Median difference method no longer changes the overall data tilt.
    Spectro tool: Always disabled ‘Apply’ button (broken in 2.44) works again.
    Points, Lines layers: Numbering works with more than 999 objects.
    1D FFT filter: GUI was reorganised and the previews enlarged.
    Image export: Support for path selection drawing was added.
    Level: Zero mean value supports masking. Individual module functions have separate settings now.
    Columnar synthesis: New option to continuously ‘melt’ the film during the growth.
    RHK SPM32 and SM4: Imported graph curves are sorted by abscissa, fixing some graph functionality being broken.
    WSxM: Files starting ‘WSxM file copyright WSxM solutions’ are also recognised now. Single-precision files are loaded correctly.
    Nanoscantech: Support for files using UTF-8 encoding was added.
    GWYXYZF: Byte order handling was corrected to follow the specification.
    GWYXYZF, Raw XZY: The data are loaded a native XYZ data instead of being regularised to image upon import.
    Statistical functions: Local range was added as a new quantity.
    Object synthesis: Coverage parameter was fixed to actually mean what the documentation describes. Multiply old values by 4 to get the same coverage.
    Mark disconnected: The operation is undoable now.
    XYZ export: Can export both channels and XYZ data.
    APE DAX: Complete metadata are imported, miscellaneous other improvements.
    Seiko: Image resolutions should be correct for all files, with no guessing involved.
    OME TIFF: Data split to several files can be loaded at least file by file now, instead of getting a cryptic error message.
    Volumize layers: Memory handling error causing a crash after closing the volumized data was fixed. Units are set properly and can be controlled in the module dialogue.
    Volumize: The created volume data are now 1 under the surface (inside the material) and 0 above the surface (outside the material).

Version 2.44

Released: 11 January 2016.


    Translations updated: Czech, French, Russian.


    libgwyddion: gwy_debug() adds time stamps to the messages (where available).
    libgwyprocess: Rare incorrect memory reallocation in Delaunay triangulation was fixed.
    libgwyprocess: Euclidean distance transform with from_border=FALSE actually work for all cases, previously the border-influenced areas had to be limited.
    libgwyprocess: New function for simple regularisation of XYZ data to a data field was added.
    libgwyprocess: Bogus value returned by gwy_data_field_area_get_entropy() with mask exclusion mode was fixed.
    libgwyprocess: Functions for estimation of the entropy of two-dimensional point cloud, and for entropy-from-histogram-at-scale curves were added.
    libgwyprocess: An iterative cancellable version of function gwy_triangulation_triangulate() was added.
    libgwyprocess: Functions for filling area under mask with a value and simple data-average correction using unmasked data were added.
    libgwydgets: Gwy3DView no longer downsamples data during changes, all operations are done with full-resolution surfaces. Its "reduced-size" property was deprecated and it has no effect.
    libgwydgets: Gwy3DView light source distance from the surface no longer scales with Value scale, improving views with small Value scale a lot.
    libgwydgets: Graph labels respond to "label-property" changes. The property is also meaningfully updated when user moves the label around.
    libgwydgets: GwyGraphModel and GwyGraphCurveModel clone() methods were implemented.
    libgwyapp: gwy_app_channel_remove_bad_data() now ensures the mask field has the same lateral dimensions and units as the data field.
    libgwyapp: Potential corruption of recent file list by Save As introduced in 2.43 was fixed.
    libgwyapp: Data windows hidden and re-shown from the data browser no longer lose the window icon showing a data thumbnail.


    Entropy (new): Visualises entropy calculation for distributions of values and slopes.
    Leica (new): Imports Leica LIF CLSM images.
    Nano Measuring Machine (new): Imports NMM profile sets and regularises them to raster data.
    DM3: Support for Digital Micrograph DM4 files was added.
    Image export: The number of digits in false colour axis ticks can be controlled explicitly. Very small negative values are displayed as ‘0.0’, never the odd ‘-0.0’.
    Magellan: RGB images are accepted and the channels are averaged upon import.
    APE file: Crash when loading files with fewer actual data than reported by the channels bit mask was fixed.
    Limit Range: Setting range from fixed colour mapping range was fixed.
    NanoScanTech: Loading from raw binary data blocks was implemented.
    Keyence: File loading no longer fails when assembly information seems missing or too short as the module does not actually need it.
    All tools: Sensitivity of Apply buttons and auxiliary controls was corrected so that can be activated only when there is actually an active image.
    Processing modules with selections in the dialogue: Critical messages when the dialogues were displayed were fixed.
    Spectral synthesis: Possible critical message when re-running the function after deleting a channel was fixed.
    Rawfile: Replacement value for missing data can be given as text for text formats, e.g. ‘BAD’ or ‘NODATA’.
    Raw XYZ: A bug in point merging was fixed that sometimes caused infinities to appear in the data. Triangulation is remembered and not recomputed when not necessary. A progress bar is shown for the triangulation process and it is possible to cancel it. New interpolation type ‘Average’ was added, which is always fast and produces a result similar to a bit fuzzier ‘Round’ interpolation. Button ‘Reset Ranges’ permits resetting the data ranges to the initial values obtained from the file data ranges. Point density can be plotted as another field.
    GWYXYZF: The regularisation method was improved to ‘Average’ from Raw XYZ.
    Nanoscope: Support for 32bit raw data format used since 9.2 was added.
    JEOL: Support for Phase channels was added.
    Statistical quantities: Deficit of entropy to Gaussian distribution with the same dispersion was added as a new quantity. Unavailable quantities are no longer printed to reports.
    MI file: Loading of graphs in ASCII format was implemented.
    RHK SM4: Loading of graph data with small Y size works now.
    Raw graph: Curve data are sorted upon import.
    Grain filter: Options for unused quantities (B or C) are now hidden instead of made insensitive to reduce visual clutter.
    Graph function fit, FD curve fit, critical dimension: Function names are translated also in reports.
    Ballistic deposition synthesis: Progressive preview works now.
    Align graph: Crash with curves not sorted by abscissa was fixed.
    Renishaw: Timestamps in metadata were corrected.


    MS Windows packages: Include OpenEXR support now.
    Linux compilation: Broken configure detection of libpython on Fedora 23 (and possibly elsewhere) was fixed.
    MS Windows compilation: A script generating MS Visual Studio solution files (and other files) was added as utils/

Version 2.43

Released: 25 November 2015.


    Translations updated: Czech, French, Italian, Russian.


    libgwyddion: GwyContainer items are serialised in lexical order (this is not a functional change; the order is still not guaranteed by the format).
    libgwyddion: New functions gwy_fopen() and gwy_fprintf() were added, wrapping the C library functions. As they reside within Gwyddion they are always compiled with the same C library on MS Windows (unlike g_fopen()), making FILE pointer passing possible.
    libgwyprocess: Functions for erosion, dilation, opening and closing morphological operations with arbitrarily shaped flat structuring elements were added.
    libgwyprocess: A function for alternating sequential filters with flat discs was added.
    libgwyprocess: gwy_data_field_grain_simple_dist_trans() can perform all types of distance transforms now, including true Euclidean.
    libgwyprocess: Functions for mask growing and shrinking using any available distance measure were added.
    libgwyprocess: A function for mask inversion was added.
    libgwyprocess: A function for trimming empty border rows and columns from a mask data field was added.
    libgwydraw: GwySelection has a method for moving it in the plane (may not be meaningful or supported for all subclasses).
    libgwydgets: GwySelectionGraphArea and GwySelectionGraphPoint support crop and move methods now.
    libgwydgets: Graph selections that are either along x or y have now an "orientation" property, similar to GwySelectionAxis.
    libgwydgets: GwyColorAxis updates properly after exact range inversion.
    libgwyapp: Drag'n'drop of selections from Selection Manager tool to channels works for images with offset top-left corner.
    libgwyapp: Functions for obtaining quark keys of various common items (range, palette, title, meta, ...) in the file were added.


