Index of tech-pkg for February, 2025

Kevin BloomRe: Adding threading support to lang/sbcl
Greg TroxelRe: Adding threading support to lang/sbcl
Kevin BloomRe: Adding threading support to lang/sbcl
Havard EidnesRe: rust on 32-bit arm
pinRe: rust on 32-bit arm
Greg TroxelRe: rust on 32-bit arm
Taylor R Campbell[PATCH] Cargo build product directory: CARGO_TARGET_DIR
Thomas KlausnerRe: [PATCH] Cargo build product directory: CARGO_TARGET_DIR
Taylor R Campbell[PATCH] Cross-building rusty packages
Taylor R CampbellRe: [PATCH] Cargo build product directory: CARGO_TARGET_DIR
Thomas KlausnerRe: [PATCH] Cargo build product directory: CARGO_TARGET_DIR
Takahiro KambeRe: make php to multi packages
Takahiro KambeRe: make php to multi packages
Takahiro KambeRe: make php to multi packages
Benny SiegertWhat does "pbulk-resolve: Invalid input" mean?
Re: make php to multi packages
Greg TroxelRe: make php to multi packages
Re: make php to multi packages
Greg TroxelRe: make php to multi packages
Takahiro KambeRe: make php to multi packages
Thomas Klausnerc++20: require gcc12?
Martin HusemannRe: c++20: require gcc12?
Greg TroxelRe: make php to multi packages
Greg TroxelRe: c++20: require gcc12?
Greg TroxelRe: c++20: require gcc12?
Martin HusemannRe: c++20: require gcc12?
David BrownleeRe: make php to multi packages
Takahiro KambeRe: make php to multi packages
Takahiro KambeRe: make php to multi packages
Greg TroxelRe: c++20: require gcc12?
Greg TroxelRe: make php to multi packages
Greg TroxelRe: make php to multi packages
Re: make php to multi packages
Greg TroxelRe: make php to multi packages
Martin HusemannRe: c++20: require gcc12?
Martin HusemannRe: c++20: require gcc12?
Re: make php to multi packages
Greg TroxelRe: c++20: require gcc12?
Greg TroxelRe: c++20: require gcc12?
Greg TroxelRe: c++20: require gcc12?
Martin HusemannRe: c++20: require gcc12?
Greg TroxelRe: c++20: require gcc12?
Re: make php to multi packages
Greg TroxelRe: make php to multi packages
John KlosLatest pkg_install broken on latest NetBSD
Taylor R CampbellRe: Latest pkg_install broken on latest NetBSD
PHORe: Latest pkg_install broken on latest NetBSD
David Hollandocaml-findlib (was: Re: removing print/advi)
Thomas KlausnerRe: ocaml-findlib (was: Re: removing print/advi)
David HollandRe: ocaml-findlib (was: Re: removing print/advi)
David BrownleePossibly more cmake fallout in pkgsrc/lang/compiler-rt
Thomas Klausnernot cmake fallout in pkgsrc/lang/compiler-rt
Johan Ceuppenslisp-scripts v0.1.4
Johan Ceuppensgst (GNU smalltalk)
Ryo ONODERARe: gst (GNU smalltalk)
Johan Ceuppensenlisp v21.4.5
Taylor R CampbellRe: not cmake fallout in pkgsrc/lang/compiler-rt
Thomas KlausnerRe: not cmake fallout in pkgsrc/lang/compiler-rt
David BrownleeRe: not cmake fallout in pkgsrc/lang/compiler-rt
David HollandRe: ocaml-findlib (was: Re: removing print/advi)
Thomas Klausnerfltk breakage: flnews, pinentry-fltk, dillo
Johan CeuppensRe: fltk breakage: flnews, pinentry-fltk, dillo
Johan CeuppensRe: gst (GNU smalltalk)
Johan Ceuppenssvgalib wip package
Johan CeuppensRe: svgalib wip package
Mark DaviesIssue with re2 package
David Brownleearchivers/py-zstandard broken after update to archivers/zstd-1.5.7
Thomas KlausnerRe: archivers/py-zstandard broken after update to archivers/zstd-1.5.7
David BrownleeRe: archivers/py-zstandard broken after update to archivers/zstd-1.5.7
Robert Bagdanllvm-19
David BrownleeRe: llvm-19
pinRe: llvm-19
snow flurryRe: Issue with re2 package
Mark DaviesRe: Issue with re2 package
AdamRe: llvm-19
Robert BagdanRe: llvm-19
Benny SiegertNew bulk tracker release
John KlosVersion numbers going backwards
John KlosRe: Version numbers going backwards
Benny SiegertRe: Version numbers going backwards
John KlosRe: Version numbers going backwards
Benny SiegertRe: Version numbers going backwards
John KlosRe: Version numbers going backwards
Greg TroxelRe: Version numbers going backwards
Thomas KlausnerRe: Version numbers going backwards
David HollandRe: Version numbers going backwards
Johan Ceuppenssvgalib 64 bit problem
Johan CeuppensRe: svgalib 64 bit problem
Robert SwindellsPython versions
Thomas KlausnerRe: Python versions
Robert SwindellsRe: Python versions
Greg TroxelRe: Python versions
Robert SwindellsRe: Python versions
Greg TroxelRe: Python versions