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Re: Which kernel for Lemote Yeeloong?

On Sun, 4 Dec 2011, Manuel Bouyer wrote:

Suspects are:
- switch to lwp0 stack:
       PTR_L   sp, L_PCB(MIPS_CURLWP)          # switch to lwp0 stack
- Raise to IPLHIGH:
        jal     _C_LABEL(splhigh_noprof)
- enable interrupts:
       mfc0    v0, MIPS_COP_0_STATUS
        or      v0, MIPS_SR_INT_IE
        mtc0    v0, MIPS_COP_0_STATUS

I would first comment out all of them and then reenabling  to lwp0 stack,
then Raise to IPLHIGH and finally enable interrupts.

With everything commented out, kernel begins executing and I get lots
of attach/configure messages down to "mcclock" where it hangs again,
no doubt because of the stuff that was commented out.

When I reenabled the code to switch to lwp0 stack, the previous behavior
of hanging just after returning from mach_init() reappeared.

The stack area for lwp0 reported just after mips_init_lwp0_uarea() looks
peculiar, but then I the actual address space layout for this machine

|/"\ John D. Baker, KN5UKS               NetBSD     Darwin/MacOS X
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