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Re: NetBSD 4 sets optimized for specific m68k processors

Hello John

On 20/12/2007, you wrote:

> If you're interested in using them, you can get them from here:
> ftp://boobookitty.ziaspace.com/pub/netbsd-4/amiga-040/binary/sets/
> ftp://boobookitty.ziaspace.com/pub/netbsd-4/amiga-060/...
> ftp://boobookitty.ziaspace.com/pub/netbsd-4/mac68k-030/...
> ftp://boobookitty.ziaspace.com/pub/netbsd-4/mac68k-040/...
> (the machine hosting the files, by the way, is a colocated Quadra 605 
> running the '040 optimized sets; see http://boobookitty.ziaspace.com/ for 
> pictures)
> Feedback would be most welcome.

can't really give you feedback... haven't used NetBSD for quite some time...
infact, I didn't even know there was a 4 release? still using my 060 Amiga
though... ordered OS4 to run on my 233mhz tower at some stage...

just replying to let you know I have obtained your binary sets for a resource
that I may use in the future...

thanks for sharing :D

~Yes I am a Kiwi, No, I did not appear as an extra in 'Lord of the Rings'~

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