    Sensofarx (new): Imports Sensofar PLUx data files.
    Princeton SPE (new): Imports Princeton Instruments camera SPE files.
    Mask morph (new): Elementary morphological operations with masks, possibly using another mask as the structuring elements.
    Mask of Disconnected (new): Mark local outliers that have values disconnected to the distribution of other values.
    Rawfile: NaN in floating point data are handled by masking and replacement. It is possible to specify a raw value representing missing data. Support for two-byte half and six-byte Pascal floating point formats was added. Reading of 64bit integer formats was fixed.
    Filters tool: Minimum and maximum filters now use circular neighbourhoods. Opening and closing filters and alternating sequential filters with flat discs were added. The filters can be applied only to masked/unmasked parts of the image.
    Rank: Local normalisation and value range filter options were added.
    Nanoscantech: Unit and scale reading was updated.
    Mask editor tool: The distance type used for Grow and Shrink is controllable now, with true Euclidean distance being the default. Using bucket fill on an image with no mask creates a mask and fills it entirely.
    Profile tool: Possible crash when starting to take a profile with masking was fixed.
    Axis, Ellipse, Line, Point and Rectangle layers: Support for the move operation was added.
    Selection manager tool: Selections are distributed correctly from and to images with offset top-left corner.
    Pygwy: Python 2.4 is now required. New wrappers for grain numbering and grain quantity calculation were added.
    Slice volume, Align rows: It is possible to select a target graph for extracted curves.
    Align rows: All the methods consistently keep the mean correction to zero, preserving absolute data values. A Critical warning message in column alignment of non-square images when mask was present but ignored was fixed.
    Mark by threshold, Mark by edge detection, Facet analysis: The mask can be combined with mask already present on the image using union or intersection.
    Mark by threshold: Reset button now really resets all the settings.
    Colour range tool: Can reverse the mapping for fixed ranges. Mapping range is no longer reset to full upon data change.
    Object synthesis: Features created on the surface can be positive, negative or randomly either now.
    NT-MDT: Hybrid mode data are split to upward and downward movement.
    CSM: Image dimensions from Benyuan header are ignored now and BMP dimensions are always used.
    Nanoscope: Calculation of dimensions of non-square images was improved (hopefully).
    Image export: Smaller pixel-per-inch values are possible for vector formats and the values are also no longer rounded to integers.
    WSxM: Horizontally flipped exported channels were fixed.
    Omicron flat: Files with non-standard names are loaded now, with no related data loaded alongside. The original result filename is displayed as the filename when possible.
    Critical dimensions: No longer crashes or produces NaNs when the profile does not conform to Step profile according to the norm.
    GWYXYZF: Incorrect memory freeing, possibly causing leaks or crashes, was fixed.
    2D FFT: Crash for raw inverse transform without any imaginary part selected was fixed.


    Dependencies: Gwyddion can use either minizip or libzip for opening of ZIP-compressed file formats. The former is used if both are found.
    Unix compilation: Configure checks for gtk-doc at least 1.10, required to build the documentation (older versions were actually insufficient even before).
    Linux compilation: RPM requires rubypick only on RedHat-based distros.

Version 2.42

Released: 6 October 2015.


    Translations updated: Czech, French, Russian.


    libgwyprocess: A function for estimation of the entropy data field values was added.
    libgwyprocess: A function for angular averaging of a data field area was added.
    libgwyprocess: A function for sub-pixel maximum refinement was added.
    libgwyprocess: New functions to calculate data line total variation, skew, kurtosis, mean absolute deviation of values and peak statistics.
    libgwyprocess: Normalisation of tan β₀ data line statistics was corrected.
    libgwyprocess: New functions for obtaining GwyDataLine minimum and maximum values simultaneously.
    libgwyprocess: Range and total variation can be now calculated by gwy_data_field_area_get_line_stats().
    libgwydgets: Gradient visualisation mode uses the same false colour mapping as overlay if overlays are set.
    libgwydgets: 3D view false colour map rendered as a black box when no axes are drawn was hopefully fixed.
    libgwydgets: Leaking overlay GwyPixmapLayers in Gwy3DView were fixed.
    libgwydgets: Misaligned Y-grids in graphs exported to bitmap were fixed.
    libgwydgets: 3D view axis and tick line width is controllable now.
    libgwydgets: Graph curve properties dialogue has buttons for switching to the next and previous curve in the graph.
    libgwyapp: File thumbnails (for document history) are created from volume data when the file does not contain any channels.
    libgwyapp: Data browser displays ‘Z’ for volume data with z-calibration.
    libgwyapp: New function to find window for volume data by id was added.


    Align rows (new): Row alignment by various methods, including polynomial subtraction, with masking support and background extraction. It replaces the various scattered row correction functions.
    Measure lattice (new): Measures vectors of Bravais lattice using either ACF or PSDF image.
    Distribute Mask (new): Distributes a channel mask to other channels.
    Summarize Profiles (new): Create an image from statistical characteristics of Z profiles of volume data.
    Z calibration (new): Manages z axis calibration of volume data.
    Keyence (new): Imports Keyence VK4 profilometry images.
    Polynom tool: It was removed, use Align rows instead.
    Line correct: Standard methods were removed (being replaced by Align rows), the experimental ones remain in this module.
    Omicron flat: It was rewritten. All related data are now loaded together and support for the various non-topography data types was improved.
    Profile tool: Angularly averaged (radial) profiles can be extracted now, with possible automated symmetrisation. Data masking is supported.
    Image export: Missing #include was fixed. GIF support was disabled as it was available only on Win32 and did not work there anyway.
    Gwyfile: If the program aborts to out-of-memory during saving the existing file is kept intact now.
    Raw XYZ: Data values can be separated by commas or semicolons in file lines.
    Profile and Distance tools: Line numbers can be switched on and off.
    WSxM: It is possible to export channels to WSxM files (.stp).
    Colour Range tool: Fixed range values are no longer lost upon switching from a non-fixed range data window.
    Slice volume: It is possible to extract multiple images or curves at once. Not working graph selection was fixed. Possibly odd preview sizes and graph selection ranges upon base plane switch were corrected.
    Cross-correlation: Invalid low-correlation mask object sharing was fixed.
    NRRD: Detached data files are correctly searched in a path relative to the header file now.
    Mark With: Preview now behaves correctly when using mask as the source.
    Distance, Profile, Path Level tools: Moved/edited line is selected in the list and the list is scrolled to make it visible.
    Line layer: New property "center-tick" controls drawing of a central tick.
    Line noise synthesis: New ‘Ridges’ noise type creates locally offset blocks that do not influence the outside values.
    Raw graph import: Curve type can be chosen directly in the dialogue. A few settings remembering problems were fixed.
    Row/column statistics tool: Range and total variation quantities were added. All parameters are calculated for mean value-corrected profiles.
    Roughness tool: Waviness and texture parameters are actually calculated from zero-mean profiles.
    K-means, K-medians: They now have progress bars and are cancellable.
    Grain distributions: Field separator in the header was fixed to tab.


    MS Windows compilation: The code has been made MSVC-compatible.
    OS X compilation: Python linking on OS X is no longer tied to a specific library.

Version 2.41

Released: 26 May 2015.


    Translations updated: Czech, French, Russian.


    libgwyprocess: Functions for various simple distance transforms were added.
    libgwyprocess: New fitting presets: Smooth slanted step and Smooth bent step.
    libgwydgets: A function for checking the compatibility of units of two graph models was added.
    libgwydgets: A function for copying curves appending curves from another graph model to a graph model was added.
    libgwydgets: Graph key frame size should better correspond to the content.
    libgwyapp: Data containers corresponding to open files have assigned unique numerical ids (within one program invocation) that can be requested from the data browser.
    libgwyapp: GwyDataChooser has selection setting and obtaining functions that work with numerical ids.
    libgwyapp: New functions for ensuring numerical data identifies identify a still existing data object.
    libgwyapp: New helper function for adding graph curves to another graph or creaing a new graph if units are incompatible.
    libgwyapp: Undo/redo functions now work with graphs so graph modules can save undo information.
    libgwyapp: Data choosers are available for graphs.
    libgwyapp: Data browser has functions for watching graphs.
    libgwyapp: Data choosers respond to the current item disappearing by choosing ‘none’ (preferably) or at least something.


