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Re: Another Tadpole 3GX question

>> Okay, that's an ambiguous question.  The quote you gave seems to
>> imply that it's for OBP use; it's not clear whether it affects
>> anything except OBP's keyboard input.
> It worked to swap the keys once Solaris, Linux, OpenBSD and NetBSD
> (the 3 OSes I've run on my Sparcbook) have booted.

That's encouraging.

>> [M]y best guess at the real problem is electrical, not something
>> software is capable of fixing.
> I don't use your keycombo (^X^V) that I can think of, but I use
> gnu-screen extensively, and I often use stuff like "^A^Q" or "^A^L"
> w/o any ill effect.

Depending on what the keyboard matrix looks like, that may or may not
mean anything.

> Possible your keyboard has an issue?

Possibly.  Anyone here with a 3GX who can try it?  Even if you don't
fiddle the keyboard layout at all, holding down capslock and then
typing X V without letting the X up before pressing the V should work
as a test.  I find that even at the OBP ok prompt (which does not do
anythiing with the capslock button at all as far as I can tell),
pressing, in order, CapsLock-X-V without releasing any of them reliably
gives me "xtv".

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