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Re: Missing RPI images after build?

On Dec 30,  9:10pm, Emilian Bold wrote:
} Subject: Re: Missing RPI images after build?
} In your releasedir you should have evbarm/binary/gzimg/armv7.img.gz
} which you unarchive and dd onto an microSD card.
} See this tree http://nyftp.netbsd.org/pub/NetBSD-daily/HEAD/201612300240Z/evbarm-earmv7hf/binary/gzimg/
} as an example.

	Ok.  I got that file, but that's not what I downloaded from
nyftp.netbsd.org  for the 7.99.42 release.  Is this a change in how the
build works or am I building something different?

	A followup question as well.  I took the kernel7.img file from that
image and put it in the boot partition of my working RPI SD card.  When I
rebooted, the machine didn't  come back up.  I don't know why because I
don't have a console or HDMI monitor on it.  I'm assuming I was missing
some piece in the boot process, since when I put the old kernel7.img file
back, things booted again.  If I completely replace the contents of the
boot partition with the contents of the new image's boot partition, should
that be sufficient to get things booting again?  I ask because I've build a
lot of stuff on the ffs partition of the SD card, and I'd like to preserve
that while upgrading the kernel.


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