    Align graph (new): Aligns horizontally graph curves.
    Slice volume (new): Simple extraction of planes and lines from volume data.
    Log-Phi PSDF (new): Calculates 2D PSDF transformed to angle-log(frequency) coordinates.
    Ballistic deposition synthesis (new): Simple growth simulation using the ballistic deposition model.
    Profiles, Statistical functions, Row/column statistics, Roughness and Spectro tools: It is possible to select a target graph for the curves.
    Slope distribution, Grain correlations, Curvature, Fractal dimension, FFT profile, Drift correction: It is possible to select a target graph for the curves.
    Arithmetic: Data fields 2 to 8 are remembered between invocations.
    Calibrate, Merge, Immerse, Attach Presentation, Cross-correlation, FFT, Mark With, Mask by Correlation, Neural network training: Second image is remembered between invocations.
    Immerse: Detail positions are remembered.
    Merge: New merge mode ‘Join’ suitable for slowly varying data without significant features but well defined absolute Z values was added.
    Pygwy: Python modules have sys.path set up the same way as the console now, which namely includes the path to
    2D FFT: It is possible to provide the imaginary part and perform inverse transforms.
    1D FFT filter: Occasional ‘Axis with extreme range!’ error was fixed.
    Image export: Alignment of numbers on false colour map scale was improved. Drawing of ‘lattice’ selections was implemented. The decimal separator can be controlled. A rare insufficient precision of ruler ticks was fixed.
    Filters tool: A simple Gaussian sharpening filter was added.
    Affine distortion: The lattice is remembered and recalled. ACF image uses full colour range, correcting problems when fixed colour range is set.
    Selection manager tool: Lattice selections are shown when chosen in the list.
    Tip blind estimate: A memory freeing error was fixed in the stripes mode.
    Fractal dimension: Graph axis labels are somewhat more descriptive.
    Graph level, Graph filter: They are now undoable.
    Graph fit: A button for copying all fitted parameters to estimates was added.
    Graph FD fit: The theoretical curve and difference curve are created also from estimates, not just after final fit.
    Zeiss: RGB images are accepted and the channels are averaged upon import.
    Color Range tool: Fixed colour range controls are immediately sensitive when this range type is the default.
    XY denoise: Too many data field dereferencing, causing a crash later, was fixed.
    Euclidean distance transform: Renamed to Distance transform. It can perform also various simple distance transforms.
    Renishaw: Support for loading some metadata was added.
    Nanonis: Files with unknown multi-line header blocks are loaded correctly.
    Nanonics: It should be possible to open incomplete scans.


    Python: Standalone Python module gwy is now in the gwyddion-devel package instead of the main package (it required the devel package to work anyway).

Version 2.40

Released: 7 February 2015.


    Translations updated: Czech, French, Russian.


    libgwyddion: Aborting/crashing on deserialisation of invalid-sized arrays was fixed.
    libgwyprocess: GwySpectra has properties specifying the abscissa and ordinate labels for the spectra curves.
    libgwyprocess: Pass a NULL error array to gwy_nlfit_preset_fit() works now.
    libgwyprocess: New fitting presets: Two-Gaussian PSDF and parabolic step.
    libgwydgets: In 3D View masked data points can be made completely transparent.


    Flatten base (new): Flattens the base of a surface with positive features.
    K-medians (new): K-medians clustering for volume data.
    SEM image (new): Presentation resembling SEM image corresponding to given topography.
    XYZ export (new): Exports channel values to simple XYZ text file.
    Image export: It is possible do disable the frame if there are no rulers. False colour rendering for inverted gradients and default non-full mappings was corrected. Title centring for non-square images was corrected. A mask colour sample can be rendered below the image with a label. Error message saying ‘Success’ when exporting BMP files was fixed.
    APE DAX: Can also import APDT files now.
    NetCDF: The new setpoint variable ‘sranger_mk2_hwi_mix0_set_point’ is used for metadata, if found.
    NRRD: 3D data with all three resolutions large are loaded a volume data instead of sequences of channels.
    Merge: Can mask pixels in the result that were outside of either image. It is also possible to automatically crop the result to only inside pixels. A new merge type ‘Interpolation’ produces smoother transitions than the old ‘Smooth’ which was renamed to ‘Average’.
    Spectro tool: Uses abscissa and ordinate labels from the spectra object, if present.
    Omicron, Nanoeducator: X and Y spectra axis labels are set according to the imported spectrum type.
    Euclidean distance transform: Function for mask thinning was added.
    Mark by threshold: Percentage interpretation for inverted height was changed to be less confusing.
    Raw XYZ: The square image option is not enforced on regular grid data when it is not available in the dialog.
    WITec Project: WIT_PR06 recognized as another variant of magic header.
    APE DAX, NanoObserver, NanoScanTech, OpenGPS, SPMx: Opening of files with non-ASCII names should work better on MS Windows.


    Unix compilation: Do not attempt to build the hdrimage module with C++ compiler unavailable.

Version 2.39

Released: 14 November 2014.


    Dependencies: Pango 1.10 and Cairo 1.2 are now required.
    MS Windows: The program should start with a saner working directory by default.
    Translations updated: Czech, French, Russian.
    New translation: Korean.


    libgwyddion: A function for copying GwySIValueFormat was added; the structure is also registered as a boxed type now.
    libgwydraw: Adaptive false colour mapping was improved by making it more adaptive.
    libgwydraw: It is possible to map user-given values to gradient positions using the same mapping as gwy_pixbuf_draw_data_field_adaptive() uses.
    libgwydgets: gwy_axis_get_magnification_string() returns string for the new units after gwy_axis_set_si_unit().
    libgwydgets: GwyColorAxis has a new ‘unlabelled’ ticks mode in which the interior ticks are drawn without labels.
    libgwydgets: GwyColorAxis permits specifying a non-linear value to gradient mapping function.
    libgwydgets: Crash when changing colour maps in Gwy3DView with gtk+ version greater 2.29 was fixed.
    libgwyapp: When adaptive false colour mapping is used, the axis is set to the new ‘unlabelled’ mode so the mapping non-linearity can be seen.


    Image export (new): Replaces image rendering in the pixmap module; can export to vector graphics formats: PDF, EPS and SVG. The corresponding file types are called ‘pdfcairo’, ‘pngcairo’, etc.
    NX II (new): Imports EMSYS NX II AFM files.
    FemtoScan (new): Imports FemtoScan SPM files.
    SPMx (new): Imports ACT/FemtoScan SPMxFormat files.
    Fractional Brownian motion (new): Generation of fBm-like artificial surfaces.
    Renishaw (new): Imports Renishaw WiRE data files.
    Pixmap: Only used for image import; image rendering functions were removed.
    Statistical quantities: Crash in saving the statistics was fixed (introduced in 2.38).
    OpenGPS: Format detection was improved to check not just for the presence of main.xml also if it really looks like an ISO 5436-2 XML file.
    MIF: X, Y and Z calibration factors are applied to data upon import and a different Z conversion formula is used according to z_linearized. Multiplicative factors encoded after the image are applied to the data.
    MetroPro: Z scale in files with PhaseRes value of 2 is correct now.
    Grain distributions: The graph abscissas are bin centres now, as is usual, instead of bin left edges.
    Noise and line noise synthesis: Settings are remembered also on Cancel.

Version 2.38

Released: 18 September 2014.


    Help: Pressing F1 shows help, i.e. it points a web browser to the relevant part of the user guide (in most program windows). Most dialogues also have a Help button now.
    Translations updated: Czech, French, German, Russian, Spanish.


    libgwyprocess: New function to find a height threshold by the Otsu method.
    libgwyprocess: New functions to calculate data field total variation.
    libgwyprocess: Macro gwy_data_field_invalidate() is also provided as a function so it is available in pygwy now.
    libgwyprocess: New functions to count regional minima and maxima.
    libgwyprocess: New function for numbering grains assuming the mask is periodic and grains can touch across the opposite edges.
    libgwyprocess: New function to update units and dimensions of 2D FFT output.
    libgwydgets: Real scale in 3D view can be set arbitrarily, not just 1:1.
    libgwymodule: New functions to obtain the name of the currently running file, proc, volume and graph module functions.
    libgwyapp: New simplified logging functions that do not require passing the function name.
    libgwyapp: New functions for help handling.
    libgwyapp: New file module utility function for masking NaNs and infs.


    OpenGPS (new): Imports OpenGPS surface data format (ISO 5436-2).
    JEOL JSPM (new): Imports JEOL JSPM data files.
    Diffusion synthesis (new): Artificial surface generation by a diffusion limited aggregation simulation.
    K-means (new): K-means clustering for volume data.
    FITS (new): Imports Flexible Image Transport System images.
    FemtoScan TXT (new): Imports FemtoScan exported TXT data files.
    Filters tool: Gaussian smoothing is no longer limited to integer FWHM.
    Columnar synthesis: Can plot the evolution of some statistics during the growth.
    APE DAX: Warning about invalid logging function name was fixed.
    NT-MDT: Fixed loading of old spectroscopy from Nanoeducator2 data. Search of external data in another possible location is implemented.
    Pygwy: It is possible to write volume data processing modules in Python. Brick has a duplicate() method, gwy_app_data_browser_get_current() supports brick-related items. Python error messages are no longer silenced after Python modules are run.
    Colour Range tool: The range can be set to the range of masked/unmasked values.
    HDR image: NaNs and infinities in floating point images are removed and masked upon import.
    Slope distribution: A bad typecast causing Gtk+ warning was fixed.

