so, one guy alreacy claimed them both, but he might share :), maybe you
could work it out with him.. regarding a url or anything, sorry,
i dont know of such a url. i remember that gunther schadow once gave a
pretty good description of it (along with his vax 11/780 anatomy), check
the archives of the list, would have been at least 6 or 7 years ago. he
might be the guy youre thinking of. It should be _reasonably_ simple
by what anecdotes i have heard, if you have 220v single phase, to connect
it to one set of poles on the big 3phase xformer.
the primary power bus is 300VDC (yes, 300!)..
anyhow, as i mentioned the machines are currently spoken for, but if
that changes ill let you know. (yes, someone else from port-vax beat you
to it :-)