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NetBSD 4 sets optimized for specific m68k processors

Hi, all,

I've gotten into the habit of compiling NetBSD with processor specific optimizations for some added speed. I regularly use m68060 compiled sets on two Amigas and m68040 compiled sets on two m68k Macs, so I'd consider them pretty well tested. I don't have any m68030 Macs, so it'd be good to get some feedback should anyone test these.

The optimized binaries are noticeably snappier with regards to commonly used, CPU intensive stuff. For instance, ssh logins, at least subjectively, feel a bit quicker than with generic sets.

If you're interested in using them, you can get them from here:


(the machine hosting the files, by the way, is a colocated Quadra 605 running the '040 optimized sets; see http://boobookitty.ziaspace.com/ for pictures)

Feedback would be most welcome.

John Klos

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