Version 2.37

Released: 27 June 2014.


    Translations updated: Czech, French, Italian, Russian.


    libgwyddion: New data type GwyRandGenSet providing a convenient set of random number generators and functions for sampling from different distributions.
    libgwyddion: Environment variables such as GWYDDION_LIBDIR override the system-default paths on all systems, including OS X now.
    libgwyddion: Module and data paths on OS X are taken from the bundle "net.gwyddion" instead of the main bundle, fixing broken paths in the stand-alone Python gwy module.
    libgwyprocess: DataField z-value format is now based on autorange instead of the full data range.
    libgwyprocess: A function for filling grain voids was added.
    libgwyprocess: A simple x and y derivative filter function was added.
    libgwyprocess: A regional extrema marking function was added.
    libgwyprocess: A classic Vincent watershed algorithm function was added.
    libgwyprocess: Pixel count was added as a new grain quantity.
    libgwyprocess: Crash in gwy_grain_values_calculate() when a quantity was requested multiple times was fixed.
    libgwyprocess: New function for performing one step of facet levelling.
    libgwydgets: Several new stock icons were added.


    WinSTM (new): Import WinSTM data files.
    Mark by Segmentation (new): Another segmentation/grain marking module, based on the classic Vincent algorithm.
    Grain filter (new): Filtering of grains by range criteria and logical expressions.
    Slope statistics (new): Statistics were split off Slope distributions, the GUI and functionality is the same as before.
    Lattice synthesis (new): Construction of surfaces based on Voronoi tessellation of randomized lattices.
    Grain removal by threshold: Removed. Threshold-based removal is replaced by Grain filter (also replacing it the default toolbox). Removal of grains touching image edges is a stand-alone menu function now.
    Mask operations: Function for removal of grains touching image edges was added.
    Mask editor tool: Fill voids handles correctly different connectivity of grain exterior, noticeable for grains separated only by thin lines. It is also possible to fill only simple-connected grains.
    Pixmap: Vertical and horizontal rulers always use the same number format. The gap between image and false colour map can be adjusted, as well as the gap between the inset scale bar and image border. Missing lower left corner of the false colour map scale border was fixed. Text antialiasing can be disabled.
    Affine distortion: The ACF image can be zoomed.
    NT-MDT: Double inversion of new spectroscopy data properly checked and fixed.
    Slope distribution: Masking is supported. Plot of total gradient was added.
    NanoScan: A couple of memory-handling bugs was fixed.
    Grain distributions: Displays a preview graph of the selected quantity.
    Grain correlations: If run interactively and the same-units condition of selected quantities is not satisfied, default quantities are selected instead of aborting with an error box.
    Slope distributions: Preview of the result was added.
    Dimensions and Units: False colour axis actually starts showing the new value units also when you change only the units (not the Z range).
    2D FFT Filter: FFT output centre of lateral coordinates is at the zero frequency now.
    2D FFT and FFT profile: Slight offset of lateral coordinates for odd-sized images was corrected.
    Spectral synthesis: Critical message/crash, occurring when some files were loaded but no channel was active while invoking the function, was fixed.
    Cross-correlation: Now allowing use of multiple channels and output of all the results together.


    Python: The stand-alone Python gwy module uses the correct extension for dlopening, fixing the failure to load Gwyddion libraries on OS X.

Version 2.36

Released: 2 April 2014.


    Translations updated: Czech, French, Russian.


    libgwyddion: A GString in-place substring replacement function was added.
    libgwyddion: A function for conversion of text to native EOLs was added.
    libgwyprocess: Function gwy_data_field_extend() for extending data fields with various exterior handling types was added.
    libgwyprocess: A function for Euclidean distance transform of a mask was added.
    libgwyprocess: Grain quantities characterising the moment-equivalent ellipses of grains (axis lengths and orientation) were added.
    libgwydgets: Igor Pro .itx graph ASCII export option was added.
    libgwymodule: Function for obtaining the file name of a container was added (mostly useful for pygwy).
    libgwyapp: gwy_app_wait_start() always creates a progress/cancel dialog, even if no parent window is passed.


    Columnar synthesis (new): Simulation of columnar film growth.
    Wave synthesis (new): Composes images using interference of waves from a number of point sources.
    Euclidean distance transform (new): Creates a data field representing the distance transform of given mask.
    Domain synthesis (new): Creates patterns based on a hybrid non-equilibrium Ising model.
    MetroPro: Files with header formats 2 and 3 are recognised and imported. Almost all header fields are imported to metadata.
    Omicron: Value offsets in grid spectra were corrected.
    Read value: Local curvature at cursor is also calculated and displayed.
    Zeiss: ‘Image Pixel Size’ field is used for real dimensions instead of ‘Pixel Size’ if it is present.
    Affine distortion: ACF of one image can be used to correct another image. Uncorrected lattice vectors can be entered numerically.
    PSIA: Rotated non-square images are imported correctly.
    Modules with a text output: Outputs are saved to text files with native line terminators.
    Pygwy console: Can be hidden by pressing Esc.
    Grain statistics: Text output uses simple human-readable notation for powers instead of Pango markup.


    Resources: A false colour gradient mimicking the MetroPro rainbow palette was added.
    Dependencies: Compatibility with Gtk+ 2.8, accidentally broken in 2.35, was restored.

Version 2.35

Released: 2 March 2014.


    Logging: A log of data modification operations is recorded for each channel and volume data. A viewer of data processing operation log is available in the right-click menus. Logging can be enabled and disabled in the Edit menu.
    Unity: A workaround for toolbox menus disappearing in Unity was implemented.
    Translations updated: Czech, French, Russian.


    libgwyddion: GwyStringList has new functions for clearing and adding a string with taking the ownership.
    libgwyprocess: gwy_data_field_grains_get_distribution() no longer incorrectly includes the no-grains value in the resulting distribution.
    libgwyprocess: A function for removing grains by number was added.
    libgwydgets: Graph window shows reasonable cursor coordinates with logscale axes.
    libgwyapp: Functions for logging of data processing operations were added.
    libgwyapp: Missing brick containers items were added to validation and file merging operations.


    Data processing, file and volume modules: Support for logging was added.
    Rank (new): Rank transform-based local contrast enhancement presentation.
    OME TIFF (new): Import Open Microscopy Environment (OME) TIFF files.
    Accurex II TXT (new): Imports Accurex II text data files.
    HDR image: 32bit and 64bit integer samples as well as 32bit and 64bit floating point samples are supported. Plain BigTIFF images can be loaded.
    APE file: Metadata handling for different SPM modes was improved.
    NanoScanTech: Problems with loading 4d jumping mode spectroscopy fixed.
    NT-MDT: Hybrid mode is loaded with distance calibration, pre-calculated data fields are loaded from hybrid-mode data.
    Scale: Rounding of scaling ratio to some odd values was fixed.
    Pixmap export: Bad row padding for some BMP image widths was fixed.
    RHK SM4: PRM are imported to metadata.
    Igor file: Infinities and NaNs in the data are filled with a neutral value and masked upon import.
    NanoScan: Files with namespace are recognised.
    Merge: Bug causing occasional use of data outside of the operand images was fixed.

Version 2.34

Released: 15 December 2013.


    Tear-off menus: It is no longer possible to tear off toolbox submenus. The tear-off menus were removed as they have been broken in Gtk+ for a long time.
    Toolbox: Seldom used functions (Rotate and Unrotate) were replaced with Dimensions & units and Arithmetic in the default toolbox.
    Toolbox: Menu ‘Meta’ in the toolbox was renamed to ‘Info’.
    OS X: Menu integration support in 64 bit OS X application.
    3D view: Settings of 3D view labels are also stored when 3D defaults are saved.
    Translations updated: Czech, French, Italian, Russian.


    libgwyprocess: A function for affine transformation of data fields was added.
    libgwydgets: A function to test sensitivity group membership was added.
    libgwydgets: Pygwy stock icon was added.


