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Re: make php to multi packages writes:
> I see where you are coming from, but i have yet to discover the
> benefit of having multiple php versions installed. But, yes, that
> could come in handy in case something not exposed to the internet
> works only with some older php version that probably is unmaintained
> but still useful or needed.
The benefit is that you might want to run the modern version mostly and
also run some program that needs an older version. Or run the default
mostly and newer for one package. This is just like python. Now you
can do this; before you couldn't.
>> In python we have PYTHON_VERSION_REQD which you can pass to any
>> particular package.
> As a package developer, sure. But as a pkgsrc user it may come in as
> a surprise that you get multiple php versions installed, because some
> packages require some other version.
Again just like python.
make PYTHON_VERSION_REQD=313 package-install
is something users can do. This is pkgsrc not pkgbin so compiling is
>> I don't follow "not build 82“.
> That came from the last pkgrrxx run that suddenly built php82 for php-curl instead of updating the installed php83-curl.
> And php82 could not be installed because it conflicted with the installed php83.
> Probably a dependency problem because pkgrrxx did not update php83 before building php82. But that was fine with me - it highlighted the issue before any more packages got updated.
Ah, that's something else. You'd need to replace php83 first, and then
set the default.
> While at it, would it be advisable to copy existing configurations to the new directories before updating php?? so the update will not overwrite that?
> Wouldn’t that be nice if the install script would handle that case,
> i.e. check for „old“ config and copy that over to the „new“ config and
> leave a message in the old config dir that „config for php83 is now in
> /usr/pkg/etc/php83“ and „please check your ap-php config for the
> updated names!“
Yes, migrating configs sounds like it would be nice, but it's a lot of
work to write the code and we have not so far been doing that.
> If i only hat time to write that right now…
You and everybody else!
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