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RE: X.org and A1200 AGA Graphics
From: port-amiga-owner%NetBSD.org@localhost <port-amiga-owner%NetBSD.org@localhost> On
Behalf Of David Brownlee
Sent: domingo, 17 de octubre de 2021 21:00
> > As far as I can remember, ite was not needed for the old X server and
> > it was possible to run it with WSCONS kernel (at least with native
> graphics).
> Urk, shows my lack of understanding there - thanks
> So, if that's still true, that removes a blocker from switching amiga to
> WSCONS kernels by default...
I just tested X11R6 with WSCONS and it works well. It's nice to see X in color and moving swiftly, although I appreciate the effort with the monochrome in R7.
> There seems to be a scarcity of docs on writing an EXA driver - the best
> information appears to be in the .h file (which is definitely a good
> place to have useful information!)
> https://nxr.netbsd.org/xref/xsrc/external/mit/xorg-server/dist/exa/exa.h
The header file is pretty well documented, but I am afraid I don't have the skills to design and code the driver. I can contribute with beer-donation and testing.
> There are a fair number of existing EXA using drivers in tree
> https://nxr.netbsd.org/source/s?refs=exaDriverInit&project=xsrc
It doesn't look like any of them have planar graphics mode, that I understand makes things more difficult on the Amiga.
Carlos Milán Figueredo | HispaMSX System Operator | http://www.hispamsx.org | | telnet://bbs.hispamsx.org | https://calnus.com
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