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Re: someone to install netbsd for 68k amiga on a hardisk for me ?

Thus wrote John Klos (john%ziaspace.com@localhost):

> >>I suggest sticking with 1.6.2 unless you have very good reason to install
> >>2.0... NetBSD 2 have ugly kernel leak on m68k, so your machine will crash
> >>in few days (btw. maybe someone knows... is it fixed in -current?).
> >
> >100# uptime
> >5:43PM  up 16 days,  3:01, 19 users, load averages: 2.01, 2.62, 2.68
> >101# uname -a
> >NetBSD serpens.de 2.0.2_STABLE NetBSD 2.0.2_STABLE (SERPENS) #0: Fri Jul 8 
> >08:34:14 CEST 2005 
> >spz@aquila:/home/netbsd/obj.amiga/sys/arch/amiga/compile/SERPENS amiga
> >
> >Last reboot was due to a change of rack, so no fault of the OS, and
> >previously it had been up longer. If serpens manages to stay up, the
> >system is in a not too shabby condition. :-P
> What's your system show in terms of kernel memory use?

between 25M and 35M, depending on (mostly) how much is running through
innd. That's reasonable for this box.

> Are you doing 
> anything with it, like compiling or lots of web serving? If it's just 
> idle, it'll probably stay up indefinitely, but the problem is that if you 
> use it, the memory leak in the kernel will keep eating more and more 
> memory until you eventually crash.

The 2.x load above are about as idle as serpens gets. Most of that is
network and disk interaction, due to it being a news server.

> Now, if someone running something new says that their kernel memory is NOT 
> increasing after x days doing lots of stuff, then I'd be VERY interested 
> in trying 2 or current again.

notable diffs in kernel config:
maxusers        64
options         NMBCLUSTERS=1024
options                 NKPTADD=8

IPSEC,GATEWAY instead of NS, no PPP, wscons on, and all kinds of drivers
for stuff serpens doesn't have or doesn't need excluded from the kernel.
The system is a 68060 and the currently running  kernel was compiled on
a sparc64.

spz%serpens.de@localhost (S.P.Zeidler)

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