    Otsu's thresholding (new): Grain marking using Otsu's method.
    Affine distortion (new): Correction of affine distortion by matching image and expected lattice vectors.
    Lattice layer (new): Layer allowing selection of a two-dimensional lattice.
    LEXT: Can load colour images; R, G, B are imported as separate channels.
    OLS, LEXT: False colour gradients of colour channels are automatically set to RGB-Red, RGB-Green and RGB-Blue.
    Graph cut: Cutting other curves than the first actually works. Memory leaks were fixed.
    Dimensions and Units: If image dimensions change selections are cleared.
    WSF file: All key-value pairs in the file header at placed to metadata.
    NetCDF: Support for multi-layer files was added.
    Volume show and extract: A possible crash was fixed.
    NT-MDT: Support for new spectroscopy frames was added, loading of 4D data from MDA frames improved: hybrid jumping mode, Raman images from 'new solver-next electronics’ era devices, external data storage, metadata parsing from XML.
    Pygwy: Console is persistent and only one can exist, it has a clear log button, gwy syntax highlighting was added, a number of leaks was fixed, Python wrappers for file loading and grain numbering were improved.
    Pixmap: Only edge false colour scale ticks are drawn for adaptive mapping.
    S94 file: Support for current images and metadata was added; scaling of topography images was corrected.
    Seiko: Files starting with SPIZ000STM are recognised and imported. Data should be read with correct value offsets (i.e. not just scale) now.


    Resources: Three new false colour gradients were added, RGB-Red, RGB-Green and RGB-Blue, representing pure R, G and B channels.

Version 2.33

Released: 17 October 2013.


    Translations updated: Czech, French, Russian, Spanish.


    libgwyprocess: Speed of tip blind estimate was improved by not reporting progress too often.
    libgwyapp: Tools can remember and restore also position of the dialog, within one session.
    libgwyapp: Data choosers can be created also for volume data.
    libgwyapp: The data browser provides id lists and thumbnails also for volume data.


    Zemax (new): Imports Zemax grid sag data files.
    Dimensions and Units: It is possible to set the pixel size to match exactly another channel. Undo warnings were fixed.
    TIA SER: spectral arrays reimplemented as volume data.
    Volume show and extract: Crash for data with unequal resolutions in different dimensions was fixed.
    Merge: Pixel size of images created in ‘None’ merge mode correspond to pixel size of the merged images.
    Tip blind estimate: Estimate can be made for several horizontal stripes on the image and tip radius for each estimated.
    Pixmap: Loading of TIFFs on 64bit MS Windows was disabled because the system library crashes.
    Igor file: Units are correctly derived from channels starting with ‘DAC’.
    GWYXYZF: Compilation on big endian architectures was fixed.
    Arithmetic: Aspect ratio setting of result is taken from the first channel used in the expression.
    EZD file: Support for 32bit depth was added.

Version 2.32

Released: 8 September 2013.


    Dependencies: GLib 2.14 is now required.
    Translations updated: Czech, French, Russian, Spanish.
    Toolbox: Metadata browser is no longer present in Meta menu. Access it via the right-click (Shift-F10) context menu of data (and volume) windows.


    libgwyprocess: Summary statistical functions for bricks were added.
    libgwyprocess: 2D ACF normalisation (off by 1/√xres) was corrected.
    libgwydgets: 3D view can display data overlays without any lighting.
    libgwydgets: Unwanted window dragging with KDE oxygen theme was hopefully fixed.
    libgwydgets: Graph PostScript tries to avoid some non-ASCII characters; the key position was corrected fixed.
    libgwydgets: Data window updates colour axis range also after resize, fixing range not being updated after an in-place Crop.
    libgwymodule: Volume data processing module management functions were added.
    libgwyapp: Support for volume data and functions were added to the data browser and menu constructors.
    libgwyapp: Toolbox items sensitivity corresponds to data available in the current file, not globally. This fixes a long-standing bug when it was possible to run a module function for a type of data for which gwy_app_data_browser_get_current() did not actually give anything.
    libgwyapp: Public functions to display metadata browser were added.
    libgwyapp: Editing data titles in data browser can be invoked using mouse again (a double-click activation followed by a normal click).


    Volumize (new): Create a simple 3D volume data from 2D data.
    Volumize_layers (new): Create 3D volume data from set of 2D data.
    Show and extract (new): Show 3D volume data and extract some projections.
    Volume invert (new): Invert value in a 3D volume.
    Tescan (new): Imports Tescan MIRA SEM images.
    S94 (new): Imports S94 STM files.
    Spectral synthesis: A ‘Lorentzian’ multiplier leading to exponential ACF was added.
    WSxM: Files with wrong ‘Image header size’ field are imported correctly.
    APE DAX: Metadata import was improved.
    LEXT: Tries to import image 0, even though its data type can be only estimated.
    Pixmap: Crashing when run from stand-alone python script was fixed.
    PSIA: Vertical flipping of data was corrected.
    Raw XYZ: User-selected resolutions are remembered.
    All synthesis: Fixed Critical warnings/crash when the current file has no channels.
    Dimensions and Units: Allow negative z calibration factor or range.
    Nanoscope: Basic support for Force Volume data was added.
    Points layer: Can draw point numbers.
    Spectro tool: Spectra points are numbered.
    Omicron: Positions of grid spectra points were corrected.
    Polynomial level: Coefficients are shown and can be exported to a file.
    Profile, Spectro tools: Curve colours are shown as small swatches in the table.
    Nanomagnetics: Support for version 5 files was added.
    Arithmetic: It is possible to use ‘x’ and ‘y’ in the expressions for real coordinates in the image.
    Dimensions and Units: Can create a new channel or modify the current one.
    AIST: Small fix of broken file parser in spectra loading.
    NT-MDT: Raman image loading was reimplemented as volume data.
    NanoScanTech: Basic 4D data loading was implemented.
    WiTec Project: Graph image loading was implemented.
    OLD MDA: Data loading was implemented as volume data.


    MS Windows: The Win64 package uses correct set of registry keys, installation paths and the shortcut name was differentiated, allowing parallel installation with Win32.

Version 2.31

Released: 21 February 2013.


    Translations updated: Czech, French, Russian, Spanish.


    libgwyprocess: Bogus normalisation/possible crash in gwy_data_field_area_dh() in presence of mask on non-square area was fixed.
    libgwyprocess: gwy_data_field_area_dh() returns a reasonable empty distribution if the area contains no data due to masking.
    libgwyprocess: Radial PSDF normalisation was corrected to be really sampling-independent and correspond to the formula in user guide.
    libgwyprocess: Double-free error if the initial Delaunay triangulation step fails was corrected.
    libgwyprocess: Swapped x and y coordinates of spectra in serialisation were fixed.
    libgwyprocess: Added brick (volume) data support backported from Gwyddion 3 development branch.
    libgwyprocess: gwy_data_field_distort() actually works for destination field of different size than source.
    libgwydgets: Crashes upon clicking colour selection buttons were fixed.
    libgwydgets: 3D view false colour axis shows overlay, not height units in the overlay mode.
    libgwyapp: Visibility of false colour bar and mask are included in 3D view settings saved by ‘Set Defaults’.


    APE DAX (new): Imports APE Research DAX files.
    Nanomagnetics (new): Imports Nanomagnetics NMI files.
    VTK export (new): Exports fields as VTK structured grid files.
    Magellan (new): Imports FEI Magellan SEM images.
    Extend (new): Extends a field by adding borders using several methods.
    Brickshow (new): Added a simple module for loading, visualising and data extracting from 3D volume data (Bricks)
    GWYXYZF (new): Imports and export Gwyddion Simple XYZ files.
    Seiko: Files starting ‘NPXZ000AFM’ are recognised and imported. XQP phase files should be read with a correct value scale and units.
    Shimadzu: Files of different version than 2 are recognised and loaded.
    Omicron flat: Crash while reading files with up and down traces but no retrace was fixed.
    Createc: Conversion of raw data to physical values was corrected.
    Nanoeducator: Keep relative coordinates of data fields, Material description decoding from CP1251, Attempt to fix current scale in spectroscopy.
    Nanoscantech: Scan names of new standard (inside Attributes) supported, Units and scan names recoding from CP1251.
    Nanoscope: F-Z spectra are imported (experimental).
    Pixmap: Manual font size range is limited by zoom. Inset bar length is remembered and used the next time if possible.
    Raw XYZ: Tolerance for ‘regular grid’ (which is not triangulated) was increased to 5% of pixel size to help people with poorly rounded data.
    Edge: New Sobel and Prewitt classic edge detection functions.
    Drift correction: Correction can be applied to all compatible channels and channels can be directly replaced with corrected ones.
    Line layer: Thick line end markers are drawn correctly to image targets.
    NetCDF: GXSM file metadata support was improved, images are flipped when appropriate.
    Fit sphere: Units of resulting quantities are set correctly.
    Omicron: Abscissae of single point spectra were corrected to match SCALA.
    Graph fit: It is possible to plot the difference between data and fit to a new graph.
    Graph fit, FD fit and Critical dimension: Curve and controls were switched, controls should no longer jump around, interfering with selection.
    Merge: ‘None’ merge mode which does not do any correlation search was actually implemented. Critical warnings and wrong smooth merging for some image combinations were fixed. ‘Second’ really means the image selected in the dialog now.


