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need GENERIC kernel

        Can someone put a kernel on ftp.warped.com/hidden for me?  I have one
        that is generating a "Data Access Exception" right as it's jumped into
        and promptly dumps all over the screen scrolling a bunch of 0's in the
        exception frame.  Sigh.  Hopefully it's just a questionable kernel.
        I'm using the boot.ppc loader too.

  William J. Coldwell             r               Warped Communications, Inc.
email: billc%warped.com@localhost    a    a  p     e    ?  1601 Civic Center 
Drive  #200
 http://www.warped.com   I  m  W   e !  r  y u   Santa Clara, California 95050
 direct: 408.346.0105               d  A    o    408.248.WARP FAX:408.GET.WARP

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