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Re: SSH -> Secure Shell renaming is *not* official.


In the IETF, it is the *working group chair* who is the judge of
whether or not consensus exists.  Tatu should have called me, and I
would have told him:

 - I was uncertain of consensus
 - until consensus was clear it would be inappropriate to change

Moreover, I informed Tatu of exactly how I wanted to handle any
potential renaming on several occasions.

In a private message I sent on 13 Feb 2001 to Tatu, I stated:

   The appropriate thing to do is for me to announce [this request for
   renaming] to the working group, and have the WG pick a new name for
   I'll send message to the WG about this when I get some spare cycles.

In another message I sent on 16 Feb 2001 to Tatu, I stated:

   The secure shell working group really needs to come to consensus on
   whether or not renaming is necessary before we can discuss alternate

This should have made it sufficiently clear that he should have
checked with me before taking any action.

> Here is my summary of the renameing discussion between the first
> email suggesting it (Feb 16 15:07:20) and when the draft announcements 
> came out (Mar 6 16:27:40).

Given that the working group mailing list had been flaky until I moved
it to its new home, judging by what made it through to the list and/or
ended up in the archives is risky at best.

					- Bill

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