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Re: Lockless IP input queue, the pktqueue interface

On 30/05/2014 6:30 AM, David Holland wrote:
On Fri, May 30, 2014 at 12:01:23AM +1000, Darren Reed wrote:
  > > [code cleanup]
  > All of your arguments boil down to "can't trust someone else."
  > Why do you need to be so insulting of other developers in your arguments?
  > Do you think you're the only person capable of making good design decisions?
  > Sorry, but I won't be a party to that kind of attitude and want nothing more
  > to do with this.

I am surprised... no, more like shocked really... that someone as
experienced as you are could think this way.

Yes, experienced. That means I've seen all manner of code written.

And I've never before seen anyone justify a code design decision
based on who they want or don't want to change code. Especially
when it is open source code.

Similarly I've never seen putting structs in .c files lead anywhere
useful in the long term.

I think that Mindaugas is being pragmatic here.  Developers are not
equally brilliant[*], observant of the rules, or perceptive of the
patterns, layers, or abstractions in the code.  He is writing the code
in a way that discourages us from casually misusing or breaking it by
getting under the abstraction.  I don't find that offensive.

There are other ways to achieve that - as with all programming,
there is always more than one solution to a problem.

I wouldn't care if he justified it as his preference or how he
wants to present the interfaces or he was doing it to reduce bugs
(i.e. mrg) or whatever, but justifying it as a means of trying to
control who changes code is wrong.

Open source code should be written such that it supports others
making changes to it and doing so safely and properly. Not to
prevent or discourage people.

Kind Regards,

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