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Re: someone to install netbsd for 68k amiga on a hardisk for me ?

I suggest sticking with 1.6.2 unless you have very good reason to install
2.0... NetBSD 2 have ugly kernel leak on m68k, so your machine will crash
in few days (btw. maybe someone knows... is it fixed in -current?).

100# uptime
5:43PM  up 16 days,  3:01, 19 users, load averages: 2.01, 2.62, 2.68
101# uname -a
NetBSD serpens.de 2.0.2_STABLE NetBSD 2.0.2_STABLE (SERPENS) #0: Fri Jul 8 
08:34:14 CEST 2005 
spz@aquila:/home/netbsd/obj.amiga/sys/arch/amiga/compile/SERPENS amiga

Last reboot was due to a change of rack, so no fault of the OS, and
previously it had been up longer. If serpens manages to stay up, the
system is in a not too shabby condition. :-P

What's your system show in terms of kernel memory use? Are you doing anything with it, like compiling or lots of web serving? If it's just idle, it'll probably stay up indefinitely, but the problem is that if you use it, the memory leak in the kernel will keep eating more and more memory until you eventually crash.

Now, if someone running something new says that their kernel memory is NOT increasing after x days doing lots of stuff, then I'd be VERY interested in trying 2 or current again.


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