    MS Windows: Crash on Win32 while loading TIFF images was hopefully fixed.
    Dependencies: Compatibility with GLib older than 2.26, accidentally broken in 2.30, was restored.
    Unix compilation: Desktop files in correct locations are updated with --enable-home-installation configure option.
    Python: Stand-alone gwy python module on Win32 no longer tries to load non-existent Gwyddion libraries.
    MS Windows: Executables are available also as 64bit. They are still somewhat experimental and do not include Python scripting support.

Version 2.30

Released: 21 September 2012.


    Translations updated: Czech, French, Russian.
    MS Windows: Handling of files with non-ASCII characters in names on Win32 was improved.


    libgwyprocess: A new function to remove grains touching image borders.
    libgwyprocess: New grain quantities: Radius and position of maximum inscribed disc and minimum circumscribed circle, area of grain convex hull, mean radius.
    libgwyapp: Critical warning/crash if the last visible channel of a file is deleted and this channel has a mask.
    libgwyapp: Setting a channel or graph visibility key in a container actually shows or hides the corresponding data.


    Neural network: Split to two functions: training and application. Networks can be saved, trained on multiple data (sequentially), training signal can be masked, units of the output can be specified.
    APE file: Channel labelling for various modes was corrected.
    Createc: Dimensions and values of imported data was corrected, all channels are imported now.
    Igor file: Crash on files that contain no channel titles was fixed.
    Selection manager tool: Chosen selection is shown in the data window.
    Remove Grain by Threshold: Can also remove grains touching image borders.
    Grain Statistics: Select Inscribed Discs and Select Circumscribed Circles create circular selections visualising the corresponding discs/circles.
    Grain correlations: Really works when run non-interactively.


    Dependencies: Compatibility with newer version of GLib that deprecate various things was improved.
    MS Windows compilation: Win32 executables are built using MinGW-W64 cross-compiler.

Version 2.29

Released: 20 July 2012.


    Translations updated: Czech, French, Russian.


    libgwyprocess: New function to calculate grain-wise rms.
    libgwymodule: gwy_file_get_data_info() sets its arguments to NULL if no file info is found, fixing a possible crash if newly generated data are saved.
    libgwyapp: Recent file names are compared canonicalized, fixing repetition of the same file in document history on MS Windows.


    Pixmap: Scalebar ticks and label can be enabled/disabled.
    Grain statistics: Displays total projected boundary length.
    Median line correction: Masking is supported.
    TIA SER: Spectral data import is supported.
    Statistical quantities: New quantity was added: grain-wise rms.
    Omicron: Files created by SPIP are recognised and loaded.
    Nanoscope: Support for old files without @2:Z scale was improved.
    Object synthesis: A bug causing Critical warning/crash during the generation of non-square data was fixed.
    Seiko: The guesswork involved in loading of non-square files was somewhat improved.
    Neural network: Result model size can differ from source, miscellaneous small improvements.


    Python: Pygwy is packaged in the Win32 installer (it requires separate Python and PyGTK installation though).
    Python: Stand-alone python gwy module is available (experimental).
    Resources: Several icons were improved.

Version 2.28

Released: 18 May 2012.


    Translations updated: Czech, French, Russian.


    Nanoscantech (new): Imports NanoScanTech .nstdat files.
    TIA SER (new): Imports FEI Tecnai imaging and analysis .ser files.
    DM3 (new): Imports Digital Micrograph DM3 TEM images (only greyscale data at present).
    PID (new): Simple simulation of PID loop effects during scanning.
    Lateral force (new): Simulation of lateral force from topography channel.
    Neural network (new): Neural network data processing.
    XY denoise (new): Data denoising based on horizontal and vertical scans.
    WIP: Spectral transformation for Raman data was fixed and swapped XY axes in datafields were really fixed.
    Zeiss: Files without key-value pairs in tag 34118 are recognised and loaded.


    Dependencies: Compatibility with libpng 1.5 was corrected.
    Utils: GNOME 3 thumbnailer file is installed, making gwyddion-thumbnailer work automatically in GNOME 3.
    Unix compilation: configure has an option --enable-home-installation to ease desktop integration if you compile from source code and install to your home.

Version 2.27

Released: 16 April 2012.


    Translations updated: Czech, French, Russian.


    libgwyddion: Parsing of units was improved to recognise some full names.
    libgwyprocess: Broken preserverms in 2D FFT was fixed.


    Old MDA (new): Imports NT-MDT old MDA spectra data.
    NanoObserver (new): Imports NanoObserver NAO files.
    Pixmap: The font used for labels can be changed.
    Nanoscope: Images defined in ‘Image list’ header section are loaded now.
    2D FFT: An option to preserve RMS was added.


    Dependencies: Compatibility with GLib 2.32 was corrected.

Version 2.26

Released: 17 December 2011.


    Translations updated: Czech, French, Italian, Russian, Spanish.
    Keyboard shortcuts: Can be modified by pointing to the menu item and pressing the new shortcut (after enabling this in the Edit menu).


    libgwyddion: New functions for case-insensitive string hashing.
    libgwyprocess: Kaiser 2.5 FFT window was fixed to avoid returning NaNs at certain transform sizes (due to rounding errors).
    libgwyprocess: New function for asymmetrical outlier marking.
    libgwyprocess: Bug affecting calculation surface areas and volumes of grains on the lower edge of a non-square image was fixed.
    libgwydgets: Graph data can be exported to ASCII in a locale-independent way.
    libgwydgets: Graph window properly disconnects signals from the graph model when destroyed.
    libgwydgets: Labels on 3D view axes are rotated with the axes.
    libgwydgets: 3D view supports ‘overlay’ mode with secondary data or mask used for false colour mapping.
    libgwydgets: 3D view can show false colour scale.
    libgwydgets: Vertical graph measurement mode was added.
    libgwyapp: Possible crash due to wrong freeing of GBookmarkFile was fixed.
    libgwyapp: File chooser can plane- and/or row-level previewed data.
    libgwyapp: Critical warning/crash in file merging was fixed.
    libgwyapp: Data browser updates the thumbnail also when the mask changes.


    Code V INT (new): Imports Code V INT grid interferograms.
    Zeiss (new): Imports Carl Zeiss SEM scans (TIFF).
    Hitachi SEM (new): Import Hitachi S-3700 and S-4800 SEM data.
    ISO28600 (new): Imports and exports ISO 28600:2011 SPM data transfer format.
    Alicona (new): Imports Alicona Imaging Al3D files.
    WITec ASCII (new): Imports WITec ASCII export files.
    RHK SM4: Support for spectra reading was added (as graphs).
    1D FFT filter: Correct X-axis units of Fourier modulus are displayed.
    Level Grains: The sign of extracted background was corrected.
    LEXT: Crashing on systems lacking memrchr(), namely MS Windows, was fixed.
    Graph export ASCII: Can export floating point numbers in POSIX format.
    Pixmap: Scale bar are drawn (with the default length) even when the module is used non-interactively.
    Pixmap: Critical warning/crash ‘assertion text!=NULL failed’ was fixed.
    Nanoscope: Import of files with non-1:1 pixels was improved.
    Dumb: Builds on big-endian architectures.
    SDFile: Letter case of header fields is ignored.
    SDFile: Extra fields after the data are made available in metadata.
    WIP: Swapped x and y axes were corrected.
    Statistical functions tool: Height distribution can use masking.
    Roughness tool: The resulting curves are no longer automatically levelled.
    Unisoku: Import of files containing NUL characters in the header was fixed.
    Pattern synthesis: Real values of parameters are displayed immediately after a pattern type switch.
    Pygwy: Values are stored to GwyContainer as fundamental GObject types so they can be actually serialised.
    Pygwy: Load and save module functions can take an optional run mode argument.


    Dependencies: Compatibility with gcc 4.6 and autoconf 2.68 was improved.
    Utils: The thumbnailer permits specifying the channel used to create the thumbnail (if run manually).
    MS Windows: Drag'n'drop should work on Win32 again.
    Source code packages: Bzip2-compressed source code tarballs were replaced with xz-compressed.

