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Re: Lockless IP input queue, the pktqueue interface

On Fri, May 30, 2014 at 09:56:15PM +1000, Darren Reed wrote:
 > >I am surprised... no, more like shocked really... that someone as
 > >experienced as you are could think this way.
 > Yes, experienced. That means I've seen all manner of code written.
 > And I've never before seen anyone justify a code design decision
 > based on who they want or don't want to change code. Especially
 > when it is open source code.

...he didn't, you know. You made that up and put the words in his
mouth. He's following standard practices. As you should be aware.

 > Similarly I've never seen putting structs in .c files lead anywhere
 > useful in the long term.

Really? I find that claim equally surprising. And shocking.

David A. Holland

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