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Re: RFC: ipsec(4) pseudo interface


On 2017/12/19 2:54, Christos Zoulas wrote:
> In article <>,
> Kengo NAKAHARA  <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We implement ipsec(4) pseudo interface for route-based VPNs. This pseudo
>> interface manages its security policy(SP) by itself, in particular, we do
>>    # ifconfig ipsec0 tunnel
>> the SPs " ->"(out) and " ->"(in) are
>> generated automatically and atomically. And then, when we do
>>    # ifconfig ipsec0 deletetunnel
>> the SPs are destroyed automatically and atomically, too.
>> Here is the patches and an unified patch.
>> By the way, I have one question. In the above patch(s), I temporarily add
>> manual for ipsecX pseudo interface as if_ipsec.4, because there is already
>> ipsec.4 for general ipsec protocol. How should I add the man of ipsec(4)
>> pseudo interface?
>>    (a) Add if_ipsec.4
>>    (b) move current ipsec.4(for ipsec protocol) to ipsec.9, and then
>>        add ipsec.4(for ipsec pseudo interface)
>>    (c) any other
>> Could you comment the patch or the question?
> I've wanted this feature for a long time! Looks ok to me, but the
> sockaddr_copy()/port setting code, should be abstracted to a single
> function since it is repeated in ioctl().

Thank you for your reviewing. I fix it in the following patch.
    - patch series
    - unified patch
# include changing man entry, I will describe about it in a later mail


Internet Initiative Japan Inc.

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