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Re: Specifying names for tap interfaces

Manuel Bouyer wrote:
On Mon, Jun 18, 2012 at 04:19:47PM +0100, Roger Pau Monne wrote:
Michael Richardson wrote:
"Roger" == Roger Pau Monne<>   writes:
     Roger>   Anything that we can control, like tap-%domid.%devid would be
     Roger>   good though. It doesn't have to follow any specific
     Roger>   nomenclature, but it will be good to be able to specify two
     Roger>   integers, one that corresponds to the domain id, and another
     Roger>   one that identifies the specific network card inside that
     Roger>   domain.

But that, really, Admins hate having %domid in the device name because
it screws up useful things like SNMP/mrtg on those devices.
I don't really understand this, why does the name of the interface
matters regarding SNMP or mrtg? Is this a privacy related issue?

Because everywhere an interface name appears (ipf.conf, altq.conf,
mrtg graphs, ...) you have to change it when a domU is restarted.

Yes, I get it, if the name is persistent, then the graphs/statistics can be fetched much more easily, the interface name never changes.

What Linux guys do (I think) is rename it using the ip command:

ip link set <old_name> name <new_name>

Or specifying the name of the desired interface during creation:

But we should look into doing this with the ifconfig command I guess.

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