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Re: X11 configuration


On Fri, 10 Apr 2009 20:46:47 -0400
Michael <macallan%netbsd.org@localhost> wrote:
> Please try radeonfb just to see if it makes any difference.

Okay. I'll likely be compiling that later today.

> I have another idea. Please run pcictl pci0 dump -d <whatever device  
> number your radeon is on, pcictl pci0 list should tell you> before  
> starting X, then start X like before, just with an xterm, run the same  
> command and look for differences in the BARs. If the Xserver feels  
> like messing with the BARs then whatever console driver we use would  
> cause a panic immediately when trying to write video memory. I don't  
> really see evidence of this but who knows.

Okay. I gave this a shot, and the diffs are in the "Common header"
<     0x00: 0x59621002 0x02b00006 0x03000001 0x0000ff08
>     0x00: 0x59621002 0x02b00007 0x03000001 0x0000ff08
<     Command register: 0x0006
<       I/O space accesses: off
>     Command register: 0x0007
>       I/O space accesses: on

Also, I set wscons=YES for this run, and tapping the vt switching key
combo got:
Failed to switch consoles (Inappropriate ioctl for device)

And when exiting the xterm, that was followed by:
finished PLL2

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