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Re: Missing RPI images after build?

Interesting. On
I see indeed rpi.img.gz and rpi_inst.img.gz

This is new to me. I can't really find a commit responsible for this.

Replacing just kernel7.img should have worked.

You also have kernels in your releasedir evbarm/binary/kernel but I'm
not certain if you should use the .bin kernel or the other...

And you also should have your kernel7.img in your own armv7.img.gz
which you can mount.


On Fri, Dec 30, 2016 at 9:55 PM, Brian Buhrow <buhrow%nfbcal.org@localhost> wrote:
> On Dec 30,  9:10pm, Emilian Bold wrote:
> } Subject: Re: Missing RPI images after build?
> } In your releasedir you should have evbarm/binary/gzimg/armv7.img.gz
> } which you unarchive and dd onto an microSD card.
> }
> } See this tree http://nyftp.netbsd.org/pub/NetBSD-daily/HEAD/201612300240Z/evbarm-earmv7hf/binary/gzimg/
> } as an example.
>         Ok.  I got that file, but that's not what I downloaded from
> nyftp.netbsd.org  for the 7.99.42 release.  Is this a change in how the
> build works or am I building something different?
>         A followup question as well.  I took the kernel7.img file from that
> image and put it in the boot partition of my working RPI SD card.  When I
> rebooted, the machine didn't  come back up.  I don't know why because I
> don't have a console or HDMI monitor on it.  I'm assuming I was missing
> some piece in the boot process, since when I put the old kernel7.img file
> back, things booted again.  If I completely replace the contents of the
> boot partition with the contents of the new image's boot partition, should
> that be sufficient to get things booting again?  I ask because I've build a
> lot of stuff on the ffs partition of the SD card, and I'd like to preserve
> that while upgrading the kernel.
> -thanks
> -Brian

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