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Re: how to find the tty

On Sep 10, 2014, at 2:01 PM, Frank Wille wrote:

Al wrote:

Okay, I think that I am finding the right device now. It looks like
it uses /dev/ttyC0, ttyC1, ttyC2, and ttyC3.


And they are also present in /dev (verified that now). Forget my confusion
from the last posting.

it doesn't dial, but I can see the lights flash on the

So at least you are physically connected to the right port.

So, I tried testing the modem with cu like described in the
section "tesing the modem", I get an error "cu: unknown host cu9600".
Not really sure what that means and I was not able to find a solution
by google.

You probably did someting else than that what is written in the "testing the
modem" section. The error message looks like you entered:
# cu -s 9600

When the system name is missing cu will call it "cu" and append the speed.

I then tried cu -l /dev/ttyC0 -s 115200. Nothing is echoed
to the screen,

Then you are not really connected to the modem. Otherwise the mode would
echo your characters.

but "~." does let me exit.

"~" is cu-internal and will always work.

After a few tries this crashed the computer.

What?? ;)
A core dump? Or did it enter ddb? Or did the system reboot?

The system is locked. I can't do anything. It only happens after trying to use one of the ports on the IOBlix card several times. It never happens the first time. If I get into ddb what should I do?

I did install userppp from the pkgsrc.

As long as you cannot communicate with your modem and further attempts with
PPP don't make much sense.

I tried it with userppp. Userppp has an interactive mode. This made testing somewhat easier. However, it does exactly the same thing. When I type I see the lights on the modem flash, but no characters appear on the screen.

To make sure you are not doing something wrong and that your cable and modem is ok I would connect it to your Amiga's internal serial port and test the
modem again:

# cu -l tty00 -s 9600

I just have 4 new modem cables (9DB to 25DB) and 4 new cables that plug into the IOBlix card. The modem is also new. So, all this is new. I tried it with the old cables and it didn't change anything. Could this be a problem with the modem?

I don't have a 25DB to 25DB modem cable. I am looking for one today. I am going to try this as soon as I can find a cable. I think this is the next thing to try because more than likely if it doesn't work then I will know I have something wrong.


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