Version 2.25

Released: 6 June 2011.


    New translation: Spanish.
    Translations updated: Czech, French, German, Italian, Russian.
    Keyboard shortcuts: Ctrl-H invokes Document History.
    Document history: The filter has a Clear button.


    libgwyddion: SI unit arithmetic, sometimes giving incorrect results if one of the operand was the same object as the result, was corrected.
    libgwyddion: New functions for conversion blocks of raw data to doubles.
    libgwydgets: Units with powers of subscripts are shown correctly in 3D view.
    libgwymodule: Macro GWY_MODULE_QUERY automatically adds extern "C" if compiled as C++.
    libgwymodule: New file load/save functions reporting the actual module function used to load/save the file.
    libgwyapp: File load/save error message boxes were improved.


    CSM (new): Imports Benyuan CSM files.
    AMB (new): Imports Ambios AMB files (experimental).
    WIP (new): Imports WITec project files.
    NRRD (new): Imports and exports Nearly Raw Raster Data (NRRD). To get support for compressed files, Gwyddion must be built with libz and/or libbz2.
    Robotics (new): Imports Automation and Robotics Dual Lens Mapped data.
    Dumb (new): Loads plug-in proxy's dumb dump files.
    HDR image (new): Exports data into OpenEXR files (requires libImf, currently used only on Unix). Imports 16bit PNG and PGM images.
    Mask editor tool: Program termination upon attempt to draw in drawing mode was corrected (bun introduced in 2.24).
    NT-MDT: Slowness of MDA spectra loading was corrected, MDA frames are numbered similarly to other channels.
    All syntheses: Critical warning/crash upon clicking on Change units and the current units were unset was fixed.
    Pixmap: Colourful images can be imported as separate R, G, B channels and also as Luma.
    Pixmap: 16bit greyscale PNG and PGM images are exported with metadata bearing the physical units and scales as text comments or PNG sCAL and pCAL chunks.
    Pixmap: Images are displayed in file open dialogue preview.
    OPD: Workaround for weird AdjustVSI_* fields was added, making possible to open VSI files.
    OLS: Can load colour images; R, G, B are imported as separate channels.
    Merge: Calculation of physical dimensions of the merged image was corrected.
    RHK-SM3: Loading of multi-page files was corrected.
    Raw graph import: Possible crash if the file cannot be loaded was fixed.
    Omicron: Can load grid spectra files *.sf* and *.sb*.
    Nanonics: Newer files with long headers and raw sensor data following the image data can be imported.


    Utils: The KDE4 thumbnailer is not built by default.
    Source code packages: Line noise synthesis module, forgotten from the package, was reinstated.

Version 2.24

Released: 8 April 2011.


    Translations updated: Czech, French, German, Italian, Russian.


    libgwyprocess: gwy_data_line_new_alike(), gwy_data_line_duplicate() and gwy_data_line_clone() keep the offset.
    libgwydgets: GwyColorAxis is drawn correctly if the z-range is inverted.
    libgwyapp: Graph windows offer all graph functions in a context menu.
    libgwyapp: Memory leaks in the data browser were plugged.
    libgwyapp: The most recent 10 files can be opened using Ctrl-1 to Ctrl-0.


    MUL file (new): Imports Aarhus MUL data files.
    Spectro tool: It is possible to average the selected spectra.
    Nanoeducator: Loading of multiple spectra per point was corrected.
    Nanoeducator: Z-range of I(z) spectroscopy was corrected.
    OPD file: Support for v5.0 data was added.
    Pixmap: False colour scale is drawn correctly if the z-range is inverted.
    Attocube: File detection is more liberal, accepting anything starting with ‘# Daisy’.
    2D FFT filter: Image difference output type was added.
    Mask editor tool: Spurious drawing upon data/tool switch was corrected.


    Desktop integration: The list of MIME types Gwyddion declares it can open (on Unix) was updated and made to be updated automatically.

Version 2.23

Released: 5 March 2011.


    Translations updated: Czech, French, Russian.
    Command line: OpenGL can be completely disabled with --disable-gl to avoid provoking buggy graphics drivers.


    libgwyprocess: New classes GwyCalibration and GwyCalData representing instrument calibrations.
    libgwyprocess: Delaunay triangulation algorithms by Ross Hemsley were added.
    libgwyprocess: Added statistical functions for calculating uncertainties from calibration data.
    libgwyprocess: Small discrepancies in surface area calculated with mask were corrected.
    libgwyprocess: If grain minimum or maximum was requested without the other it has not been calculated (bug introduced in 2.22); this was corrected.
    libgwyprocess: Laplacian of Gaussians filter was added.
    libgwydgets: Bogus GwyNullStore virtual method iter_chilidren() was fixed.
    libgwyapp: Support for calibrations was added to Data Browser.
    libgwyapp: Data windows use a thumbnail of the image as the window icon.
    libgwyapp: Data browser shows the full file path as a tooltip of the file name.


    WSF file (new): Imports WSF SPM data.
    MIF (new): Import of DME MIF files v1.7 (just topography).
    Level Grains (new): Subtract background that makes marked grains level.
    Mark grains by edge detection (new): Grain marking using edge-detection.
    Calibration, Load from text file (new): enables loading complex calibration data.
    Calibration, Create (new): enables defining simple calibration data for 3 axes.
    Calibration, View (new): select, view and apply calibration for specific SPM data.
    Calibration, Simple error map (new): create simple calibration entry from grating measurement.
    Nanonis: Can open files containing a multi-pass configuration table.
    Pixmap: The set of importable formats was limited to BMP, GIF, ICNS, JPEG, JPEG2000, PCX, PNG, PNM, RAS, TARGA, TIFF and XPM that are known to work to avoid crashes whenever a new buggy loader appears in GdkPixbuf.
    MapVue: Support for old OptiCode files was added.
    Profile: Modified to display calibration data if present.
    Read value: Modified to display calibration data if present.
    Statistical quantities: Modified to display calibration data if present.
    Statistical functions: Modified to display calibration data if present.
    DOS spectrum: Calculates absolute value of (dI/dU)/(I/U) and does not removing the contact potential.
    Object synthesis: Object heights can be truncated.
    Pattern synthesis: Range calculations were corrected, removing problems with pattern occasionally ending prematurely. Patterns with the same random seed will not be pixel-for-pixel identical to pre-2.23, just statistically.
    Pattern synthesis: New pattern type, two-dimensional grid of holes, was added.
    2D FFT filter: It is possible to zoom in the central area of the Fourier space editor. A Fill button was added. Asymmetrical masking for odd-sized fields was corrected.


    MS Windows compilation: Compilation with MSVC6 toolchain on MS Windows is no longer supported, use MinGW32. The recommended compilation method is cross-compilation on Linux.
    Linux compilation: Building of RPMs should work on any sufficiently RedHat-based distribution, not just Fedora.

Version 2.22

Released: 6 December 2010.


    Translations updated: Czech, French, Russian.
    Command line: Option --no-log-to-file disables redirection of messages to a log file (useful namely on Win32).
    Dependencies: Gwyddion tries to initialise thread support as the very first thing if it finds to be running with GLib 2.24 or newer.


    libgwyddion: Portable isinf and insnan (gwy_isinf() and gwy_isnan()) were added.
    libgwyddion: gwy_math_curvature() calculating curvature parameters from a quadratic surface polynomial coefficients was added.
    libgwyddion: GwySIUnit works correctly if created with g_object_new().
    libgwyprocess: Odd behaviour of 1D convolution and Gaussian filters for kernels much larger than data were corrected to full mirroring.
    libgwyprocess: New grain quantities related to curvature were added.
    libgwyprocess: gwy_data_field_grains_get_quantitites() can calculate multiple built-in grain quantities at once, avoiding repeated work.
    libgwyprocess: Buffer overflow in gwy_data_field_correct_laplace_iteration() for thin masks touching the data field sides was corrected.
    libgwyprocess: Laplace basis for grain volume calculation that might not be sufficiently converged is now let to really converge to a stable surface.
    libgwyprocess: Slope-related grain quantities now fall back to 0 instead of becoming NaN for too small grains.
    libgwyprocess: Grain boundary minimum and maximum calculation considers pixels at edges of the image to be boundaries too.
    libgwyprocesss: New function for radially averaged ACF.


