`build.sh [...] libs` finished and took 1580244 sec = 18 d 7 h. Compared with an amd64 system, which took 4599 sec for this step, this 4000/60 took 344 times the amd64 systen's build time. Interestingly, for `build.sh [...] tools`, I saw the amd64 system being about 165 the speed. That's IMHO a hugh difference here!
A ./build.sh -x tools distribution sets on one core of an amd64 system took 8711.28 real. If that was 344 times faster than a 4000/60, then the 4000/60 should take around 34.7 days. My build has been running since 25-December, but an accidental break on the serial caused it to lose three or four days, so that's around 33 days.
The log on the VAX is about 60% of the size (55% of the line count) of the finished log on the amd64 system, giving a rough suggestion of about 58
days (based on the 60% number), or another 25 days or so.Does that mean my amd64 system (Ryzen 5900X) is 1.7 times faster than yours? ;)
I know our math is completely based on the wrong kind of measurements, but it's fun to wonder.