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Re: Adding disk on V245

On Wed, 23 Nov 2016, Gordon Zaft wrote:

> I'm using Minicom, should I be using something else?

Once you've de-modem-ized 'minicom' (that really annoys me) I don't
think it matters.  Having learned the ways of UN*X serial ports on
Slowlaris using 'tip', I tended to use it on NetBSD until I found that
'cu' did what I wanted without needing to fiddle with "/etc/remote".

Likewise using 'cu' on penguin-OS, but you might have to install a "uucp"
package to get it.  When I showed students doing Cisco router configuration
how to use 'cu' on their penguin-OS workstations, they were quite happy
to abandon the overhead of everything-and-the-kitchen-sink comms software
like 'putty' that they were attempting to use.  (I'd ask why 'putty' even
exists for UN*X platforms, but I suspect it's to preserve the redmond-OS

As Michael van Elst noted, some Prolific chips support BREAK while
others don't.  You may have just gotten one that doesn't.  I'm inclined
to double-check my adapters...

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