    Anfatec (new): Anfatec data file import.
    Pattern synthesis (new): Creates regular patterns such as steps of ridges.
    Noise synthesis (new): Generates uncorrelated point noise.
    Line noise synthesis (new): Generates line noise (steps or scars).
    Particle synthesis (new): Generate (modify) surfaces by particle deposition using a simple dynamic model.
    Object synthesis: Objects can be placed onto an existing surface, two new shapes (diamond and Gaussian) were added, other small improvements.
    Spectral synthesis: Generated data can be added to an existing surface.
    Mask Editor tool: New editing tools were added: paintbrush, eraser, and bucket filling and unfilling.
    Statistical functions: Radially averaged ACF was added.
    Arithmetic: Has a preview, expressions can work with mask values, units of the result can be specified, the number of fields was increased to 8.
    Threshold: Renamed to Limit Range in the menus; can cut off outliers given by a multiple of RMS now.
    BCR: Z-axis scaling for non-topography floating point data was corrected.
    GDEF: Vertically flipped data was corrected.
    Colour Range tool: Critical warning/crash when Fixed mode is set default and the file is closed was fixed.
    Plug-in proxy: Channel title read from dump files is retained now.
    Grain distributions: The comment header option is remembered.
    Pygwy console: It can be run also if no data is loaded.


    Unix compilation: If compiled by gcc and it accepts option -fexcess-precision=fast it is passed to the compile to be on the fast side.
    MS Windows compilation: It is possible to cross-compile Gwyddion for MS Windows using the MinGW32 cross-compiler. The official executables are still made using MSVC6 though.

Version 2.21

Released: 26 October 2010.


    Translations updated: Czech, French, Russian.


    libgwyprocess: gwy_data_field_clamp() and gwy_data_field_invert() correctly update cached minimum and maximum field values.
    libgwyapp: It is possible to disable undo globally, undo/redo operations then become no-op.
    libgwyapp: It is possible to disable creation of windows by data-browser.
    libgwyapp: Channels, graphs and spectra can be searched using a GPatternSpec pattern.
    libgwyapp: GwyAppDataChooser channel chooser dynamically reflects the set of channels.


    LEXT (new): Olympus LEXT 4000OLS data import.
    GDEF (new): DME GDEF data import.
    Mutual Crop (new): Crop two shifted channels to the common area (found using correlation search).
    Threshold (new): Limit data to specified range by cutting values outside it.
    Graph DOS spectrum (new): Calculates DOS spectrum from I-V tunnelling spectroscopy.
    Igor: Support for non-Asylum-Research files was improved.
    Pixmap export: The horizontal ruler always displays units now, even if the x-range does not include zero.
    Mask editor tool: New operation Fill Voids fills holes in masked areas.
    NT-MDT: Offset of x-axis in non-MDA spectroscopy frames was corrected.

To see a diff of this commit:;a=commitdiff;h=e13230ec4ed8fc6a036517b1e3438170e6354ad8

Please note that diffs are not public domain; they are subject to the
copyright notices on the relevant files.

 gwyddion/Makefile |  15 +-
 gwyddion/PLIST    | 764 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 gwyddion/distinfo |   6 +-
 3 files changed, 597 insertions(+), 188 deletions(-)

diff --git a/gwyddion/Makefile b/gwyddion/Makefile
index b0940056ad..8179b03af5 100644
--- a/gwyddion/Makefile
+++ b/gwyddion/Makefile
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 # $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.5 2014/05/09 07:38:43 thomasklausner Exp $
-DISTNAME=	gwyddion-2.20
+DISTNAME=	gwyddion-2.60
 CATEGORIES=	graphics #science
-EXTRACT_SUFX=	.tar.bz2
+EXTRACT_SUFX=	.tar.xz
@@ -20,11 +20,11 @@ USE_LANGUAGES=		c c++
 GCONF_SCHEMAS+=		data/gwyddion-thumbnailer.schemas
-SUBST_CLASSES+=		schema
-SUBST_STAGE.schema=	pre-configure
-SUBST_MESSAGE.schema=	Fixing schema installation path.
-SUBST_FILES.schema+=	data/
-SUBST_SED.schema+=	-e "s,..sysconfdir./gconf/schemas,${PREFIX}/share/gconf/schemas/,"
+# SUBST_CLASSES+=		schema
+# SUBST_STAGE.schema=	pre-configure
+# SUBST_MESSAGE.schema=	Fixing schema installation path.
+# SUBST_FILES.schema+=	m4/gconf-2.m4
+# SUBST_SED.schema+=	-e "s,..sysconfdir./gconf/schemas,${PREFIX}/share/gconf/schemas/,"
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--without-fftw3
 .include "../../databases/shared-mime-info/"
 .include "../../devel/GConf/"
+.include "../../devel/hdf5/"
 .include "../../devel/glib2/"
 .include "../../devel/pango/"
 .include "../../graphics/hicolor-icon-theme/"
diff --git a/gwyddion/PLIST b/gwyddion/PLIST
index cd101e88b2..7e2a72548b 100644
--- a/gwyddion/PLIST
+++ b/gwyddion/PLIST
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
-@comment $NetBSD: PLIST,v 2011/09/20 00:00:37 jihbed Exp $
+@comment $NetBSD$
@@ -12,10 +13,19 @@ include/gwyddion/app/gradient-editor.h
@@ -23,6 +33,7 @@ include/gwyddion/app/validate.h
@@ -44,17 +55,23 @@ include/gwyddion/libgwyddion/gwymathfallback.h
@@ -101,17 +118,21 @@ include/gwyddion/libgwydgets/gwystatusbar.h
@@ -123,180 +144,53 @@ include/gwyddion/libprocess/elliptic.h
@@ -312,27 +206,73 @@ lib/
@@ -343,31 +283,74 @@ share/gtk-doc/html/libgwyapp/libgwyapp-file-module-utils.html
@@ -376,12 +359,14 @@ share/gtk-doc/html/libgwyddion/libgwyddion-gwydebugobjects.html
@@ -390,6 +375,7 @@ share/gtk-doc/html/libgwydgets/Gwy3DLabel.html
@@ -428,12 +414,47 @@ share/gtk-doc/html/libgwydgets/GwyVRuler.html
@@ -441,105 +462,250 @@ share/gtk-doc/html/libgwydgets/gwy_color_range_adaptive-24.png
@@ -548,30 +714,53 @@ share/gtk-doc/html/libgwydgets/libgwydgets-gwygrainvaluemenu.html
@@ -583,36 +772,92 @@ share/gtk-doc/html/libgwymodule/gwymodule-tutorial-process.html
@@ -630,13 +875,17 @@ share/gtk-doc/html/libgwyprocess/libgwyprocess-inttrans.html
@@ -684,6 +933,7 @@ share/gwyddion/gradients/Cold
@@ -693,12 +943,16 @@ share/gwyddion/gradients/
@@ -712,7 +966,9 @@ share/gwyddion/gradients/Shame
@@ -727,6 +983,7 @@ share/gwyddion/pixmaps/circle_down.png
@@ -734,96 +991,240 @@ share/gwyddion/pixmaps/gwy_color_range_adaptive-24.png
@@ -832,11 +1233,18 @@ share/gwyddion/pixmaps/gwyddion.ico
-@pkgdir share/gconf/schemas
diff --git a/gwyddion/distinfo b/gwyddion/distinfo
index 55409c335f..35679586da 100644
--- a/gwyddion/distinfo
+++ b/gwyddion/distinfo
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 $NetBSD: distinfo,v 2011/09/20 00:00:37 jihbed Exp $
-RMD160 (gwyddion-2.20.tar.bz2) = 5864a997c9141da99f6955467b2a783d984ecbe7
-SHA512 (gwyddion-2.20.tar.bz2) = b861d87b397c018b50454f70da45f96af669e7c94e56ba5789802052061abdaaa0ed9e46268f0a6d09f80ff0edfa40a7fdcdfce73ffacebeffd35a9c707d0549
-Size (gwyddion-2.20.tar.bz2) = 3279974 bytes
+BLAKE2s (gwyddion-2.60.tar.xz) = 4ca158c33665824cff17ce6834e714155093da506a963d4dce444fb656339329
+SHA512 (gwyddion-2.60.tar.xz) = e568df77ef580aaedfcdd1f746a78f3ca93676a07a331fc6e70f997780bb403d1c3967aa93440c7fa1f010bd01f5376700c869a38dacaf1f98b075c4c950cf54
+Size (gwyddion-2.60.tar.xz) = 4973404 bytes

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