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Re: Another Tadpole 3GX question
On Thu, 1 Apr 2010, der Mouse wrote:
[T]he button labeled CapsLock - the one I'm using as Control -
appears to be part of the same encoding matrix as the rest of
the keyboard, and holding it down while typing multiple letters
sometimes generates spurious keystrokes. [...^X^V->^X^T^V...]
Try fixing it in the firmware?
Does that work?
Okay, that's an ambiguous question. The quote you gave seems to imply
that it's for OBP use; it's not clear whether it affects anything
except OBP's keyboard input.
It worked to swap the keys once Solaris, Linux, OpenBSD and NetBSD (the
3 OSes I've run on my Sparcbook) have booted. Both in the console and
after X11 was up.
Even if it does, does it actually fix the rollover issue? I would not
expect it to, because my best guess at the real problem is electrical,
not something software is capable of fixing. (Keys commonly used as
modifiers often have their own pins to the encoder chips even when
they cheap out on the rest of the keyboard and use a matrix without
I don't use your keycombo (^X^V) that I can think of, but I use
gnu-screen extensively, and I often use stuff like "^A^Q" or "^A^L" w/o
any ill effect.
Possible your keyboard has an issue?
Michael Parson
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