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Trouble with Emplant SCSI


I'm trying to use Ignatios Souvatzis' 68060 1.2 alpha kernel...
I own a A4000 with CyberStorm.  As CyberSCSI isn't yet
supported, I use a peculiar configuration :
- Magneto-Optical Disk partitioned with CyberConfig ;
- then this M.O.D. is connected to Emplant SCSI.
I try : loadbsd -b netbsd
It works fine, I'm able to build and mount /usr.

Installation gets into trouble when trying to extract packages :
        Extract base11
The first files are well extracted from the concatenated tar :
Then I get following error :
        empsc0: abort go: csr=0x08, bus=0x40
        empsc0: abort reset: csr=0x08, bus=0x40
        empsc0: sci id 7
Then tar isn't able to extract any file any more :
        Input / Output error

Any idea ?

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